Who do you despise the most?


New Member
I have been coming on this forum for a few weeks, I came on in response to some lies someone was spreading. I have found there are some genuine people here, and some really cruddy people here. Who do you dislike the most?


New Member
smcop said:
I have been coming on this forum for a few weeks, I came on in response to some lies someone was spreading. I have found there are some genuine people here, and some really cruddy people here. Who do you dislike the most?
Mine would be Dick Cranium!
smcop said:
I have been coming on this forum for a few weeks, I came on in response to some lies someone was spreading. I have found there are some genuine people here, and some really cruddy people here. Who do you dislike the most?
I would have to say.....hippies:lmao:

Dead Eye

smcop said:
I have been coming on this forum for a few weeks, I came on in response to some lies someone was spreading. I have found there are some genuine people here, and some really cruddy people here. Who do you dislike the most?

I came on for same reason a mounth ago. Found good n cruddy also. More good tho :howdy: .Who do I dislike the most? Well they allready know who they are..AND Im still here watching.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
smcop said:
I have been coming on this forum for a few weeks, I came on in response to some lies someone was spreading. I have found there are some genuine people here, and some really cruddy people here. Who do you dislike the most?

Despise or dislike? Two different things.

There is an individual who's sole purpose on here was to use lies, half-truths, and public sway to draw me out so that a certain order could be reversed. That individual I dislike. Despise? No. Dislike? Extremely.

As far as despising, I'm not that emotionally invested- good or bad- in anything or one here. Not to mention, feeling that negative toward someone- to truly mean despise or hate- isn't worth the effort; it's far too draining to waste the energy or time.