If I may ...
If I may ...
A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, that does not protect, and instead, interferes, circumvents, subverts, restricts, bans, and licences, the rights, freedoms, liberties of the individual.Something has been gnawing at me for a while and here is as good a spot as any.
We’re barraged with the notion that it is not “democracy” if a bill is thwarted while it does get 50% plus one vote. The filibuster yes, but elsewhere as well. That somehow democracy is only happening if a majority however THIN passes something.
It’s democracy when the people choose, and not monarchs or oligarchs or dictators. There’s no requirement for something to be democratic by a tiny sliver of a majority.
I know from decades of experience that if you, say, have to get 25 co-workers to pick a restaurant and the vote goes 13-12 - and it is hotly contested - what you GET is 13 people going and all or some of the others not going. When it’s an issue where there is huge disagreement - single vote majorities aren’t going to resolve anything.
We have a deliberative body so that solutions amenable to both sides can happen. They don’t. We get very little bipartisan bills (and I mean bipartisan in the sense of more than just a few people). And that needn’t be.