Whose night was screwed up due to the accident?

Did the accident on the TJ bridge affect you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 38.8%
  • no

    Votes: 41 61.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


aka Mrs. Giant
nachomama said:
The people involved? :shrug:

I left DC at 4:00, my friend works in the park and left at 4:00. We were to be at Chopticon at 6:00. I beat her by a half hour. How's that for a twist?
:lmao: Good for you.

My commute always is longer than 15 minutes, and if I am NOT sitting due to some accident, issue, police/fire/ambulance call, panhandler, pedestrian crossing, traffic signal issues, or what have you, I am extremely excited and very surprised and even perplexed as to how I got home so frigging early. :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
desertrat said:
It would be great if they would put up traffic advisory signs just before the rte 4 and 235 intersection to warn people about situations on the bridge.
It would be a cheap alternative until we get the new bridge in 2030. :yay:
Tommy McKay was using it.


And with all these problems with the traffic and the bridge our Dept of Transportation is going to spend another 1 million of our tax dollars to do a study to see if we need another span for our bridge. :lmao: :duh:


aka Mrs. Giant
RoseRed said:
Tommy McKay was using it.
:lmao: if he had his way wouldn't he tear the bridge down and fence in st. Mary's with barbed wire and armed guards to prevent any kind of outsiders getting in?


Lem Putt
pixiegirl said:
Well I just have to give the State Highway Admin and State Police that responded a Big Whopping :yay: :yay: :rolleyes: I left at 4 and got stopped at about 4:20 just south of the light at the Target Shopping center. I can't even remember what time the state police showed up at the 235/4 intersection and set up camp but it was shortly after that that I made the right hand turn from 235N onto 4N. Mind you with police at the intersection letting everyone make that right hand turn. Soooo, I make it about 1/2 mile up 4N and then to a dead stop again. Jabba called to warn me that a friend of hers got turned away at the base of the bridge and was told that the bridge was closed. I saw plenty of cars coming from the opposite direction (4S) so I waited about 5-10 minutes to see if I'd move before popping a u-turn and going all the way around. I didn't move an inch. I busted the U and went the long way.

I was hesitant to go around any earlier because the last time I was advised the bridge was closed was during Ernesto. I drove all the way around and when I got to the ratties daycare I was told that another mom coming from this side of the bridge had gone over it fine. :ohwell:

Next time I'm just rolling around to Benedict. Even if the bridge isn't closed ANYTHING is better than sitting for hours and waiting.
They finally closed the intersection at 4/235 five cars ahead of me. You were probably one of the last ones to get through.

I just knew that bailing out to Benedict would be bad. I'm with you though, next time I'll just hit Benedict.

I just wish there was a way to find out traffic info around here.


New Member
Tommy McKay has one of those light up advisory signs on 4S.
They could of changed that one to show a traffic advisory.


Lem Putt
pixiegirl said:
And just how do you know where I work? You made mention of my building the other day as well! :twitch:
I've seen your car there when I come over for meetings and stuff. I work with a lot of the same people you do.


Cleopatra Jones
MMDad said:
I've seen your car there when I come over for meetings and stuff. I work with a lot of the same people you do.

Sorry for you, sorry for me! :lmao: You should at least announce yourself when you're over here then!


24/7 Single Dad
migtig said:
:lmao: if he had his way wouldn't he tear the bridge down and fence in st. Mary's with barbed wire and armed guards to prevent any kind of outsiders getting in?
I've heard his radio spot saying he would prevent metro from coming into St. Mary's to protect us :rolleyes:


aka Mrs. Giant
aps45819 said:
I've heard his radio spot saying he would prevent metro from coming into St. Mary's to protect us :rolleyes:
Yep, no metro, no highways, no outside access to the outside whatsoever. Don't want the bad element to come in and destroy St. Mary's...not to mention, everything needs to be brought back to the way it was before all those foreign base workers came to the area. I think he'd LOVE to see Pax close.


All Up In Your Grill
paul said:
Tommy McKay has one of those light up advisory signs on 4S.
They could of changed that one to show a traffic advisory.

ARE YOU CRAZY?!?! You expect him to change his sign from "Vote for Tommy McKay" to "Turn around and go the other way! You'll be here all night if you don't!" This close to elections?!?! :jameo:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
migtig said:
Yep, no metro, no highways, no outside access to the outside whatsoever. Don't want the bad element to come in and destroy St. Mary's...not to mention, everything needs to be brought back to the way it was before all those foreign base workers came to the area. I think he'd LOVE to see Pax close.

He could start at home and ship his own kid out of the county.


I bowl overhand
RoseRed said:
Tommy McKay was using it.
OK, going to hijack this thread..

I voted this morning, and left that ballot open.

I couldn't pick the "Lesser of two evils" and didn't want to take responsibility for either one getting elected.


Lem Putt
itsbob said:
OK, going to hijack this thread..

I voted this morning, and left that ballot open.

I couldn't pick the "Lesser of two evils" and didn't want to take responsibility for either one getting elected.
:yay: Same here, for both me and my wife. Maybe somebody will notice if there are 10,000 voters, but the two of them split 1,000 votes. I know it doesn't do any good, but I can still dream.


desertrat said:
It would be great if they would put up traffic advisory signs just before the rte 4 and 235 intersection to warn people about situations on the bridge.
It would be a cheap alternative until we get the new bridge in 2030. :yay:

I guess much better than gripping about the screwed up situation is to come up with ideas to inform people of what's going on when it happens. I know that I would have gone to the other bridge if I had known.

Even though it screwed up things for a lot of people, I felt sorry for the people that were involved in the accident. Every time I see someone on the bridge broken down, I thank God that it's not me. Maybe I will have my turn some day too.