so basically you're saying principles didn't come from an almighty being, but from religion. so if not an almighty being, then 'religion' would be developed by people and thereby pointless to worship, since who's to say which people are any better than others when it comes to moral principles.
Good job at disproving your argument
That's quite a circle you drew around yourself, but not what I said at all.
If anything, I'd trust my own moral compass above anyone elses. So why would I follow religion if it's just made up by a bunch of potentially corrupt and unknown people that were around thousands of years ago? Maybe they got it wrong. :gasp:
I'm not necessarily arguing that what I just said is correct, but you just argued their point more than your own.
No, not really - YOU just argued your version of my point as theirs, which is very different than me arguing what you said.
What I said, argued, believe, whatever, is that there is one true religion. Which one it is is completely unimportant for this discussion, however.
When asked about morals, I suggested that it's arrogant for an atheist to suggest that they either don't get their morals from religion, or, to not get their morals from religion and therefore get them from their own devising.
What that means is that the vast majority of people in this nation (the ones who I have a logical chance to be referring to) are surrounded by the vast majority of people who claim one religion or another - I believe it's around 90+% that say they belong to and believe in one religion or another (however, anything over 50% makes my argument true). So, since these people get at least some part of their moral compass from their religion, an atheist must either ignore the actions of a majority of people around them, or, accept that at least some part of their moral code are from the experiences they have with people's religious moral codes.
Now, different religions have different moral codes. If you grew up in the mid-east, stoning a teenage girl for being raped (because she was morally bankrupt enough to put herself in a position where she could be raped) would be perfectly normal - and a religious based moral code. Here in the US, that is outrageously wrong to us - based in no small part on our religious based moral code.
So, I neither claimed that any religion gets its code from an Almighty Being (because, at least some don't even claim to) nor that the Being in question exists or doesn't exist. You put quite a bit of words into my mouth, and virtually none of them were right.