who should be raising children......


New Member
wow..thats alot of bad teachers...you must be home schooling....i wouldnt put my kids in school either if i knew that many bad teachers...hope you reported them...your a good parent to pull your kids out of that mess


New Member
This_person said:
Just out of curiousity, are you a teacher?

I have experienced a great number of teachers who didn't deserve a paycheck. I agree that there are parents out there that don't do what it seems you and I both think parents should. This doesn't excuse the teachers, though. I actually like teachers - the ones who do a good job or at least try to do a good job. The union-protected teachers who do little if anything to get through to a child, who complain about parents not doing their job when the teacher's not doing his/hers either.... these are the teachers that have lost my respect. Whether a teacher believes a parent is doing his/her job or not, the teacher is in a position of responsibility for the children under their care. They've been entrusted with 20-30 lives, 6 hours a day, 180 days a year. I don't expect a teacher to be the only one teaching manners, but I expect them to enforce resonable standards. I don't expect a teacher to put up with a disrespectful child, nor to let that child set an example for the other students in the class. I don't expect a teacher to take days to grade papers, then be critical of a student who is a day late on a paper. I expect a teacher to set an example of high standards, whether the parents do or not. The teacher can't relegate their own responsibility to someone else. They say to judge someone's character, see how they act when they believe no one is watching. I've had my children record classes, and the teachers I've asked them to record are hideous. I've gone into classrooms without checking in through the office - sneaking in to hear how it really goes. I've been appalled. I've talked and written with teachers who can neither spell (I'm not the best, but I try), nor can they use correct grammar. I especially think that teachers of student between 4th and 7th grade act as immature as their students most of the time. Not all teachers, by any means, but enough to generalize that it's not a fluke to find a bad teacher. Remember, all of this started by me saying that I think parents need to be responsible for their children. Parents are the ones responsible for their children. Part of that responsibility includes knowing what the teachers are doing, saying, teaching, etc. An art teacher that uses school property and elementary students to make anti-war posters for her protest that weekend, a teacher that sends paper bags home with all students so they can "return" a cell phone he lost, teachers that come to work dressed like they're going to work in their garden - these are all things I've experienced. That was one school year. I have several children that have been in several schools in several states. These were not out of the norm for teacher activities. I can give you a much longer list, but this post is way too long already.

no...im not a parent either for the record....I just know it starts at home first...if parents do there job well the taechers would be able to teach instead of everything eles they do..i know teachers who spend their own time and their own money to teach......it starts at home.....


New Member
This_person said:
Just out of curiousity, are you a teacher?

I have experienced a great number of teachers who didn't deserve a paycheck. I agree that there are parents out there that don't do what it seems you and I both think parents should. This doesn't excuse the teachers, though. I actually like teachers - the ones who do a good job or at least try to do a good job. The union-protected teachers who do little if anything to get through to a child, who complain about parents not doing their job when the teacher's not doing his/hers either.... these are the teachers that have lost my respect. Whether a teacher believes a parent is doing his/her job or not, the teacher is in a position of responsibility for the children under their care. They've been entrusted with 20-30 lives, 6 hours a day, 180 days a year. I don't expect a teacher to be the only one teaching manners, but I expect them to enforce resonable standards. I don't expect a teacher to put up with a disrespectful child, nor to let that child set an example for the other students in the class. I don't expect a teacher to take days to grade papers, then be critical of a student who is a day late on a paper. I expect a teacher to set an example of high standards, whether the parents do or not. The teacher can't relegate their own responsibility to someone else. They say to judge someone's character, see how they act when they believe no one is watching. I've had my children record classes, and the teachers I've asked them to record are hideous. I've gone into classrooms without checking in through the office - sneaking in to hear how it really goes. I've been appalled. I've talked and written with teachers who can neither spell (I'm not the best, but I try), nor can they use correct grammar. I especially think that teachers of student between 4th and 7th grade act as immature as their students most of the time. Not all teachers, by any means, but enough to generalize that it's not a fluke to find a bad teacher. Remember, all of this started by me saying that I think parents need to be responsible for their children. Parents are the ones responsible for their children. Part of that responsibility includes knowing what the teachers are doing, saying, teaching, etc. An art teacher that uses school property and elementary students to make anti-war posters for her protest that weekend, a teacher that sends paper bags home with all students so they can "return" a cell phone he lost, teachers that come to work dressed like they're going to work in their garden - these are all things I've experienced. That was one school year. I have several children that have been in several schools in several states. These were not out of the norm for teacher activities. I can give you a much longer list, but this post is way too long already.

I am a school teacher and that really is a sad thing to hear...I seriously dont know any teachers like that


I think that the parents should raise their children, but I also know that children find mentors in other places. A favorite teacher, a youth minister, a best friends mom, a favorite aunt, a good neighbor etc. Someone who they look up to and get council from. Maybe someone they can talk to when they are fighting with their own parents. It's nice to have a support network.
I would never say that teachers in general should raise our children. The main responsibility is on the parents/guardians.
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Finishing last
I'm not a parent so I don't know if I'm qualified or if my opinion counts.
My opinion anyway.
Parents should be responsible for raising their kids. I think part of why or society seems to be on the downturn is because so many parents don't teach their kids morals or social responsibility. I've heard it before and agree with, Do you want your kids moral values being taught by someone besides yourself?

I think if more parents paid attention to what their kids and provided proper discipline/guidance we would have more people who cared about things other than themselves.



New Member
Foxhound said:
I'm not a parent so I don't know if I'm qualified or if my opinion counts.
My opinion anyway.
Parents should be responsible for raising their kids. I think part of why or society seems to be on the downturn is because so many parents don't teach their kids morals or social responsibility. I've heard it before and agree with, Do you want your kids moral values being taught by someone besides yourself?

I think if more parents paid attention to what their kids and provided proper discipline/guidance we would have more people who cared about things other than themselves.


i am not a parent because in my opinion its a hard job if your doing it right...i think we non-parents are still qualified... :howdy:


Livin on love
I believe that parents set the standards for the way their children are supposed to act :wench: I do think that the purpose of a teacher is to teach the children their curriculum. They should be responsible for the discipline while in the classroom :shrug:


Seraphin said:
I believe that parents set the standards for the way their children are supposed to act :wench: I do think that the purpose of a teacher is to teach the children their curriculum. They should be responsible for the discipline while in the classroom :shrug:

Very true.
Student Accuses Teacher Of Breaking Her Arm

A middle school student claimed a teacher broke her arm at school, KPRC Local 2 reported Tuesday.

The mother of the 12-year-old student at Attucks Middle School reported the injury to the principal on Thursday. The child was taken to Ben Taub Hospital for treatment.

Principal Renaldo Wallace said the girl became unruly and left the behavioral center on Feb. 28. Her teacher used a therapeutic hold on the child to return her to class.

The teacher was reassigned to duties away from the school until an investigation is completed.