I've seen a bit of the second and about a million of the first.Was also told that the GOV gives time off as a bonus instead of cash. In the conversation, my neighbor told me that they got a bonus of about $1K. Great however, another worker in their office got 10 vacation days awarded to them. Figuring that those 2 weeks of vacation time add up to an entire paycheck.... who got the better deal?
The "bonus" isn't a salary improvement - it's just money. For me, it conveniently arrives around Christmas, although 30 years ago, it came swiftly after reviews at the end of the fiscal year - just before Halloween. And it varies. Some years, it's close to 3. It's every year, and it exists solely as an inducement to get people to do better. But in recent years, the worst performers get about 1 and the best get about 1.5. NOT a big carrot - but - that's the union for you. They make sure no one gets "punished" for doing a lousy job. Notice they regard it as "punishment" even though it is a BONUS.
The former - I've never known anyone to get a LOT of time off - but we do often have people who will work late, work on weekends, work on their own time to meet a deadline. They work during sick time, during scheduled vacation and when the smoke settles, we get accolades from our clients and the boss says "take the week off". Or they get comp time, to take off when they want. Time off is easier to give away than bonuses.
We USED to - well some of us, who work on reimbursables - projects for outside clients who pay us - it used to be we got outright bonuses for doing a great job on a project - the whole project staff. MY project or rather the one I work on, is a whale. It brings in most of the money for the entire division, and it supplies most of the division with the money they use for EVERYTHING. Some time back - they just stopped giving us the bonuses. So a small fraction of the division brings in the lion's share of the cash - and we can't even get the money to replace staff who have left - or in some cases, died.
Again - big problem is, they don't reward good work, and they don't punish lousy work. Despite what you've heard, the pay isn't exceptional - lower pay grades get paid WELL - but higher pay grades get a little under average. So why would anyone stay? Truth is, in most professions, after middle age, you're usually not nearly as marketable as you think, and job security is more important than pay.