When someone tells you..


JPC said:
Yes, some few people do it right, but very few.

That is why I do not believe in blind faith, "because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God", and that means read the scriptures and find out the reality.

IMO, :coffee:

You misquote and misrepresent the bible whenever it suits you to do so - you misrepresent modern day life, society, and the laws whenever it suits you.

You misrepresent THE DICTIONARY when it suits you.

And you're going to have the nerve to go off on a rant about people who "misrepresent" the bible to serve their own ends. While I think that it's disgusting for people to do so, I think you should be the last person to judge others on this weakness.

You definitely have a set of brass ones, my friend, and audacity like noone I've ever met.

Or hope to meet.


Asperger's Poster Child
Homesick said:
they'll pray for you..does that offend you?

Depends on the motive. If I'm sick or if I'm experiencing some other misfortune, the believer obviously wishes me well. But if the believer wants me to change my religious beliefs, I resent that attitude.
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JPC, Sr.

The Wizard!

2ndAmendment said:
But you don't believe what you read in the scriptures, You even told that to the pastor of our church with me present. So for you, it is what you believe and nothing else matters.
:larry: It is not that I do not believe what I read in the Bible, it is that I interpret the Bible in the way that I believe is correct, so in some cases me and others agree and some parts we disagree on. It works for me.
2ndAmendment said:
Just like your belief that you don't have to support your child.
:jameo: I have said that it is wrong to enforce or to obey unjust laws and the child support laws are unjust. I do not see that those unjust laws have anything at all with actually supporting children since all the children already have all they need. Except that the law does alienate the separated parents from their children so that is one thing the children do not have and reform of child support would be the way to help the families and not just steal money.
2ndAmendment said:
:whistle: By the way, if you don't believe the Bible except what you hand select and don't believe what the preacher preaches, why do you come to church?
:bigwhoop: I do not know. :coffee:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:larry: It is not that I do not believe what I read in the Bible, it is that I interpret the Bible in the way that I believe is correct, so in some cases me and others agree and some parts we disagree on. It works for me.
But when you are shown scripture that directly and unambiguously refutes your understanding, you ignore that scripture. All the Bible is harmonious and does not contradict itself. If someone's interpretation of scripture disagrees with other scripture, then the interpretation must be suspect. The correct interpretation will be the one that makes all scripture concerning a subject agree.

In that regard, satan is a fallen archangel that has the earth as his dwelling place for now, is able to torment and test people, is a liar, and is trying to destroy people and get people to follow him to his eventual place of eternal residence which will be in the lake of fire.

Jesus came that all might be saved. The Bible does not say all will be saved. Satan is certainly one that is said by the Bible that will receive his just reward of eternal torment.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Homesick said:
I never ask someone to pray for me, nor do I tell someone I pray for them. Guess that's a good thing, after reading some of what I read here.
How do you reconcile that with the scriptures that say we should ask to be prayed for and to pray for others (James 5).


Well-Known Member
2ndAmendment said:
How do you reconcile that with the scriptures that say we should ask to be prayed for and to pray for others (James 5).

I know it's okay to do so, as the Bible says. I meant not doing so in this forum because all the upset it seems to cause.

IRL tho, in all honesty, I never ask for someone to pray for me either....a being humble thing.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Homesick said:
I know it's okay to do so, as the Bible says. I meant not doing so in this forum because all the upset it seems to cause.

IRL tho, in all honesty, I never ask for someone to pray for me either....a being humble thing.
I see asking someone to pray for me as an act of humility. I am admitting that I am not sufficient to myself, that I need help from God and from others. I need their support spiritually. I find comfort when someones says they will pray for me. I think it means they love me and care about me enough to go to God on my behalf.

When someone says, "God bless you.", I take it literally. I'll take all the blessings from God I can get.

JPC, Sr.

The Wizard!

2ndAmendment said:
How do you reconcile that with the scriptures that say we should ask to be prayed for and to pray for others (James 5).
:larry: The way I reconcile it starts here,

Link, to James 5:13-20, King James Version,

The parts that I do not skip over concerning prayer starts in those verses at 5:15 "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick," so if the prayer is selfish or supporting sinful intentions or based in false faith then the prayer is worthless even if granted. Then text James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another," so any prayer that hides fault or tries to undermine truth is worthless even if God grants it. And 5:16b "The effectual fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much." so one has to be in the right and pray right and must stop doing wrong or that prayer is worthless too. And verse 5:20, shows that the whole idea is to convert the sinner from the error of their ways, and not for gratifying the whims of just any damned prayer.

:yay: In the old languages "prayer" did not mean the religious holy only meaning that is given in the meaning today. As before one would pray to the King and pray to the Courts and pray to friends and neighbors. As in, "Pray tell?"


JPC said:
:larry: The way I reconcile it starts here,

Link, to James 5:13-20, King James Version,

The parts that I do not skip over concerning prayer starts in those verses at 5:15 "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick," so if the prayer is selfish or supporting sinful intentions or based in false faith then the prayer is worthless even if granted. Then text James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another," so any prayer that hides fault or tries to undermine truth is worthless even if God grants it. And 5:16b "The effectual fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much." so one has to be in the right and pray right and must stop doing wrong or that prayer is worthless too. And verse 5:20, shows that the whole idea is to convert the sinner from the error of their ways, and not for gratifying the whims of just any damned prayer.

:yay: In the old languages "prayer" did not mean the religious holy only meaning that is given in the meaning today. As before one would pray to the King and pray to the Courts and pray to friends and neighbors. As in, "Pray tell?"
"Pray tell" is another way of say "Please do tell" fool. It didn't mean they were praying to them.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:larry: The way I reconcile it starts here,

Link, to James 5:13-20, King James Version,

The parts that I do not skip over concerning prayer starts in those verses at 5:15 "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick," so if the prayer is selfish or supporting sinful intentions or based in false faith then the prayer is worthless even if granted. Then text James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another," so any prayer that hides fault or tries to undermine truth is worthless even if God grants it. And 5:16b "The effectual fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much." so one has to be in the right and pray right and must stop doing wrong or that prayer is worthless too. And verse 5:20, shows that the whole idea is to convert the sinner from the error of their ways, and not for gratifying the whims of just any damned prayer.

:yay: In the old languages "prayer" did not mean the religious holy only meaning that is given in the meaning today. As before one would pray to the King and pray to the Courts and pray to friends and neighbors. As in, "Pray tell?"
You really need a reality check. Why do you think God would honor a prayer under false pretenses? I find no where that He would. No prayer except to satan is "damned." Why would you use vulgar language in this forum?

Your understanding of English, current, Middle, and Old, is pitiful.

Main Entry: pray
Pronunciation: 'prA
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French preier, from Latin precari, from prec-, prex request, prayer; akin to Old High German frAgEn to ask, Sanskrit prcchati he asks
transitive senses
1 : ENTREAT, IMPLORE -- often used as a function word in introducing a question, request, or plea <pray be careful>
2 : to get or bring by praying
intransitive senses
1 : to make a request in a humble manner
2 : to address God or a god with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving

"Pray tell" would be a request to give an answer. In "pray be careful", "pray" would be the equivalent of "please" which is a plea.

Now JPC, Sr.,
Pray that ye would depart these regions never hither for to come.

JPC, Sr.

The Wizard!

2ndAmendment said:
You really need a reality check. Why do you think God would honor a prayer under false pretenses? I find no where that He would.
:larry: It is a irony that God curses people by giving them what they pray for. Give the person what they want and what they ask for is refered to in the Bible as "reap what ye sow".
But note that God's cursings are blessing in disguise as in, JAMES 5:20, that it works to stop the sinner of their wicked ways.
2ndAmendment said:
"Pray tell" would be a request to give an answer. In "pray be careful", "pray" would be the equivalent of "please" which is a plea.

Now JPC, Sr.,
Pray that ye would depart these regions never hither for to come.
:jameo: See this is an example of a selfish and sinful prayer.

JPC, Sr.

The Wizard!

camily said:
"Pray tell" is another way of say "Please do tell" fool. It didn't mean they were praying to them.
:larry: Yes, that is the point.

To use "pray" and "prayer" as some holy coversation with God is a pompous and arrogant act of religious grandiosity.

God does not want people to be weak or timid or afraid and so the modern version of prayer is only for those that do not do as told.

A Preacher that I like.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
JPC said:
...See this is an example of a selfish and sinful prayer.
No it isn't. I am not praying to you nor God in that instance. You show such lack of understanding it is absolutely amazing that you can function at all in th real world.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
Why, oh why, do I read his posts? :banghead:
I'd put him on ignore, but I don't want him to have free reign to spout his ignorance without someone to put the scripture into a Biblical context.


2ndAmendment said:
No it isn't. I am not praying to you nor God in that instance. You show such lack of understanding it is absolutely amazing that you can function at all in th real world.

Are you sure he does? :whistle: