Who Comes First?



Originally posted by laureng
Me?? I never get PMs, I can't imagine why it would be full. I'll check it out!

Ok, you don't get them because no one can respond. :wink:


Originally posted by laureng
Me?? I never get PMs, I can't imagine why it would be full. I'll check it out!

Lauren your on a white lie roll today girl! What's with all the fibs??? :biggrin:


Ghetto Fabulous
Originally posted by pixiegirl
It depends on individual situations. When your kids are young you're all they have and they should come first. What happens is for instance I get married again to a man who is absolutely wonderful to me and a huge butthead to Noah? I'm supposed to pick my husband first? I think not.

As kids get older though and are not so dependant on their parents your spouse should come first. I know that I caused some major uprisings in my house growing up because I would pit my parents against each other on purpose to get what I wanted. If it wasn't for the marriage counselor who told them to stick together when it came to us kids and chose each other first then they might not have made it. Luckily they did and are still together. :biggrin:

:yeahthat: Pixie took the words out of my mouth. Bluto - I was speaking from the viewpoint of a mother of a 17 month old.


Dancing Up A Storm
It depends....

Originally posted by SxyPrincess
That depends on what my b/f wants to do, what my friends want to do, and what kind of mood I am in.
:biggrin: Oh no Sexy, tell us you're not talking about the 'ol "I've got a headache" trick again?!?



Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: It depends....

Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Never would I say that. :biggrin:
:biggrin: Ok, I gotcha! It's not always "trick or treat"!
Seriously, of all the theories I've heard here today, the best is you give your utmost to your spouse. The kids can read that loud and clear, and it sets a good example in the household.

:cheers: penn


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by joeyinlexpark
I would chose my child first over anybody, I love him more than anything in the world. Woman and Men come and go but your child can never be replaced. Just my two cents, slueth, no need to commet on my opinion please:smile:

No comment needed. Everyone has their opinions.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
It's the spouse that comes first. I married her, I only financed the kids.


Be about it
Originally posted by jazz lady
She needs something for confessional this weekend... :wink:

Hey...a couple white lies would be the LEAST of my worries considering I'm 1/2-way to hell regarding the marriage 'rules' we learned over the weekend. I already have a child out of wedlock, am NOT marrying my baby's daddy (heehee), am living with my fiance, and am not a prude in the bedroom. And that only beginssssss to discuss the horribly sinful life I lead according to the Church :shocked:

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by laureng
Hey...a couple white lies would be the LEAST of my worries considering I'm 1/2-way to hell regarding the marriage 'rules' we learned over the weekend. I already have a child out of wedlock, am NOT marrying my baby's daddy (heehee), am living with my fiance, and am not a prude in the bedroom. And that only beginssssss to discuss the horribly sinful life I lead according to the Church :shocked:

:yikes: so much for that innocent, virginal image we all had painted in our heads of you Lauren! :yikes: Dean's got himself a dirty dawg! :biggrin: :wink:


Be about it
Originally posted by yakky doodle
:yikes: so much for that innocent, virginal image we all had painted in our heads of you Lauren!

You're full of :bs: Yakky...have I told you that lately?? :biggrin: :razz2: