who was induced?


Luvin Life !!!
Induced two times myself. In 90 with my oldest at the hospital on base I went in at 6am. They told me it could take up to three days. I told them that my mother was going to be there in two days and she was expecting to see her grandchild. I was hooked up to pitocin by 9am at 3 they broke my water and by 4 I had an epidural. By 8 I was fully dialated but could not feel my legs so they had to turn he pictocen drip off. She arrived at 10:02pm on July 3rd. I spent the 4th in the hospital and went home on the 5th.

My youngest daughter was also induced. Both of my girl were two weeks late. I arrived at the hospital at 7 and by 9:30 they put that gel thing in the cervix to help dialate me. at noon they broke my water she was here by 12:30pm.

Good luck and congrats on your new baby.
I had my 38-week appointment yesterday...

I am only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced.

I am ready to have this baby :cds:

How does one go about asking to be induced???:popcorn:


Loving My Life...
I asked when I was 40 weeks. I couldnt take it any longer.. It also depends on your Dr. I asked Shonigan (sp) And she scheduled it for me... Polko wouldnt have done it per her :lol:
I had my 38-week appointment yesterday...

I am only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced.

I am ready to have this baby :cds:

How does one go about asking to be induced???:popcorn:


Loving My Life...
Polko would have broken it sooner but she had emerg c sections to do and didnt want another Dr. to deliver my baby.... She wasnt happy that I was scheduled to be induced because I was only 40 weeks but her tune changed when she checked me that morning :)

Yup LT you need to do this 100%!!!

Ask Dr Davis if he is able to break your water first thing :yay:


Active Member
I was induced for my boy. They had me go in the night before, put some stuff up there to soften things up and had me sleep on it. The next morning about 7am they started the Pitocin. Not a whole lot happened, lots of thumb twiddling. I'm a bit fuzzy on times (mostly very boring, I took a nap), I got my epidural late that afternoon or early evening. Baby born a bit after midnight, no problems!


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Induced with #1. It wasn't pitocin in the IV, though, which I understand it the faster way to do it.

I hated it. I didn't have the baby that day, so they sent me home. My water broke in the middle of the night and I STILL didn't go into full fledged labor. They eventually started pitocin, but it was more than a full day after originally getting "induced." I finally ended up with a c-section because I never fully dilated.

When they told me they wanted to induce baby #2, I refused.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
How does one go about asking to be induced???:popcorn:
I wouldn't recommend it. My SIL was induced a week early because they were afraid the baby was too big for her to handle easily. The induction didn't "take" so they sent her home and told her to come back the next day...and the next. A couple of days they told her not to come because there were too many others having babies and they also skipped the weekend. I think she went to get induced 3 or 4 times. The baby was born on her due date.


Loving My Life...
You can ask. The Dr. will decide whats best for you...
I wouldn't recommend it. My SIL was induced a week early because they were afraid the baby was too big for her to handle easily. The induction didn't "take" so they sent her home and told her to come back the next day...and the next. A couple of days they told her not to come because there were too many others having babies and they also skipped the weekend. I think she went to get induced 3 or 4 times. The baby was born on her due date.


Well-Known Member
I had my 38-week appointment yesterday...

I am only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced.

I am ready to have this baby :cds:

How does one go about asking to be induced???:popcorn:

I wouldnt ask to be induced until you are at least 40 weeks. My SIL had her dr induce her 2 times at 38 weeks. BOTH times the babies lungs were under developed and needed to be life flighted to Childrens Hospital where they stayed for roughly a week or so. It isnt worth it IMO. You've gone this far you can make it 2 more weeks :huggy:


Active Member
I wouldnt ask to be induced until you are at least 40 weeks. My SIL had her dr induce her 2 times at 38 weeks. BOTH times the babies lungs were under developed and needed to be life flighted to Childrens Hospital where they stayed for roughly a week or so. It isnt worth it IMO. You've gone this far you can make it 2 more weeks :huggy:

Yeah, typically they won't force a delivery early (induction or c-section) unless there is something wrong with mom and/or baby. There's even a lot of controversy about people being popped early on account of big babies.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, typically they won't force a delivery early (induction or c-section) unless there is something wrong with mom and/or baby. There's even a lot of controversy about people being popped early on account of big babies.

