No, that is not rape. Show me any law that says it is. It might be possible that she was the initiator of the act, would she be the rapist?THAT IS RAPE.
A child under the age of consent cannot just choose to have sex and become pregnant and then get married.
They are not yet of age to make these decisions for themselves. Most likely the parents forced them into marriage and I am sure the child wasnt given an option of a chemical abortion, medical abortion or adoption.
No, that is not rape. Show me any law that says it is. It might be possible that she was the initiator of the act, would she be the rapist?
My GOD you are one retarded CoUNT....THAT IS RAPE.
A child under the age of consent cannot just choose to have sex and become pregnant and then get married.
They are not yet of age to make these decisions for themselves. Most likely the parents forced them into marriage and I am sure the child wasnt given an option of a chemical abortion, medical abortion or adoption.
§566.067 is a statute on "child molestation in the 1st degree"; §566.071 is child molestation in the 4th degree; §566.034 is "statutory rape" in the second degree if being twenty-one years of age or older, he or she has sexual intercourse with another person who is less than seventeen years of age."Missouri Law • Those 13 years old and younger cannot consent to sex with anyone (§566.067). • 14, 15 and 16 year olds cannot consent to sex with someone who is more than 4 years older (§566.071) or who is 21 and older (§566.034"
If that was the only case he was discussing then why did he repeatedly vote against raising the age of marriage for children last year?
"in 2018, Moon opposed a bill that raised the legal age to marry with parental consent from 15 to 16 in Missouri."
§566.067 is a statute on "child molestation in the 1st degree"; §566.071 is child molestation in the 4th degree; §566.034 is "statutory rape" in the second degree if being twenty-one years of age or older, he or she has sexual intercourse with another person who is less than seventeen years of age.
Now, show the law that calls what Moon was speaking to as being rape.
Oooh! Extra salty!You don't believe child copulation is rape if it results in pregnancy and both are 12 years old and marry with parental consent from both male and female participant?
I am a sick person defending any type of transsexual crimes against minors but keep going on about those scary drag queen perverts.
566.067. Child molestation, first degree, penalties. — 1. A person commits the offense of child molestation in the first degree if he or she subjects another person who is less than fourteen years of age to sexual contact and the offense is an aggravated sexual offense.
What I believe isn't an issue, the issue is YOU referencing statutes that aren't classified as RAPE (except for the statutory rape statute which doesn't apply to Moon's example). And show me where I was defending anyone for anything. What I was doing was pointing out your BS.You don't believe child molestation is rape if it results in pregnancy?
You are a sick person defending any type of sexual contact with a minor but keep going on about those scary drag queens pervert.
566.067. Child molestation, first degree, penalties. — 1. A person commits the offense of child molestation in the first degree if he or she subjects another person who is less than fourteen years of age to sexual contact and the offense is an aggravated sexual offense.
What I believe isn't an issue, the issue is YOU referencing statutes that aren't classified as RAPE (except for the statutory rape statute which doesn't apply to Moon's example). And show me where I was defending anyone for anything. What I was doing was pointing out your BS.
Conflate, lie and try to confuse the issue and that is your typical MO and what a sick person does.
You are trying to squirm your way out of what you said (I guess you will go back and edit your comments that have already been quoted). Moon said that his reference to the couple he was talking about is where a 12 year old impregnated a person of similar age. You calling it rape doesn't make it so - See Missouri statutes - note that each segment is labeled. Using your logic (or lack there of) both would be guilty of that offense since both were under 14.566.032. Statutory rape and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties. — 1. A person commits the offense of statutory rape in the first degree if he or she has sexual intercourse with another person who is less than fourteen years of age.
I'm not sure why this issue is so confusing for you.
I bet a drag queen would have an easier time agreeing that impregnating a 12 year old is rape.
But hey a Republican not understanding that is becoming commonplace.
So again I will ask who are the real groomers?
People like you defending laws that endanger children or people like moon voting on those laws?
You are trying to squirm your way out of what you said (I guess you will go back and edit your comments that have already been quoted). Moon said that his reference to the couple he was talking about is where a 12 year old impregnated a person of similar age. You calling it rape doesn't make it so - See Missouri statutes - note that each segment is labeled. Using your logic (or lack there of) both would be guilty of that offense since both were under 14.
The real groomers are the ones you defend. The ones suggesting teachers can facilitate the transition from one sex to another and keep it secret from the parents, the ones that think explicit sexual literature is appropriate for children not ready to comprehend such things.
And finally, I haven't expressed any defense for these laws. As it isn't my business, it is Missourians that need to address it if they see it as a problem.
Didn't say any of that, only what the laws are.So they "aren't ready to comprehend these things" but two twelve year old having sex, procreating and then getting married is a - ok?
Really, how so?You are a pervert.
Hell, every exchange you have on here you push that crap.When did i do any of the things you claimed? Suggest teachers help facilitate transitioned? Can you go back and find em saying that. You cna even go back and prove i said two pages ago because you just make up this crap as you go along. and blame me for everything Fox news scares you into believing about democrats.
No, they couldn't.And yes. they can both be charged with rape under the current statutes
You think most americans who need these jobs are in a position to advocate for themselves? These people are desperate and being taken advantage of and you are blaming them not the companies.
You are the problem.
I agree. However the issues is republicans who support relaxing laws that protect these people and make it easier for business to exploit them.Rather than blame the messenger. How about pointing those scraggly fingers to where the blame falls.
At the people you continually vote for and are only there to line their pockets with this cheap labor.
You seriously have issues identifying the root causes of society ills. That usually points to a college level degree with no experience in the free market. And a belief in all of what your masters have told you since your freshman year at SMCM.
Which party cut taxes and regulation on business as their first priority in office under Trump?