Well-Known Member
Nucklesack said:Nice Dodge. AK47 stated his worries that a Muslim legislator would enact Religious legislation because the belief that Sharia demands it. When shown that the Leader of the Catholic Church demands EXACTLY what he fears, you avoid the comment and go off on another tangent.
I have no concerns towards Islam, its beliefs arent that different than Christian ones (the wordign may be different but the intent is similar). My concern is towards Muslim Fanatatics, the same concern i have towards the Fanatics of ANY religion. Sadly many cant distinguish the difference
I'm not looking forward to ANY religion running this Nation. I do not want to live under ANY relgious law. YOU need to open your eyes when you avoid examples of Such attempts by a Religion that you feel is "OK"
Unfortunately for many, this Country was created based on the belief of Relgious Freedom, that means Freedom from Relgion also.
No dodge, I cannot speak for AK47. And where do you see the tangent? I asked you a simple question cause being puzzled by you. Seems to me your feathers are ruffled. Thanks for answering my question though.
Know this:God loving people are what made this nation the power that it is today like it or not. (I know, I know not going to argue with you.)
My question answered, I'm done.
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