Who was in Walmart on August 1?


New Member
But, you forget, it's about what is inside that matters.

Oh yeah...

I remmeber the last woman who told me that when she goes somewhere and is looking for comapanionship... the first thing that enters her mind was...

"DAMN... I bet he has a great PERSONALITY!" :sarcasm:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Doesn't that make you wonder if there ever was a Craigslist Personal Ad posted about you and you never knew because you never check them? :lol:

Me? No, not in a million years.

But now that I know about them, some of them are scary funny.


Well-Known Member
Okay, first of all, this took place in Walmart. We've all seen the "people of Walmart" photos. Lets not forget, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so who's to say this woman he was lusting after, isnt a 250 lb, thong wearing, spandex hugging, tattooed person. As far as he goes, he is tall with a beard, so are most hillbillies. THe question to ask him is, how many teeth to do you have.


Okay, first of all, this took place in Walmart. We've all seen the "people of Walmart" photos. Lets not forget, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so who's to say this woman he was lusting after, isnt a 250 lb, thong wearing, spandex hugging, tattooed person. As far as he goes, he is tall with a beard, so are most hillbillies. THe question to ask him is, how many teeth to do you have.

Tattooed people suck. :coffee: