But wait, there's more...
DQ is SOOOOOOO lucky to have her ass right now! 
She went to her friend's house across the street, walkie-talkie in hand (she has one, I have the other) to play in their back yard. She takes the WT along so that I can call her on it vs yelling through the neighborhood when it's time to come home. She was gone all of 10 minutes, and I routinely call her to check on her about every 5 minutes or so.
So, I call her cause we're gonna head out ... no answer ... again ... no answer ... again ... no answer. So across the street I go ... no kids in back yard. Ring friend's house doorbell, dad comes to the door, and I ask where the kids are. He checks the house, no kids. So through the neighborhood we go, calling them, no kids. I grab my keys and cell, ready to call the police, back down the driveway, and they both come walking up from between some other neighbors houses. I say two words to her: HOUSE NOW!
We live in a good neighborhood, all the neighbors know each other and know the kids and we all keep an eye out for them, but I'm not naive enough to think a stranger couldn't come and do something bad. And I've had the discussions with her before about how kids disappear every day, never to be heard from again, and have told her about the ugly things people do to kids when they kidnap them. So "education" is not on backorder in our house about this kind of thing. She went next door to the other neighbor's house one day without telling me, and I laid the smackdown on her then because it scared the hell out of me, and I thought I had scared her enough to know better as well.
I'm so mad right now, I cannot see straight enough to even hug her to be glad that she IS home and not in the back of some nut-jobs car being carted off to go knows what kind of hell. I was nice about it the first time she did this, but I unloaded a verbal ass whipping this time that has her bawling her eyes out in her room right now.
Anyone else been down this road a time or two with their kids? How do you make them understand, short of having a friend pull a pretend kidnap scenario on them to scare the shiat out of them to get it to sink in? :shrug:

She went to her friend's house across the street, walkie-talkie in hand (she has one, I have the other) to play in their back yard. She takes the WT along so that I can call her on it vs yelling through the neighborhood when it's time to come home. She was gone all of 10 minutes, and I routinely call her to check on her about every 5 minutes or so.
So, I call her cause we're gonna head out ... no answer ... again ... no answer ... again ... no answer. So across the street I go ... no kids in back yard. Ring friend's house doorbell, dad comes to the door, and I ask where the kids are. He checks the house, no kids. So through the neighborhood we go, calling them, no kids. I grab my keys and cell, ready to call the police, back down the driveway, and they both come walking up from between some other neighbors houses. I say two words to her: HOUSE NOW!
We live in a good neighborhood, all the neighbors know each other and know the kids and we all keep an eye out for them, but I'm not naive enough to think a stranger couldn't come and do something bad. And I've had the discussions with her before about how kids disappear every day, never to be heard from again, and have told her about the ugly things people do to kids when they kidnap them. So "education" is not on backorder in our house about this kind of thing. She went next door to the other neighbor's house one day without telling me, and I laid the smackdown on her then because it scared the hell out of me, and I thought I had scared her enough to know better as well.
I'm so mad right now, I cannot see straight enough to even hug her to be glad that she IS home and not in the back of some nut-jobs car being carted off to go knows what kind of hell. I was nice about it the first time she did this, but I unloaded a verbal ass whipping this time that has her bawling her eyes out in her room right now.
Anyone else been down this road a time or two with their kids? How do you make them understand, short of having a friend pull a pretend kidnap scenario on them to scare the shiat out of them to get it to sink in? :shrug: