Evil....One point of view
According to a text, The Hastings Manuscript, my Sunday School class leader gave me for study:
"This concept is not easily made precise in Biblical thought, for it is hard to distinguish between what we would call sin on one hand and what we would call disaster, on the other.
Knowledge of good and evil is a characteristic of judges and governors, and of course devine beings. This power of distinction
was not innate in man but was assumed in disobedience to God and in the aspiration to be more like Him; but the power now exists in man. (Gen 2-3)
One can hardly say the OT explains the origin of evil; but it connects with the power to distinguish evil. Afterwards, however, evil and violence become characteristic of human life.(Gen 6:5, 11,
8: 21) Evil in the OT is more a comprehensive term than deliberate depravity. A man may be eaten by an evil beast; a catastrophy may fall on a city, and this is evil, which God must have done.
God is indeed the creator of evil or woe as well as welfare.(Isah 45: 7) There are spirits of evil, who are under Gods' control(Judges 9 :23, 1 Kngs 22: 21-23, Job 1-2). The true Israelite, however, is one who turns away from evil and seeks God.
In the Qumran texts we see the spirit of lies and evil become much more prominent, with the doctrine of the two spirits in man. The spirit of of error leads men into all kinds of evil, and this evil has its seat in their flesh.
The members of the community are conscious of the assault of evil against them, and of how nearly they have succumbed to it; but they are confident of cleansing themselves from it. There is an epoch of evil now permitted, at the end of which, evil will be unmasked and be purified away.
In the NT the evil spirits are also prominent, causing all kinds of sickness and destruction, and Jesus makes His attack on evil by casting them out and healing the sick. The "Evil One" is the prince or controller of this world, which lies 'in the Evil One';
he is judged, condemned and destroyed by Christ. (1 John 5: 19, John 16:11).
For deliverance from evil or the Evil One, the Disciples pray, for evil attacks and tempts them continually. Words, thoughts, desires, the heart of unbelief, the conscious, may all be evil; but the Church should and must be cleansed by the work of Christ.
Meanwhile, pain and suffering, which in the OT would be included under 'evil', continue in the fleshy existence of the Churches members, but are turned to good by God and made to show forth His goodness, as also the evil of the Cross. The full destruction of evil and the evil powers awaits the consummation."
(Mt 25: 41, 2 Th 2, Rev 20)