who was induced?


New Member
I was with my second child, of course it was 20 years ago. Checked into hospital at noon, started Petosin at 3, had baby at 9. It was a hell of alot easier than the 16 hour labor with my first child.


New Member
My daughter two months ago - no problems (not counting the the third ear now appearing on her and the baby...)

Sweet 16

I was. My water broke and I had contractions but I was progressing slowly so in went the Pitocin. I had already had an epidural so it didn't do much good as my labor was still 23+ hours. :ohwell:


I was induced. Went in at 7am and had baby at 5:30pm. No pain until they broke my water. Then the pain was horrible. They gave me an epidural but I wish they would of gave it to me before they broke my water.


Cleopatra Jones
I haven't been keeping up, did the babe turn? :yahoo: I was in the process of being induced when I had to have an emergency c-section.


curiouser and curiouser
I was induced and it wasn't so bad. I went in for a scheduled appointment at 37 weeks and found out I was having contractions but I couldn't really feel them. There was some question about my fluid being low so they went ahead and induced. I was in labor for 21 hours, but no pain until they broke my water. I asked for an epidural after that and he was born not too much later. I'd say 3-ish hours between having my water broken and starting pushing. 30 minutes of pushing and there he was! At 37 weeks he was considered full term, and was 6 lbs 7 oz. I'm kind of glad he didn't have the extra 3-5 weeks to put on a couple extra pounds. :lol: Not nearly as traumatic as I expected, but he is an only child and I'm not willing to do it again on purpose. :lmao:


New Member
I was with all three of my babies. It was not awful at all.
1st one I was in labor for 6.5 hours
2nd one I was in labor for 31 hours
3rd one I was in labor for 10 hours.
The 2nd one was the hardest, but mainly due to the waiting. She was not due for 3 more weeks and was a little hesitant to join us! :)


My Sweetest Boy
These long labor horrors..what really constitutes labor? Contractions/dilating?

Okay, I was in labor with my second son from February 14 to March 15. I was induced..and he practically fell out...just 3 hours. Of course from being in labor for almost 696 hours, I was already 5 centimeters dilated when given the pitocin. :lol:


I was induced a week early beacuse my baby was big. I went in at 7:30am, was already dilated 2cm, and was induced a little after that with Pitocin, broke my water at noon(it was very weird feeling and icky), I was 4cm at this point. I started feeling the contractions and I remember thinking this isn't bad at all. An hour later I was asking for an epidural, I wish I would have just asked for it right away, there was no reason for me to go through an hour of contractions. Doctor came back at like 4pm to check me and I had not dialated any further. I ended up having to have an emergency c-section. After she came out the doctor said there is no way this baby would have come out the other way, she had very broad shoulders, she was only 9lbs 2oz but still. I was scared to death when I found out I was going to have a c-section, but when I look at it now I wouldn't have it any other way. I recooperated so quick and didn't have to worry about tearing, etc.

Good luck with everything!


Loving My Life...
I came in at 7am......Laid around all day while having contractions.. Nothing was happening.. Finally at 4pm Polko broke my water and BAMN the contractions got stronger and I was ready to push at 430 with the little man arriving at 4:44pm


Well-Known Member
I came in at 7am......Laid around all day while having contractions.. Nothing was happening.. Finally at 4pm Polko broke my water and BAMN the contractions got stronger and I was ready to push at 430 with the little man arriving at 4:44pm

Yup LT you need to do this 100%!!!

Ask Dr Davis if he is able to break your water first thing :yay: