Where Does that Pool Water Come?


blacklabman said:
One of those tank trucks carrying pool water went by on the way down to the high rent district. Where do they get that water? Are they depleting the aquifer so that some rich trash can go swimming? Do they pay for it? I recall seeing one of these trucks pulled up to and attached to a fire hydrant.

It's my understanding that they do pay for the water taken from hydrants. You should see a meter hooked up between their hose and the hydrant. If you don't, they may be cheatin a little. Either way, if it's done right, the hyrants get a flushing, which is a good thing. The county is getting paid for the water and people are making money to fill up pools.

Oh, and I am definitely not rich but do have a pool. No BMW, no big fancy house, no boat, just a pool. Hopefully that doesn't make me too trashy. :howdy:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Christy said:
Speaking of pools, I'm tempted to be nice and get in there and start scrubbing down the walls before we refill it, but I'm afraid I'd get stuck in the deep end and I'd have to call 911 for a rescue. (how embarrassing would that be?)

Harness the pigs and have them haul you out. :yay:


curiouser and curiouser
Christy said:
Speaking of pools, I'm tempted to be nice and get in there and start scrubbing down the walls before we refill it, but I'm afraid I'd get stuck in the deep end and I'd have to call 911 for a rescue. (how embarrassing would that be?)
Why couldn't you just walk over to the shallow end? :eyebrow:


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I just got a new liner in my pool and to seat it properly I bought 14000 gallons of water at a little over $500. The kicker is the guy who delivers it is named Pitcher. :lmao:

The cost is not so much in the water as it is the fuel they use to haul all that water to you. It sucks but floating a liner sucks all that much more. I just got two truck loads and then garden hosed the rest.
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I bowl overhand
flomaster said:
I just got a new liner in my pool and to seat it properly I bought 140,000 gallons of water at a little over $500. The kicker is the guy who delivers it is named Pitcher. :lmao:

The cost is not so much in the water as it is the fuel they use to haul all that water to you. It sucks but floating a liner sucks all that much more. I just got two truck loads and then garden hosed the rest.
That's a big ass pool...


Well-Known Member
flomaster said:
I just got a new liner in my pool and to seat it properly I bought 140000 gallons of water at a little over $500. The kicker is the guy who delivers it is named Pitcher. :lmao:

The cost is not so much in the water as it is the fuel they use to haul all that water to you. It sucks but floating a liner sucks all that much more. I just got two truck loads and then garden hosed the rest.

Too many zeros in that? 140,000 or 14,000? That's ~ 18,000 cubic feet. An area 40 x 20 x 8 is only 6,400 cubic feet. You must have a lake!


Well-Known Member
I would like to convince my BF's parents to let us put one of those little blue inflatable type pools in their backyard. I saw an ad for one (granted, it's only 3' deep by 10' in diameter or something) for only around $50. It would be nice for the kiddies to swim in... and for us to dunk in and cool off. They've already let me put a garden in (which will also benefit them). Think it'd be asking too much? :eyebrow:


I Need a Beer
flomaster said:
I just got a new liner in my pool and to seat it properly I bought 140000 gallons of water at a little over $500. The kicker is the guy who delivers it is named Pitcher. :lmao:

The cost is not so much in the water as it is the fuel they use to haul all that water to you. It sucks but floating a liner sucks all that much more. I just got two truck loads and then garden hosed the rest.

How much water is in a truck load? It took three truck loads to fill our pool.


b*tch rocket
Nickel said:
Why couldn't you just walk over to the shallow end? :eyebrow:

Because there is a VERY steep drop to the deep end, and without having grippy shoes (which could damage the liner) I'd be slipping and sliding all over the place. Getting down would be easy, getting back out, tricky.