Once it was she didnt want someone else to deliver her baby cause her dr was supposed to be out of town the week she was due... and then they thought the baby was big.

I've said this from day one, she is stupid. Sorry if I had one baby 2 weeks early and it had to stay in ICU at Childrens for a week you can bet your ass I would wait and go to full term. Shes always been an idiot, so no helping that.
Once it was she didnt want someone else to deliver her baby cause her dr was supposed to be out of town the week she was due... and then they thought the baby was big.

I've said this from day one, she is stupid. Sorry if I had one baby 2 weeks early and it had to stay in ICU at Childrens for a week you can bet your ass I would wait and go to full term. Shes always been an idiot, so no helping that.

maybe I will ask at my 39 week appt to be induced on my due date...


New Member
Why Induce?

There is mounting medical evidence that induction without a medical need puts both baby and mother at RISK!

Recent article indicating risks to baby:

HeraldNet.com - Local news: Doctors stress importance of pregnancy's final weeks

Recent study, Inductions are bad for both mother and baby
"Additionally, women who were induced had more bleeding – even after taking cesarean deliveries into account – and stayed in the hospital longer than women who delivered vaginally." Why would you want to increase your risk of postpartum bleeding?

Scheduled Deliveries Raise Risks for Mothers, Do Not Benefit Newborns - News Room - University of Rochester Medical Center

Also, there may possibly be a link between pitocin and autism. Studies are currently being conducted hoping to rule out a possible link - is it worth the risk?

Autism Today, latest news and resources for autism and autism related issues

Please make an informed decision. Your health and your child's health could depend on it.


Cubscout MoM
Was it awful?

Water broke about 6:00am. No contractions, hardly any leaking. Called doctor at 8:30 (when office opened). Went in with hubby to get examined. They confirmed my water did break. Told to go admit myself to the hospital. Checked in, got changed, got a room, was given the Petosin at about 10:30. Contractions started about 12:00-12:30. Got epidural around 1:30-2:00 (got another 20 minutes later, because that one didn’t work). Started pushing around 5:00pm. Was exhausted by 7:30. Was told options at that time, agreed on vacuum method. 6 people rushed in, son was born at 7:34pm. Over all not a bad experience.

A few things to keep in mind. 1). The epidural made me shake uncontrollably and did not wear off until after my son was born (I don’t know if this happens to everyone). 2). So glad I got my epidural when I did. It blocked the pain of labor and only started to wear off when I needed to feel the contractions so I could push. 3). There are options if you get too tired to push. They don’t tell them to you until you are exhausted. Can’t remember all of them now, but as soon as I agreed to one, I got a hole basketball team in there taking care of business. 4). Bring a pacifier with you to the hospital. They don’t tell you that your milk doesn’t come in until a day or two later, and the little guy is going to be hungry weather you got it or not. So he’s going to want to chomp on something and they just say here you go let him chomp on you. You are not a chew toy! And don’t believe all you hear because breastfeeding does hurt. Good luck to you and your little one. 
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Well-Known Member
Water broke about 6:00am. No contractions, hardly any leaking. Called doctor at 8:30 (when office opened). Went in with hubby to get examined. They confirmed my water did break. Told to go admit myself to the hospital. Checked in, got changed, got a room, was given the Petosin at about 10:30. Contractions started about 12:00-12:30. Got epidural around 1:30-2:00 (got another 20 minutes later, because that one didn’t work). Started pushing around 5:00pm. Was exhausted by 7:30. Was told options at that time, agreed on vacuum method. 6 people rushed in, son was born at 7:34pm. Over all not a bad experience.

