Which would you rather have?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
What? Oh hell no, handsome would be the word and if he looks like that the world must be his oyster.

Here's a picture of me when I was much younger. You be the judge.

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Larry Gude

Strung Out
If I had to choose whether to be extremely beautiful and dumb, or extremely brilliant but uglier than homemade sin, I'd choose to be brilliant. Surgery, makeup and other tricks can make you good looking, but stupid is permanent and eternal.

See, that opens up a whole other can of worms. The gorgeous stupid people I know are happy that way. It's like the Dana Carey gag about being in a coma. Maybe it's great?


I understood the question what trait would you like to have, not like to find in a SO.

If that is the case I would have to say smart. Hot only gets you so far. Pretty damn far but still...........