Whom should I date ???


New Member
:whistle: I’m a female student and I am seriously confused about my sexuality. I spend most of my social life getting drunk, so that I don’t have to face this problem. I have dated guys, but I never get very close to them. Girls make me feel safe and I can relate better to them. I may sound like I am straight and they are just best friend, but I recently met a girl at university and took an instant liking to her and dated her a few times –that’s different to the way I feel about my other mater; I just want to be near her. I’d love to tell her about my feelings, but I don’t know her well enough and she can blab to other and made my life a misery.

Should I date men only, am I straight?

Kate Jones


nunya bidnis
jonekate said:
:whistle: I’m a female student and I am seriously confused about my sexuality. I spend most of my social life getting drunk, so that I don’t have to face this problem. I have dated guys, but I never get very close to them. Girls make me feel safe and I can relate better to them. I may sound like I am straight and they are just best friend, but I recently met a girl at university and took an instant liking to her and dated her a few times –that’s different to the way I feel about my other mater; I just want to be near her. I’d love to tell her about my feelings, but I don’t know her well enough and she can blab to other and made my life a misery.

Should I date men only, am I straight?

Kate Jones

You have come to the right place with your question. Just wait until morning and there will be many smart and friendly people here that can help.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
jonekate said:
:whistle: I’m a female student and I am seriously confused about my sexuality. I spend most of my social life getting drunk, so that I don’t have to face this problem. I have dated guys, but I never get very close to them. Girls make me feel safe and I can relate better to them. I may sound like I am straight and they are just best friend, but I recently met a girl at university and took an instant liking to her and dated her a few times –that’s different to the way I feel about my other mater; I just want to be near her. I’d love to tell her about my feelings, but I don’t know her well enough and she can blab to other and made my life a misery.

Should I date men only, am I straight?

Kate Jones

seriously though, get a couple of your girlfriends and I'll help you work this thing out. :biggrin:


I AM an enigma
This question, to me, is a very personal one and one that only you can answer. Why in the world would anyone turn to an open forum looking for answers from total strangers? Some possibilities:

1. You may find it easier asking total strangers since they do not know you and any comments written back to you would not be perceived as an attack on your character (or lack there of)

2. You have already answered your question a long time ago, and are looking for validation of your choice.....OR....

3. Your nickname is "the spoon" and you get a thrill out of stirring things up a bit, and that's OK too

In the end, like I said, you are the only one that can answer this. I could tell you that you are a coat rack, but simply stating that does not make it so.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Purplefox said:
This question, to me, is a very personal one and one that only you can answer. Why in the world would anyone turn to an open forum looking for answers from total strangers? Some possibilities:

1. You may find it easier asking total strangers since they do not know you and any comments written back to you would not be perceived as an attack on your character (or lack there of)

2. You have already answered your question a long time ago, and are looking for validation of your choice.....OR....

3. Your nickname is "the spoon" and you get a thrill out of stirring things up a bit, and that's OK too

In the end, like I said, you are the only one that can answer this. I could tell you that you are a coat rack, but simply stating that does not make it so.
You left out 4) Your an MPD.


Loving My Life...
This is something YOU have to figure out on your own. Go out on dates with both men and the women and you will find your answers. Dont rush the feelings, just see what happens. GL


No Longer the Kid
Magnum said:
Thats what everyone said about me a couple years ago :lmao: I had no clue what they were talking about :killingme

:lol: it never fails though, new person shows up, and there an MPD.... I was ignored at first, then a few people on here knew me, so I kinda slid in under the radar....but this stuff is getting ridiculous on how everytime someone knew pops in, its an MPD.... :lol: play along and go with it, or ignore them if they are an MPD, they will leave when they dont get the attention they wanted....


Should be Huntin
Softballkid said:
:lol: it never fails though, new person shows up, and there an MPD.... I was ignored at first, then a few people on here knew me, so I kinda slid in under the radar....but this stuff is getting ridiculous on how everytime someone knew pops in, its an MPD.... :lol: play along and go with it, or ignore them if they are an MPD, they will leave when they dont get the attention they wanted....
I just ignored being called an MPD. No one here knew me, I think I have met 3 or 4 people that are on here.


24/7 Single Dad
jonekate said:
:whistle: I’m a female student and I am seriously confused about my sexuality. :blahblah: Girls make me feel safe and I can relate better to them. :blahblah: Should I date men only, am I straight?

Kate Jones

You should exlpore your sexuality with an older man that's had a vasectomy.
If I can help further in this matter, feel free to let me know. :whistle:


Methodically disorganized
Bustem' Down said:
seriously though, get a couple of your girlfriends and I'll help you work this thing out. :biggrin:
:bonk: Curse you for working overnight just so you could get first shot at the best responses!


jonekate said:
:whistle: I’m a female student and I am seriously confused about my sexuality. I spend most of my social life getting drunk, so that I don’t have to face this problem. I have dated guys, but I never get very close to them. Girls make me feel safe and I can relate better to them. I may sound like I am straight and they are just best friend, but I recently met a girl at university and took an instant liking to her and dated her a few times –that’s different to the way I feel about my other mater; I just want to be near her. I’d love to tell her about my feelings, but I don’t know her well enough and she can blab to other and made my life a misery.

Should I date men only, am I straight?

Kate Jones
If the two of you dated what's the big deal? She's obviously looking for the same thing you are.


Well-Known Member
jonekate said:
:whistle: I’m a female student and I am seriously confused about my sexuality. I spend most of my social life getting drunk, so that I don’t have to face this problem. I have dated guys, but I never get very close to them. Girls make me feel safe and I can relate better to them. I may sound like I am straight and they are just best friend, but I recently met a girl at university and took an instant liking to her and dated her a few times –that’s different to the way I feel about my other mater; I just want to be near her. I’d love to tell her about my feelings, but I don’t know her well enough and she can blab to other and made my life a misery.

Should I date men only, am I straight?

Kate Jones
Kate my dear-you got more issues than is you is or is you ain't! :whistle:


jonekate said:
I recently met a girl at university and took an instant liking to her and dated her a few times –that’s different to the way I feel about my other mater; I just want to be near her. I’d love to tell her about my feelings, but I don’t know her well enough and she can blab to other and made my life a misery.

Kate Jones

Define "dated her a few times".