Where does one go?


New Member


I know exactly what you mean! I go to work, then home to my cats..most of my friends from high school/college have kids and can't hang out as much..finding girls with something going for them is becoming more difficult now that I am out of college.

So where does one go to meet nice people and make some girl friends (not in a sexual way!)? I'm 24 and all I ever do is work and then go home. I need some friends!

psst you three should talk


New Member
Yep, thats a great idea! We should get a group together and meet up one time (preferably on a weekend so we dont have to rush back to work!)

Why don't all you young gals get together for lunch or something? That's how most of us met each other - just had lunch or met up for dinner, picked who we liked, kicked the rest to the curb, and here we are :cheers:

Really interesting what you can see when you're at the curb level...... dirt, cig butts, the occasional penny......


Having Fun!
I thought everyone knew.


Sorry to hear that! Sometimes when you work with something day in and day out you end up being jaded about it and failing to really appreciate it. Sure hope that hasn't happened to you yet!
