Who do you despise the most?

Richard Cranium

New Member
Check out the first two posts in this thread. What ####### writes something, quotes himself, and answers his own question? A self-righteous POS pig who thinks that he's above the law. That's who.


Well-Known Member
Richard Cranium said:
Check out the first two posts in this thread. What ####### writes something, quotes himself, and answers his own question? A self-righteous POS pig who thinks that he's above the law. That's who.
We all do it from time to time. :shrug:

Disco Stu

Shut Up Little Man!!!!


1. He's a jerk who think he knows everything

2. He thinks he is some sort of broadcaster, putting "LIVE" in his friggin' name. How pretentious can you get? Its like walking into a room telling everyone "I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!"

2nd Amendment


1. He thinks Jesus was a blonde haired white guy who looked like a roadie from Metallica (just look at his icon, isn't that a clone of Joey the Drum Guy?)

2. The only amendment he gives a damn about is the 2nd amendment. Otherwise, his name would be US Constitution


aka Mrs. Giant
Nobody is ever under my skin that much for me to care one way or another. I used to care a long time ago, but I learn from my mistakes. :shrug:


migtig said:
Nobody is ever under my skin that much for me to care one way or another. I used to care a long time ago, but I learn from my mistakes. :shrug:
Whew, I was sweating your choice. :yay: I figured i was a goner.


New Member
My least favorite person is, well lately it's Disco Stupid. That would be because he started something he ain't got the testicles to finish. :smack:

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