I've found in my own experience that what what whites say when blacks are near, or what blacks say when whites are near is quite different then what is said when only one race is present.
BlueBird: I'm as black as NGM is dumb, which as we all know makes me very, very black.
[COLOR=blue]Actually, since I'm postitive you're white, your statement would be true, dumbass. [/COLOR]
Show me an unedited post of yours that you identify yourself as black in, PRIOR to my joining the group. Bet you can't. If you do, I'll retract my accusation of your being a liar about your race.![]()
I'm giddy with excitement! I cannot wait to be dazzled with mounds of evidence...
I have nothing to prove to you. Your past statements show you to be a racist and bigot.
Here's a test for you that I know you won't do.
Copy every one of your last 100 posts and send them to a psychologist. Ask the psychologist if your posts are those of a person who is racially bigoted.
The psychologist's answer will be yes.
You and I both know you won't do this. You're afraid of the truth.
If you are indeed a black person, (and I seriously doubt it), then the evidence of racial bigotry shown by your posts is compounded in it's worth as a negative character trait.
As for your baiting; it's childish.
If you continue to act like a racist, then get used to being treated as one, Archie.
You go ahead and continue this nonsense without me. I've had quite enough of you.
However curious, I won't be opening your posts any more, (with the exception of your very next post that you'll prove you're black in..OR NOT). Watch my post count and you'll see that I'm still here, but ignoring you completely.
Bye now Archie. Perhaps you'll mature some day.
You've got a very, very long way to go.
WhiteBird just got all bent because he got caught lying. When people get caught lying, they usually have an emotional response. Males tend to get real angry and women start crying.
WhiteBird is a white guy pretending to be a black person. His posts make it so obvious that only someone who hasn't read a bunch of his posts in that context would miss it.
Look at his issue with my saying "No black would talk like that". He tries to make it sound like I said "This is how black people talk", when clearly, it's not what I said. He's desperately trying to deflect the attention from himself, on to me because he doesn't want anyone to see that he's nothing but an immature little white kid pretending on the net to be a black. He's been discovered and now "hates" me because I'm the messenger that brought attention to his lie.
Pretty funny when you think about it.
He's reduced to ranting, post after post. Trying vainly to re-build his lie into truth so that he doesn't have to leave and come back as yet another trolling bullcrap sock puppet.
This guy has given me a lot of laughs. His desperation is comical.
Watch, after each time I post, he goes into another episode of ranting. You can almost see the spit flying out of his mouth under his wide open eyes while he tries again to claim false innocence.
Liars are so predictable. If you met this idiot in person, and dared to say something negative about him, he'd get violent in a N.Y. minute. Violence is the first resort of an uneducated idiot.
Watch now, he'll post at least twice after this post. More ranting.....More denying his lies. More pretending to be black.
What a laugh.
WhiteBird just got all bent because he got caught lying. When people get caught lying, they usually have an emotional response. Males tend to get real angry and women start crying.
WhiteBird is a white guy pretending to be a black person. His posts make it so obvious that only someone who hasn't read a bunch of his posts in that context would miss it.
Look at his issue with my saying "No black would talk like that". He tries to make it sound like I said "This is how black people talk", when clearly, it's not what I said. He's desperately trying to deflect the attention from himself, on to me because he doesn't want anyone to see that he's nothing but an immature little white kid pretending on the net to be a black. He's been discovered and now "hates" me because I'm the messenger that brought attention to his lie.
Pretty funny when you think about it.
He's reduced to ranting, post after post. Trying vainly to re-build his lie into truth so that he doesn't have to leave and come back as yet another trolling bullcrap sock puppet.
This guy has given me a lot of laughs. His desperation is comical.
Watch, after each time I post, he goes into another episode of ranting. You can almost see the spit flying out of his mouth under his wide open eyes while he tries again to claim false innocence.
Liars are so predictable. If you met this idiot in person, and dared to say something negative about him, he'd get violent in a N.Y. minute. Violence is the first resort of an uneducated idiot.
Watch now, he'll post at least twice after this post. More ranting.....More denying his lies. More pretending to be black.
What a laugh.
Against my better judgement here's a pic of me and niece and nephew....
Taken last summer: I blacked out my niece and nephew's faces becuase you don't deserve to know exactly what we look like.
View attachment 56762
Am I black enough for you bigot?
It's called desperation. Now he's reduced to finding pics of black people and pretending to be one of them. Hell, I can do that too!
Here's a picture of me checking my watch so that I'm not late to my meeting with WhiteBird. It took me an entire 30 seconds to find that pic.
I wonder how long it took WhiteBird to find his!
The guy is certifiable.
His monitor is dripping spit. He's starting to babble.
He'll turn back into the White Hornet soon!
I crack me up!
Why bother?
It's called desperation. Now he's reduced to finding pics of black people and pretending to be one of them. Hell, I can do that too!
Here's a picture of me checking my watch so that I'm not late to my meeting with WhiteBird. It took me an entire 30 seconds to find that pic.
