Who didn't see this coming? : The elected Muslim from Minn.


Well-Known Member
Nucklesack said:
Nice Dodge. AK47 stated his worries that a Muslim legislator would enact Religious legislation because the belief that Sharia demands it. When shown that the Leader of the Catholic Church demands EXACTLY what he fears, you avoid the comment and go off on another tangent.

I have no concerns towards Islam, its beliefs arent that different than Christian ones (the wordign may be different but the intent is similar). My concern is towards Muslim Fanatatics, the same concern i have towards the Fanatics of ANY religion. Sadly many cant distinguish the difference

I'm not looking forward to ANY religion running this Nation. I do not want to live under ANY relgious law. YOU need to open your eyes when you avoid examples of Such attempts by a Religion that you feel is "OK"

Unfortunately for many, this Country was created based on the belief of Relgious Freedom, that means Freedom from Relgion also.

No dodge, I cannot speak for AK47. And where do you see the tangent? I asked you a simple question cause being puzzled by you. Seems to me your feathers are ruffled. Thanks for answering my question though.

Know this:God loving people are what made this nation the power that it is today like it or not. (I know, I know not going to argue with you.)

My question answered, I'm done.
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New Member
See what happens when ya let women vote and untie their apron strings from the front of the stove...yuk yuk yuk. :razz: :killingme


Active Member
Homesick said:
Know this:God loving people are what made this nation the power that it is today like it or not. (I know, I know not going to argue with you.)

My question answered, I'm done.

And so the nonbeleivers had no input in the greatness of our country?


Active Member
Nucklesack said:
And I would guess if they knew the Non-Christian beliefs of the founding fathers their input would count less?

It certainly sounds that way.


"Typical White Person"
Who didn't see this com... 03-14-2007 11:05 AM Yeah and your fearless leader took us there.

Hope this came from a Non-American. Because other wise he is your leader too.


Active Member
AK-74me said:
Who didn't see this com... 03-14-2007 11:05 AM Yeah and your fearless leader took us there.

Hope this came from a Non-American. Because other wise he is your leader too.

You know I really hate the karma thing. If you don't have enough balls to say something out in the open then just keep your trap shut.


"Typical White Person"
Thor said:
You know I really hate the karma thing. If you don't have enough balls to say something out in the open then just keep your trap shut.

I couldn't careless, I just find it funny how Democrats think they are no longer part of the country because they didn't vote for the elected Republican in office.


Active Member
AK-74me said:
I couldn't careless, I just find it funny how Democrats think they are no longer part of the country because they didn't vote for the elected Republican in office.

Been wondering about this. Why does your name say AK-47 and your avatar says 5.56 inside? Shouldn't it say 7.62x39 inside?


"Typical White Person"
Thor said:
Been wondering about this. Why does your name say AK-47 and your avatar says 5.56 inside? Shouldn't it say 7.62x39 inside?

Well actually you are the 2nd person that has noticed that but you have it a little mixed up too. The Ak-74 shoots the 5.45mm x39mm rd. other than that it is pretty much the same as an AK-47, but as I told "thatkidistight" if he can find me an Avatar or make me one that says 5.45 I'll take it.

I am also a big fan of AR's so that is why I have the 5.56 Av.


Also as you may or may not know AK's are available in .223/ 5.56
AK-74me said:
Well actually you are the 2nd person that has noticed that but you have it a little mixed up too. The Ak-74 shoots the 5.45mm x39mm rd. other than that it is pretty much the same as an AK-47, but as I told "thatkidistight" if he can find me an Avatar or make me one that says 5.45 I'll take it.

I am also a big fan of AR's so that is why I have the 5.56 Av.

:yeahthat: Geez try and keep up Thor :lmao:


Active Member
AK-74me said:
Well actually you are the 2nd person that has noticed that but you have it a little mixed up too. The Ak-74 shoots the 5.45mm x39mm rd. other than that it is pretty much the same as an AK-47, but as I told "thatkidistight" if he can find me an Avatar or make me one that says 5.45 I'll take it.

I am also a big fan of AR's so that is why I have the 5.56 Av.


Also as you may or may not know AK's are available in .223/ 5.56

I mis read, I read it as AK47.

No matter, on a side note I have an AR15 chambered in 7.62x39.


Active Member
thakidistight said:
:yeahthat: Geez try and keep up Thor :lmao:

This is my secondary board. I only look here every so often, yall couldn't handle the board I normally post on.


"Typical White Person"
forestal said:
You don't want him to take an oath on a book he doesn't believe in do you?

That would be dishonest

No, I changed my mind on the matter since last December, no religous book should be used. It should be the Constitution on the United States they swear by.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

AK-74me said:
No, I changed my mind on the matter since last December, no religous book should be used. It should be the Constitution on the United States they swear by.

...now we're just being silly. That would be FAR to simple and effective of a solution. What earthly reason would the government have to do that?