Where did Evil come from?


Dancing Up A Storm
:smile: I've thought about what you said my friend, but well it's obvious I'm not perfect - heck, got a long, long way to go. Bear with me.


Football season!
Originally posted by penncam
:smile: I've thought about what you said my friend, but well it's obvious I'm not perfect - heck, got a long, long way to go. Bear with me.

So you're saying eventually you will be prefect? Rather God-like of you. When you reach that peak, can you throw us down a rope?


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
At the risk of offending our more tolerant Christian brethren, I'm not the one who talks to imaginary beings and asks them to solve all my problems for me.
:frown: Gee, that statement is a bit insensitive, no matter how well you qualify it, vrai.

So you think God is an imaginary thing?

That's great, but I think you just offended a whole lot of people on this board who do believe in God not to mention the untold number of guests watching.

Way to go, girl.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
it would be interesting to see just how many people complain to the board mommy about posts
What's interesting is that the people who get accused of complaining are never the ones that do.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by penncam
So you think God is an imaginary thing?
Cute turnaround. :clap: I, personally, think God is an imaginary thing. What other people think is their own business, as I've stated numerous times on this board. I do not feel so insecure in my beliefs that I have to attack people who believe differently. *ahem*


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by SmallTown
So you're saying eventually you will be prefect?

Rather God-like of you. When you reach that peak, can you
throw us down a rope?
First of all, you do need to take some spelling lessons ST:


Second, I'm never going to be perfect, never said I was. That is just something you concocted in your mind.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Cute turnaround. :clap: I, personally, think God is an imaginary thing. What other people think is their own business, as I've stated numerous times on this board. I do not feel so insecure in my beliefs that I have to attack people who believe differently. *ahem*

You know, I must have missed that spot where somebody declared that you were insecure, vrai.

However, there is a very old saying: "if the shoe fits............."

Believe what you want to believe, that is your choice.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by bluto
Maybe he thought you were getting a job at smcdems school.

:lmao: :roflmao: :lmao:
That's rich, bluto!! But darn it, I think if you're going to try to make an underhanded point, ya ought to at least try to get it down right!


Dancing Up A Storm
:smile: Man, you're right on again. I want you to know you're fast becoming my idol!

Ain't that scary!?!?


Football season!
Originally posted by penncam
:smile: I've thought about what you said my friend, but well it's obvious I'm not perfect - heck, got a long, long way to go. Bear with me.

Second, I'm never going to be perfect, never said I was. That is just something you concocted in your mind.

Saying you have a long way to go does imply you are trying to reach that level.
So which is it, you set goals so high because you are scared of success, or set them so high so that if you fail you can blame it on the scale and not the effort?

Which ever the case may be, good luck.


Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by SmallTown
Saying you have a long way to go does imply you are trying to reach that level.
So which is it, you set goals so high because you are scared of success, or set them so high so that if you fail you can blame it on the scale and not the effort?

Which ever the case may be, good luck.
:cool: Let me try one more time: Not everybody is going to agree with me, especially deeply religious folks, and believe me ST, they are out there. I know more than a few of them.
I don't know if I can ever live my life to the highest standards of
of religious piety, or holiness, whatever else you care to call it. I'm not sure my own set of ethics will let me do that.

But I do feel you can try to work towards that end. If you believe in a Heaven or a Hades it's important that you try. If there is a judgement day, and again if you believe in it, one of the sayings I've heard is "You want to be right with God when your time comes". So what I'm saying is, if you haven't tried to work towards that goal, you've lost.

On the other side of the coin, if you do not believe any of it, then you will have lost nothing, because there was nothing there for you in the first place. Heck, ST, I am not an expert on this, I'm exploring the Bible scriptures, trying to learn, that's all.
Does that make any sense?
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Football season!
Originally posted by penncam

Does that make any sense?


So, as a religous guy, do you get upset or laugh at the joke :
"When Osama Bin Laden got to the gates of heaven, they turned around and asked - 'Hey Jesus, did you order a cab?' "


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown

So, as a religous guy, do you get upset or laugh at the joke :
"When Osama Bin Laden got to the gates of heaven, they turned around and asked - 'Hey Jesus, did you order a cab?' "
To which he replied... "No. I'm interviewing for counter clerks at the new 7-11 we're putting in."


b*tch rocket
Okay, guess I must add my two cents to the thread that never dies! :lol:

First off Penn, you shouldn't get all bent when atheists believe that God is an "imaginary being". That is their belief, it's the whole basis behind atheism. You're kinda being an "ugly Christian" when you throw out

It's as though naysayers and atheists don't have anything they can truly believe in, except themselves, and that would seem to lead to an egotistical attitude.


Instead of reaching outwards, they are only looking inward; and I surmise that they are not happy with what they see.

Egotism and unhappiness is not a character trait reserved solely for atheists. One of the major "flaws" many newly found Christians exhibit is a real lack of humbleness. They tend to forget that "the road to hell was paved with good intentions." :wink:


Dancing Up A Storm
I get your point

Originally posted by vraiblonde
That's a surprise because you sure act like you know it all.
:smile: The trouble is that when you start learning something and think you've got a grasp of a few major theories, you immediately start coming off as a know-it-all.

I have to say you're right. It does sound just like that.

Somebody else said it a long time ago: "A little knowledge is dangerous" You've learned just enough to get yourself killed.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by Christy
Okay, guess I must add my two cents to the thread that never dies! :lol:

First off Penn, you shouldn't get all bent when atheists believe that God is an "imaginary being".


One of the major "flaws" many newly found Christians exhibit is a real lack of humbleness. They tend to forget that "the road to hell was paved with good intentions." :wink:

:blushing: Yeah, I got carried away with my ideas here, and I apologize for making those remarks.

They were just musings in my head, and I shouldn't have made them public without thinking them through more.

They sounded like they had merit when I was writing them, but upon review, they do sound kinda stuffy and full of it.

Again forgive me, if you can, for applying what little I've learned and attempting to debate issues that are about 2,500 years older than me.
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Dancing Up A Storm
Originally posted by SmallTown

So, as a religous guy, do you get upset or laugh at the joke :
"When Osama Bin Laden got to the gates of heaven, they turned around and asked - 'Hey Jesus, did you order a cab?' "
:smile: ST, I'm not that far around the bend that I can't recognize humor in religion, outrageous or not.

First reactions to OSB at the gates of heaven would be "right!!"
I don't think you're gonna see that boy anywheres near those gates.
But if in some bizarre scenario he made it to them, I can't think of a line any better that what Kyle offered up.

That seriously cracked me up! "Counter clerks for the new 7-11"?


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: I get your point

Originally posted by bluto
So you're going to kill vrai?

:roflmao: :roflmao: Bluto, you are truly nuts! The last thing I recall killing was a nasty 'ol aphid trying to do lunch on a new hybrid tea rose bush I had just planted!!

I can't get angry to the point of homicide because somebody doesn't hold the same beliefs as me. Hurling a few smart comebacks is one thing, but then again dealing with you is another!!! :biggrin: :getdown: :roflmao: