Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

Which religion(s) do you have a problem with?

  • Muslim

    Votes: 22 40.7%
  • Buddist

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Jews

    Votes: 6 11.1%
  • Christian-Catholic

    Votes: 10 18.5%
  • Christian-Protostan

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 30 55.6%
  • Wiccans

    Votes: 20 37.0%
  • All of the above

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters


New Member
Yes. Because my belief is that before religion, there was natural selection and that whole play nice thing, therefore my beliefs could be considered your religion-denouncing category. I do denounce religion, because before that was something else that influenced religion. I skip religion and go back to science.

Edit: personally denounce. If you believe it, awesome. I'm still looking.

stop being so arrogant by believing something I don't! Even if it is true!

(by the way, even though I'm right and you're wrong, you're the arrogant one)


I bowl overhand
And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.Anda voice from heaven said, "This is mySon, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:13-17)

Granted he's God, but it seems to me here that he is two seperate entities.. One in the water (Jesus) getting baptized and one (God) above proclaiming that it was his Son in the water getting baptized.

What you got?


Well-Known Member
Yes. Because my belief is that before religion, there was natural selection and that whole play nice thing, therefore my beliefs could be considered your religion-denouncing category. I do denounce religion, because before that was something else that influenced religion. I skip religion and go back to science.
But, you've taken this to a personal level, and you've claimed I called YOU arrogant.

So, what you described above is not one of the two categories I'm talking about.

Do you, personally, discount anything you may possibly learn from the vast majority of people around you because the vast majority have their moral code come from religion?


Do you, personally, refuse to accept that if you DO learn your moral code in some part from people around you who've learned at least some of THEIR moral code from religion, that therefore some part of YOUR moral code comes from religious concepts? Even if those concepts predated the religion, the codification of those concepts are religious in nature, and they've been promulgated through the centuries of centuries by religious edict, and therefore a religious compenent makes up part of your particular moral fiber?

If you so discount, or, if you so refuse to accept, then.... well, I disagree.
Yes. Because my belief is that before religion, there was natural selection and that whole play nice thing, therefore my beliefs could be considered your religion-denouncing category. I do denounce religion, because before that was something else that influenced religion. I skip religion and go back to science.

Edit: personally denounce. If you believe it, awesome. I'm still looking.

Oooh. I watched Lord of the Flies over the weekend.... it was a mini-play pretty much depicting what you just typed. Have you seen it or read the book?

Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about religion. They are just based on a fictional books that some guy wrote. I think religion is just a way to control and make money of people who are not smart enough to know any better.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand why people get so bent out of shape about religion. They are just based on a fictional books that some guy wrote. I think religion is just a way to control and make money of people who are not smart enough to know any better.
And, I'll be willing to bet few people you talk to find THAT condescending :lol:


Soul Probe
Agreed. Most atheist I know don't rely on religion to set their moral compass and they accept the unknown without need for philisophical explanations.

Atheists I know never accept the unknown and limit themselves to hard science (as opposed to soft science as well) for their answers or knowledge. They tell me that any "morals" they may have come from survival of the fittest purposes (I kid you not) and anything subsequent to that is because it makes them feel good which is merely a high from synapses in the brain (or some such crap), which basically means it's not morals at all.

I've found that when questioned further a good many of the self-proclaimed Atheists really are Agnostics.


I bowl overhand
Atheists I know never accept the unknown and limit themselves to hard science (as opposed to soft science as well) for their answers or knowledge. They tell me that any "morals" they may have come from survival of the fittest purposes (I kid you not) and anything subsequent to that is because it makes them feel good which is merely a high from synapses in the brain (or some such crap), which basically means it's not morals at all.

I've found that when questioned further a good many of the self-proclaimed Atheists really are Agnostics.

You must be a talented interrogator, of just too hardheaded to accept the fact that people can be good, just to be good. They don't need to be blackmailed or extorted, or threatened to do it, they just do it.

Forget God,

Just be good for goodness sake.
Atheists I know never accept the unknown and limit themselves to hard science (as opposed to soft science as well) for their answers or knowledge. They tell me that any "morals" they may have come from survival of the fittest purposes (I kid you not) and anything subsequent to that is because it makes them feel good which is merely a high from synapses in the brain (or some such crap), which basically means it's not morals at all.

I've found that when questioned further a good many of the self-proclaimed Atheists really are Agnostics.
I am agnostic. I am 1 of a family full of atheists. When I quipped "unknown" it was merely a generalization. Yes, the atheists I know are basically as you describe.
You must be a talented interrogator, of just too hardheaded to accept the fact that people can be good, just to be good. They don't need to be blackmailed or extorted, or threatened to do it, they just do it.

Forget God,

Just be good for goodness sake.
Actually, there is a scientific explanation for why people are "good" just for the sake of being good and in a nutshell, it does have to do with "pleasure" chemicals released in the brain.


I bowl overhand
Actually, there is a scientific explanation for why people are "good" just for the sake of being good and in a nutshell, it does have to do with "pleasure" chemicals released in the brain.

All my pleasure chemicals are in the nightstand on BG's side of the bed...


I bowl overhand
Actually, there is a scientific explanation for why people are "good" just for the sake of being good and in a nutshell, it does have to do with "pleasure" chemicals released in the brain.

But yes, i do understand the point you are making.. Edorphins and the like.. Krebs.. Synapses..


Soul Probe
You must be a talented interrogator, of just too hardheaded to accept the fact that people can be good, just to be good. They don't need to be blackmailed or extorted, or threatened to do it, they just do it.

Forget God,

Just be good for goodness sake.

I am a talented debater, as I dialogued with Atheists for over a decade at one point in time. I could take your good just to be good without God comment, strip it down to it's bare essentials, and rationally run it in the ground, but somd.com is not a good venue for that. You sure you don't wanna go for that long couple cups of coffee? I'm not out to convert you, just merely get you to be reasonable. :buddies:

And hey, I'm just telling you what all true Atheists have told me, I can't help it if you don't it when I'm being informative. :shrug: