Where Does that Pool Water Come?


curiouser and curiouser
Christy said:
Because there is a VERY steep drop to the deep end, and without having grippy shoes (which could damage the liner) I'd be slipping and sliding all over the place. Getting down would be easy, getting back out, tricky.
You should get some crocs. :lmao:


b*tch rocket
flomaster said:
I just got a new liner in my pool and to seat it properly I bought 140000 gallons of water at a little over $500. The kicker is the guy who delivers it is named Pitcher. :lmao:

The cost is not so much in the water as it is the fuel they use to haul all that water to you. It sucks but floating a liner sucks all that much more. I just got two truck loads and then garden hosed the rest.

We filled ours years ago with the garden hose, when we had the liner replaced, it wasn't so bad, but then again we had a professional pool guy sucking out the air between the liner and the walls. I fear this time doing it on our own is going to be a disaster, but Steve is confidant that he can do it just fine. I on the other hand am fully expecting to be tapping in to the home equity line of credit to repair the damage he does while refilling. :bawl:

Fat Momma

blacklabman said:
One of those tank trucks carrying pool water went by on the way down to the high rent district. Where do they get that water? Are they depleting the aquifer so that some rich trash can go swimming? Do they pay for it? I recall seeing one of these trucks pulled up to and attached to a fire hydrant.

Who in the hell do you think you are calling people you do not even know rich trash?

I have two pools and a hot tub, I can freaking tell you right now I am far from being trashy of any level.

get your facts before you post something so stupid


Baby blues
blacklabman said:
One of those tank trucks carrying pool water went by on the way down to the high rent district. Where do they get that water? Are they depleting the aquifer so that some rich trash can go swimming? Do they pay for it? I recall seeing one of these trucks pulled up to and attached to a fire hydrant.

If I call the pool truck guy down the street (Cullins), and he fills his truck from the well, and then drives down to my house and dumps it in my pool, what is the difference in that, or me just filling it from the well myself? (Except his truck is ALOT faster!) We are both getting the water from the same place.
Tinkerbell said:
If I call the pool truck guy down the street (Cullins), and he fills his truck from the well, and then drives down to my house and dumps it in my pool, what is the difference in that, or me just filling it from the well myself? (Except his truck is ALOT faster!) We are both getting the water from the same place.
Yep, the aquifer we are using for drinking water. When it's depleted, then what?
Nucklesack said:
It evaporates, it goes into the same air we breathe eventually falling to the ground as rain, that in turn refills the aquifers we all use for drinking water.
Unfortunately it takes much longer for the water falling as rain in PA to reach here than it does for us to pump it out of the ground. Wells in neighborhoods all over SoMD have had to have been deepened because of the drop in the water table.


Baby blues
desertrat said:
Yep, the aquifer we are using for drinking water. When it's depleted, then what?

We use the next aquifer. :shrug: There's at least three around here , ya know. Do you realize that the time it would take the deplete the aquifers, you'll be long gone, dust, and so will your kids, grandkids, great grandkids, etc. etc. etc.

The earth as we know it isn't going to last forever no matter what we do. It's a living thing, constantly changing. It's still settling down from the last Ice Age!
Tinkerbell said:
We use the next aquifer. :shrug: There's at least three around here , ya know. Do you realize that the time it would take the deplete the aquifers, you'll be long gone, dust, and so will your kids, grandkids, great grandkids, etc. etc. etc.

The earth as we know it isn't going to last forever no matter what we do. It's a living thing, constantly changing. It's still settling down from the last Ice Age!
I just don't want to pay to have my well deepened again. Future generations can figure out where to get their own water.


professional daydreamer
desertrat said:
I just don't want to pay to have my well deepened again.

Too bad, so sad.

Since I can't smoke anywhere anymore, I think I should drop a pool in the ground before that's banned, too.

Fat Momma

vraiblonde said:
Can I come swim in your pool? I promise I won't pee. :flowers:

Help yourself, I got an heated above ground, a heated indoor inground and the hot tub is outside on the pool deck...

Plenty of room