When did you start to show?


New Member
I am preg. with 6th. I am due in 8 weeks and have not put on any weight.:) I have 5 others to chase around Lol. anyway started showing with this one at the end of 5 monthe begining of 6th month.


All Up In Your Grill
How does that even work? :lol:

I have no idea, but you gotta remember back in the late 80's/early 90's, it was all about the leggings and stuff. But I kid you not, I got home and could wear non-maternity pants and loose fitting shirts. Other than my boobs being about 5x their normal size, you could not tell I had just had a baby.


So happy!
I'm 5'5". I didn't start to show till around 6 1/2 months or so. I was tiny when I got knocked up. 100 pounds or so. I was so sick I lost about 10 of that too.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea, but you gotta remember back in the late 80's/early 90's, it was all about the leggings and stuff. But I kid you not, I got home and could wear non-maternity pants and loose fitting shirts. Other than my boobs being about 5x their normal size, you could not tell I had just had a baby.

Am I going to have to hurt you :tap:


It's not HaHa time....
I didnt start showing until 4 months in. No morning sickness or swelling of any type. I was literally all belly. You could tell I was pregnant from the side, but if you stood in front or behind couldnt tell at all. I weighed 125lbs before, got up to 160lbs, they (twin girls, Baby "A" was 4lbs 10oz, and Baby "B" was 3lbs, 11oz) were born 6 weeks early, and I walked out weighing 117lbs, and holding steady at 125lbs...


Cleopatra Jones
With Thing one I was pretty underweight to start and had little - no morning sickness so I ate everything in site for the first 4 months. I showed really early by my standards but no one else could tell until probably 6 months. I gained 50#s on my 5'4" frame. With Thing 2 I was sick the whole pregnancy. I may have showed a little earlier but it was around the same. I only gained 18#s with him. My face was fatter with #1 if anything. :lol:


I hate all of you!!!

5 foot even. Started showing in 3rd month...well that was my story...
Went into labor at 5 months...bedrest - gained 75 pounds....201 when I arrived at the hospital, 200 after having an 8 pound baby...that was 8 years ago....I still have a lot of baby weight to lose...and yes...I have been asked when I was due.....I just lie and say 4 months...its easier for the other person...dont you think....

Anyone know of a be skinny quick gimmick that works? I have been searching....:buddies:

There is no such thing as get skinny quick without undesired side effects and imediate weight gain after.... just gotta move, meet me at the pool this summer :yay:

Ditto!! I'm 5' tall and started showing/had to switch to maternity clothes at about 4 1/2 months (he weighed 6 lbs, 1 oz). Byfull term, it looked like I had a basket ball or two in my shirt! With the second, it was about a month earlier (she weighed 5 lbs, 13 1/2 oz). Of course, the second time around, I wasn't interested in "holding it in"!! Also, I carried her "all around" instead of out front.

Weighed less the day I went home than when I got pregnant with both. Of course, it was distributed in a totally different manner!!

Uh oh, I could be having a little girl. Shoot me now.

Im not sure... Im about 3 1/2 months, could you tell ? :confused:

:roflmao: With each pregnancy I had, I gained at least 50. With my last one, I gained 85 and topped 200 pounds! Each time, I walked out of the hospital wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes.

Tell me I wasn't hated. :lol:

I gained 30# last pregnancy and so far 10# this one (I switched up my diet to a less healthy one due to being sick all of the first trimester).

:killingme. Yeah. He weighed 10 1/2 pounds. :lol:

My first was 10# 5oz.... I feel your pain :huggy:

5'2" and I showed in my first trimester with all 3. Gained 19 pounds with the 1st, 26 pounds with the 2nd, and 30 pounds with the last.

Did you have gestational diabetes or borderline? They're testing me for it now b/c I was borderline gest. diabetes last pregnancy.

I am preg. with 6th. I am due in 8 weeks and have not put on any weight.:) I have 5 others to chase around Lol. anyway started showing with this one at the end of 5 monthe begining of 6th month.

WOW.... you have quite a troop there, good for you! So you were made for having babies it seems.

With Thing one I was pretty underweight to start and had little - no morning sickness so I ate everything in site for the first 4 months. I showed really early by my standards but no one else could tell until probably 6 months. I gained 50#s on my 5'4" frame. With Thing 2 I was sick the whole pregnancy. I may have showed a little earlier but it was around the same. I only gained 18#s with him. My face was fatter with #1 if anything. :lol:

I hate that pregnant face on me! yeah, I'll be at the pool this summer so I can exercise at least.


Loving My Life...

I'm having a boy and he's up HIGH...

Last one was a girl and she was low..

Very first one if I remember was in the middle and he was a boy!



I'm having a boy and he's up HIGH...

Last one was a girl and she was low..

Very first one if I remember was in the middle and he was a boy!

My favorite is when people SWEAR you're having a boy or a girl just b/c of the way you carry, what you're craving, that you're sick or not sick, b/c of you're weight gain.... etc.

I'm not going to find out what I'm having. BF will know and so will his mom and sister but not me.


Free to Fly
My favorite is when people SWEAR you're having a boy or a girl just b/c of the way you carry, what you're craving, that you're sick or not sick, b/c of you're weight gain.... etc.

I'm not going to find out what I'm having. BF will know and so will his mom and sister but not me.

You're right about how you carry not necessarily meaning anything! I carried my youngest daughter all out front exactly as I had her brother and not at all the way I carried her sister (which was all around). My first instinct was that I was having another girl but I changed my mind because of her positioning like my son had.
My favorite is when people SWEAR you're having a boy or a girl just b/c of the way you carry, what you're craving, that you're sick or not sick, b/c of you're weight gain.... etc.

I'm not going to find out what I'm having. BF will know and so will his mom and sister but not me.

I guarantee you will have a boy, or a girl.

p.s. You're still my number 1 forumite!


Well-Known Member
I guarantee you will have a boy, or a girl.

p.s. You're still my number 1 forumite!


W/ the last 2 I pretended I didnt know what I was having (since I already had 2 boys) it was funny to watch people say "omg you are havign a girl I can tell btw you are carrying" "or what you are craving" etc... knowing all along they were boys:lmao:


I guarantee you will have a boy, or a girl.

p.s. You're still my number 1 forumite!


Gosh I hope you're right about what I'm having!


W/ the last 2 I pretended I didnt know what I was having (since I already had 2 boys) it was funny to watch people say "omg you are havign a girl I can tell btw you are carrying" "or what you are craving" etc... knowing all along they were boys:lmao:

HA! I love that! :lmao: