I was induced with two of mine. The first one they induced me weekly for the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy. Nothing took. Delivered her 3 days before due date. All that pitocin probably sped things up though. When I did go into labor, it was only 3 hours long!
The second one they induced on my due date. Both the gel and the pitocin drip. Probably sped up labor but didn't start anything for 5 hours until they broke my water, then it was 6 hours of intense pain and boom, there he was.
None of my deliveries were easy, but these two were shorter. As far as, autism, none of my kids are autistic. And neither of the two that were induced have shown problems. So it just shortened the delivery time.
The second one they induced on my due date. Both the gel and the pitocin drip. Probably sped up labor but didn't start anything for 5 hours until they broke my water, then it was 6 hours of intense pain and boom, there he was.
None of my deliveries were easy, but these two were shorter. As far as, autism, none of my kids are autistic. And neither of the two that were induced have shown problems. So it just shortened the delivery time.