I wonder how long it took WhiteBird to find his!
The guy is certifiable.
His monitor is dripping spit. He's starting to babble.
He'll turn back into the White Hornet soon!
I crack me up!
Let me ask you something...
Is it difficult to type without opposing thumbs?
NGM's next response is going to be very long. He's been typing for the last 30 minutes....
I sure hope he finally produces some compelling evidence backing his childish claims!
Either that or he'll state that he's a busy person and has more important things to do than spend all his time on here like us smibs.
Actually, I entered this thread because of my dislike for racial bigots.
Now, I have a black man calling me a racist bigot.
Where's your apology for calling me a white punk, a racist bigot? Now that you aknowlege my skin color you don't see anyhting wrong with the things you've said to me? For making false accusations? Go find another black man and call him a white punk, an Archie Bunker, A bigot and see what happens to you
You've done a great job, BlueBird. When I see or hear any racists doing their racist thing here in the south, you've taught me to just look the other way and ignore it. After being raised to despise racists and everything that is racist, you, a black man, has turned me around.
It's commendable that you are so greatly opposed to racism, but you should never let your hate affect your judgement. I believe it's wrong to hate anyone. You should learn to make your point without all the name calling and move on.
I won't even try to understand why you make me sound like the very thing I hate, and why in the world you would make someone who is against racism sound like a bad person.
Go back and read the things you have said to me and then ask yourself this same question.
If you go back and read the way you've talked to me, and others you'll understand why. Your vial nasty comments are no less hurtful or offensive than that of a racist.
Because of your attack on me in your first post to me, I guess I took it for granted that you were just another white guy trying to defend racism.
A simple question asking where I was coming from could have easily prevented this from happening. You should never just assume anything without the person you're talking to standing right there in front of you.
Somehow, things got turned around very badly.
Gee I wonder how that happened??? Surely calling a black man a white racist punk didn't help.
As I've said already, I'll ignore any racists I see now. Good job man.
I'll also leave this group. You win. Enjoy your win.
You'll be back with a diffrent MPD. People like you can never just leave.
The next black person I see or hear being abused, I'll explain to them that some black guy in Maryland has convinced me to leave it alone. Then I'll just walk away from it and not do anything.
We never nominated you to be our spokesman and we definately don't have you living vicariously through us to fully understrand the obstacles we face, so go ahead and do that.
Again, good job.
I was reporting it when one of the racists here at my job did or said something that negatively affected a black person on the job. I won't any more. I'll keep my mouth shut and let the racists do what they want.
Good for you, I hope the allegations weren't as irresponsibly applied as the many of the ones you've applied to me.
Real good job man.
Live with that.
Enjoy being a member of a group that shows a poll that makes it look as if black people are the problem that has racism being alive and well.
Are you black?
How do you know that we aren't more racist then white people? The poll is far from scientific anyways so what does it matter?
You call me dumb.
A minor insult after the ones you've thrown at me. But then again it's never SMART to call a black man a white boy punk, or to post outlandish things without PROOF.
Watch my post count closely.
Between now and when I die, I'll periodically think about you and this group. Perhaps I'll understand it. I doubt it.
I also doubt it
By the way, you're totally wrong. I haven't a racist bone in my body. Until now, I thought I was doing the right thing by standing up against racists.
You have said some admirable things - yes. You went down the wrong path when you started automatically accusing everyone as being racist without any proof to back it up. We should all be against racism. Bu such a label should be applied only if it truly fits.
Your actions here have shown me that I'm wrong.
Your actions here have shown me to not get involved again.
I'm not angry at you man. I'm really, really sad that it turned out this way.
What a shame.
The next time I see one of the racist jokes taped to the wall where I work, I'll ignore it and let the racists enjoy it. The word will quickly spread that I no longer care.
Do you understand a little of what you've accomplished here?
I haven't accomplished the one thing that should have been the biggest and most important lesson for you learn. That lesson is that you should never blindly make assumptions, you should never call a black man a white racist punk. If you choose to turn the other cheeck next time you see racism occurring in your work place - go ahead. That is your choice. Do you lack the maturity to understand how irresponsible you've been here with your labeling?
I sure hope you do.
You go ahead and make me sound like a real problem. Make me sound like the worst person in the world. Call me some more names.
I haven't called you nearly as many names as you've called me so go whine somewhere else.
It'll make you look much better to all the other members that posted in that poll in this thread.
I'm sure in your next few posts, you'll use me to make yourself sound even better. You'll celebrate your win against me. Have fun doing so man.
Keep up the good work.
When I first got here, I thought; "Man, look at all the openly racist crap that's posted here. No one even moderates this place".
Now, I think I understand better. Either the owner of the site doesn't pay very much attention to the site or the owner condones the racist posts.
I think the owner of this site appreciates free speech. After all we've put up with your crap haven't we?
Either way, it doesn't explain your participation.
Sometimes I've made very bad choices in my life. Coming here was another.
I'll fix that now.