which cell phone works best ?



Originally posted by letsmove
need to buy a family plan and want to know what company to go with for st marys county...


PREMO Member
Friday, July 9, 2004

FCC will clear emergency airwaves
Nextel is key to plan to end interference from cell phones
Federal regulators unanimously approved a plan yesterday aimed at eliminating cell-phone interference with hundreds of public-safety communication systems around the country.

The Federal Communications Commission plan calls for Reston, Va.-based Nextel Communications Inc. to acquire a band of the radio spectrum worth $4.8 billion.

In exchange, Nextel will give up other parts of the spectrum and pay to reconfigure the airwaves it currently occupies to ensure that public-service communications systems are free of interference.

Nextel spokeswoman Mary Beth Lowell said the company couldn't say yet whether customers would be required to get new phones or could have their current phones modified to use the new frequencies, because Nextel hadn't received sufficient information from the FCC.

Radios used by police officers, firefighters and other first responders broadcast on the same 800- megahertz spectrum as Nextel cell phones. So, if a radio dispatch is made at 850 MHz near a Nextel cell tower broadcasting at 851 MHz, the radio signal can be drowned out.

No injuries or deaths have been reported because of the problem. However, public-safety authorities have said their personnel are put in danger any time they respond to a call and are unable to communicate.

Verizon Wireless, the nation's largest cell-phone company, is expected to mount a legal challenge to the FCC plan. It says that the 1.9- gigahertz spectrum Nextel will acquire should be offered at public auction and that it would be willing to pay $5 billion for it.

Under the plan, Nextel, the nation's sixth-largest cell-phone company, will have to pay a total of $4.8 billion.

But with deductions and credits allowed in the deal, Nextel could end up paying about $1.9 billion for the new spectrum


New Member

I you decide to go with Verizon, which I have to agree has the best coverage in Southern Maryland, steer clear of their two-way phones (the push to talk feature like NEXTEL).

These operate on a different network from their standard cell service. As a result, both the two-way and the celluar phone service STINK!!!

I switched from NEXTEL to this service and got hosed...:boo: :boo: :boo: :boo: :boo:

Asking Verizon in California and they have no idea when service might get better...


24/7 Single Dad
I got a Trak-Phone. No monthly bill, pay as I go, minutes don't expire.
Of course I don't need to check with the SO to make sure I get the correct brand of beans while I'm grocery shopping.


ATT - had them for years and also had great service both in SoMD, the rest of the USA and in Europe. Waiting to see what happens when Cingular has total control.


I dont have the 2 way phone from verizon and it works wonderful down here. I can get reception in some areas that at&t dont work like the base anywhere on it and the general area as they dont have but 1 tower down here as I have been told dont know if it is true or not though.

Verizon is the main carrier down here. But as one of the other fellows said steer away from the 2 way phones I have never had one so I cant tell you anything about them i stuck with the lg phone or something like that. I think they quit using the 2 way down here as they never tell people to get it as an option and I was just in the store less than a month ago to get something fixed and never said anything about a great deal and trying to get me to change to it.


New Member
Verizon Two-Way

I was in the Verizon store about a month ago to pick up a new phone for my wife (dropped service on the NEXTEL to switch to Verizon) and they had the two-way phone sitting out on display (the only have one phone that will operate on this type of system).

I saw a gentleman ask the sales person about them and I never heard her say anything about them operating on a different network from the regular phones. She also didn't mention that service was weaker that the conventional cellular. Don't know if she knew any better, but shouldn't that be something you tell customers, if you know about it? Maybe not. They do give you 15 days to return the phone if you're not happy wth it.


Football Mom!!!
I stopped by the ATT place on Great Mills Road last week and the girl told me they had about 14 ATT towers of their own, plus Cingulars towers which you get free roaming right now


Verizon will try to #### you at every opportunity they get.

I hated Verizon. I hated their service, and I hated their service people. The one phrase I heard more out of Verizon than ANY other phrase was:

"I don't know what to tell you"

This phrase has a tendancy to send me into a rage when uttered from the lips of people to whom I'm paying an ungodly amount of money.

I hate Verizon. I got rid of Verizon as my land-line provider because they pissed me off so bad on their wireless service.

The only people I hate worse than Verizon are Insurance companies.

Don't get me started on Insurance Companies.

Go with Cingular. They don't suck as bad as Verizon.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
I use Verizon and only had one problem. I get coverage in areas where most cells don't (use to fish down by St. George's Island). The only places I have trouble getting coverage are in the building at work and at my aunt's in compton, other than that, I have GREAT coverage EVERYWHERE.

The only problem I had with the sales guy was him not listening when I told him the address on my licence wasn't my mailing address. I got a phone call from Verizon:

Verizon: If you don't pay your bill we'll shut your phone off.
Me: I never got a bill.
Verizon: We sent it a month ago.
Me: To what address?
Me: There's no mailbox at that address. Hell, I don't even
live at that address. I told your sales guy my mailing
address wasn't what was on my licence. I have a P.O.
Verizon: Oh. We'll just put last month's charges on the next
month's bill and send it to the correct address.
Me: Good. Next time, don't threaten me because you made
a mistake; I won't be this nice. *click*


Well-Known Member
Verizon. Thankfully, I haven't had any problems so I haven't had to deal with any Verizon employees. Their landline service is worse than horrible and no one is authorized to even give an answer to any question. The company is hopeless.


I have verizon and I love it, have service mostly everywhere, got a nextel few months ago and its sucks....


New Member
Have Verizon, am very happy with it. Haven't had any problems other than the sales people being sales people. It is their job, after all.


pretty black roses
We have Cingular and LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Free roaming and 5000 night and weekend minutes!! Plus we get 1000 mobile to mobile minutes that does not count towards the regular minutes!


Cleopatra Jones
I had Cingular and dumped them over a year ago and went with Verizon. Couldn't be happier for the most part.

My bf has Nextel and the service area SUCKS! His contract expires this Friday so a few weeks ago he went phone shopping and came home with a Cingular. It was so bad that he ended up canceling within the 15 days he was given to do so. We're going to get him a Verizon tonight.