A few things to keep in mind. 1). The epidural made me shake uncontrollably and did not wear off until after my son was born (I don’t know if this happens to everyone). 2). So glad I got my epidural when I did. It blocked the pain of labor and only started to wear off when I needed to feel the contractions so I could push. 3). There are options if you get too tired to push. They don’t tell them to you until you are exhausted. Can’t remember all of them now, but as soon as I agreed to one, I got a hole basketball team in there taking care of business. 4). Bring a pacifier with you to the hospital. They don’t tell you that your milk doesn’t come in until a day or two later, and the little guy is going to be hungry weather you got it or not. So he’s going to want to chomp on something and they just say here you go let him chomp on you. You are not a chew toy! And don’t believe all you hear because breastfeeding does hurt. Good luck to you and your little one. 

That might not have been the epidural. Some women just get the shakes when they are in labor. Normally transisitioning. I got them HORRIBLE w/ each of my 5 labors.


Active Member
Water broke about 6:00am. No contractions, hardly any leaking. Called doctor at 8:30 (when office opened). Went in with hubby to get examined. They confirmed my water did break. Told to go admit myself to the hospital. Checked in, got changed, got a room, was given the Petosin at about 10:30. Contractions started about 12:00-12:30. Got epidural around 1:30-2:00 (got another 20 minutes later, because that one didn’t work). Started pushing around 5:00pm. Was exhausted by 7:30. Was told options at that time, agreed on vacuum method. 6 people rushed in, son was born at 7:34pm. Over all not a bad experience.

A few things to keep in mind. 1). The epidural made me shake uncontrollably and did not wear off until after my son was born (I don’t know if this happens to everyone). 2). So glad I got my epidural when I did. It blocked the pain of labor and only started to wear off when I needed to feel the contractions so I could push. 3). There are options if you get too tired to push. They don’t tell them to you until you are exhausted. Can’t remember all of them now, but as soon as I agreed to one, I got a hole basketball team in there taking care of business. 4). Bring a pacifier with you to the hospital. They don’t tell you that your milk doesn’t come in until a day or two later, and the little guy is going to be hungry weather you got it or not. So he’s going to want to chomp on something and they just say here you go let him chomp on you. You are not a chew toy! And don’t believe all you hear because breastfeeding does hurt. Good luck to you and your little one. 

I also got an epidural so I can't really say if this was epi related or not, but I had a nasty case of the shakes as well.

To the second bolded line, at St. Mary's Hospital in Leonardtown they gave me a pacifier. It was a Soothie (they sell them at Target and Walmart) which the munchkin still loves.

BFing does hurt when you start out. Get yourself some Lansinoh cream or something. You do toughen up eventually as both of you figure out the process but those first few weeks can be rough. The hospital sent me home with these gel nipple soother things that did wonders. They do cost an arm and a leg buying more, though.

The pads to catch your boobie leaks, I found the disposable Lansinohs to be more comfortable than the "reusable" ones. They absorbed more and are a lot easier to swap out. In fact, WR or LT, if you need some I have a box that was never opened and a partial box. PM me and I can drop them off to you or something if you want.


New Member
I was induced with my first child. Induced at 730am and had Pitocin all day. In labor all day and still ended up having an emergency c-section late the same night. Any labor is of course not easy, but being induced for most people is a much harder labor. You don't get that much of a break in between contractions and once they start they do not stop until the baby comes out!! Another words, it will be a very intense labor. Sorry, i'm not going to lie and tell you it will be easy breezy. Good Luck!


Was not induced with either of my children....had both of them naturally with no drugs...baby #1 5lbs 15 1/2 oz, baby #2 8lbs 7oz.

I remember being miserable the last few weeks with both of them and couldn't wait to deliver....glad I waited and wasn't induced or had any drugs. I guess I have a high tolerance for pain.

Good luck whatever route you choose.


New Member
I was and would do it the same all over again! Was induced 1 week past my due date with my 1st child, had not had ANY contractions whatsoever, was dilated to 2 cms, went to the hospital at 8am and started pitocin. I started with contractions fairly quickly, but nothing really painful until around 630pm- then had him at 828pm with 3 sets of pushes. The epidural didn't even have time to take effect since I asked for it after the pain was getting uncomfortable. Piece of cake in my opinion-and I am hoping to do it the same way with #2 someday!