Larry Gude
Strung Out
Ah, but:
The scenario was Janet Reno at one end of the bar, and Kim Kardashian at the other end. Who do you think the guys will be making a beeline for? Do you think a man would even approach Janet to find out that she's intelligent?
Had I shown up for our, your and my, first date looking like Janet Reno I'm am positive - positive! - that you would have chewed your arm off and changed your phone number. Perhaps canceled not only your AOL account, but the whole entire internet. Or maybe you'd have sat through lunch with me and we'd have had a wonkfest, but I highly doubt we'd have been sucking fact on the dock that afternoon.
The question was 'brains or beauty'; not 'uber smart or uber ugly' so, I took that to mean within a relative mean, at least mean to me. You're talking extremes.
Using Kardashian, she and you are sitting at the bar, chatting. I'm at the other end and I keep hearing you saying thought provoking things and every time her mouth opens, I swear I can hear the ocean. I am not saying KK is better looking than you because she's not but, if you're going to use her as an example most would say "Beautiful woman', better looking than the inquisitor sitting next to her, then, 10/10 I'm joining in the conversation with my eyes on you.