White Supremacists Love The Donald


Active Member
"You have a different opinion then me therefore you're stupid". Are you five.

Well it's like most Republicans and super conservatives. They tout freedom of speech, yet if you say something they don't like, they want you gone. I believe she put me on ignore, but occasionally she takes me off, because she can't stand to say something back LOL.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well it's like most Republicans and super conservatives. They tout freedom of speech, yet if you say something they don't like, they want you gone. I believe she put me on ignore, but occasionally she takes me off, because she can't stand to say something back LOL.

:lol: Don't forget to include progressives in that one.


Active Member
I would like to ask a question here that more or less pertains to the original title of this thread.

Now White supremecists are not known for any particular brand of intelligence, but they are probably not totally stupid.
They have to know that they are less that 1% of the total of white people and that they are not looked on by most as a society of people anyone wants to be in tune with.

If they want to see Trump elected as the title suggests, and they love "The Donald" why would they come out and support him
, which is sure to turn off more people than it turns on.

To be honest, this sounds more like a Democrat dirty trick than anything some skinheads came up with.

Are you serious, you have people who have all different type of ideologies that are not popular, but they speak, no matter how stupid they may sound to others. Even if they know no one will support them and it's a lost cause....

In Trump's case it makes sense. Trump is on the far right as they come, so are extremist groups.

I did remember one news article showing a video of a trump supporter doing the "Heil Hitler" Nazi salute while they were kicking out a protester.
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Well-Known Member
Are you serious, you have people who have all different type of ideologies that are not popular, but they speak, no matter how stupid they may sound to others. Even if they know no one will support them and it's a lost cause....

In Trump's case it makes sense. Trump is on the far right as they come, so are extremist groups.

I did remember one news article showing a video of a trump supporter doing the "Heil Hitler" Nazi salute while they were kicking out a protester.

Trump is far right?? Come on what rock have you been hiding under. Trump was left as Hillary until he started playing his little games with Republicans.

All of sudden he is a Conservative. In a pigs eye. Trump cannot be trusted.


Active Member
Trump is far right?? Come on what rock have you been hiding under. Trump was left as Hillary until he started playing his little games with Republicans.

All of sudden he is a Conservative. In a pigs eye. Trump cannot be trusted.

The White Aryan brotherhood as well as the Neo Nazi's of American disagrees with your statement.


Keep Calm and Don't Care!
I'm a liberal Dem and I don't think....

----All women want to kill their babies: I feel abortion should be an option granted to women (a choice to end the preg).

I don't think....

----All women have been held back by men....: I feel there needs to be more equalization of men and women wages, more rights for women in general (i.e. include women in draft). But you have many successful women walking around. Far successful than their male peers... You have two women running for pres (example). Something you've never would see years ago.

I don't think....

-----All women love Rosie O-Donnell: I don't know where that is going, yet I particularly don't care about Rosie...

In terms of blacks, I don't think "all blacks hate white people". In general many blacks like to congregate in areas around other blacks (i.e. PG county). Because they know they will be more welcomed and may face less discrimination. Same goes a lot of whites like to move to places like W Virginia, away from blacks. Because they feel all Blacks are killers, drug users and welfare recipients.

The so-called gender gap is a myth. With the current generation, women make MORE than men. And are charged the same or less for services such as insurance, health care and more.


One Nation Under God
I interpret Hijinx's last couple posts different than you do. My opinion of you is that you think know one knows anything, but you. I do have a question. I believe I read that you are a teacher. When do you teach? Or is this forum your classroom? You have spent an inordinate amount of time on this forum to be doing anything else. Just wondering.

no one

Ms. Grammar know-it-all.

So busy correcting me and look at you!



New Member
Because "race" is the foremost reason on everyone's mind when they choose to live somewhere....??

What a load of crap. No one I've ever known picks up their life and decides I think I'll move somewhere because there's no black people there. About as close as they MIGHT get is, they might not move to Harlem or Roxbury or Anacostia or Newark or West Memphis or Camden because there aren't ANY white people there. And THAT is exactly what people of any race or ethnicity does - they move to a place where there are others like themselves. It's why there are Little Italys and Chinatowns and towns like Brighton Beach and Miami and Dearborn. They go where there are other Greeks or French or Portuguese or Russians and so on.

You'd have to be seriously self-involved to think they moved there because they wanted to get away from you. You should know this by now, but - people don't care. And they don't have to.

MMM I can think of one person who said he was moving to Montana for that very reason. Might have been Wyoming, but nonetheless, I thought it was a ridiculous reason and that is why I remember it so well.


Well-Known Member
MMM I can think of one person who said he was moving to Montana for that very reason. Might have been Wyoming, but nonetheless, I thought it was a ridiculous reason and that is why I remember it so well.

It's called white flight, and it's been happening for 50 years.