Your entire post is a study in bullshit. In your rambling rhetoric filled diatribe, you did not make one single coherent argument. That had to be intentional, because most people, even when they're blathering about whatever, will most often
accidentally make a point. You, however, managed to dodge that bullet with efficiency and finesse.
Seems like you, and the rest who are like you, should take your panties and heads out of your rectums.
ad hominem. Good start.
The "left" doesn't have to feed normal, rational adults anything about Trump. All one has to do is listen to Trump's own words, read his tweets, watch his actions.
No logic or evidence presented. Simple assertions with no backup or basis in reality.
Trump is unfit for the office. He is incapable of leading, period. He can't do it. He proves it every day.
Again opinion presented as fact. The closest you come to an actual argument is "he proves it every day" which is again just an assertion with nothing added to support it.
All you moronic Trumpers have is your abject fear---of everything. The brown people are coming up from Mexico to take your jobs and your women. The "Deep State" is going to steal the election. China created the virus in concert with the rest of the entire world in order to get generally poor, old uneducated white people in the US to wear masks.
A single assertion with no logic or evidence to support it, other than a cascade of sarcastic misrepresentation. Punctuated with a fresh dash of agism and racism to put a button on it.
We have the biggest economy in the world and the strongest defense and yet you people run around wetting your pants daily because the rest of the world is "taking advantage of the US".
ad hominem again with a nice snide little misrepresentation thrown in for good measure.
You people are lead around by the nose by a man who doesn't give two squirts about you, this country, our place in the world or our history.
Ad hominem, misrepresentation and opinion served up as fact.
This isn't a choice between capitalism or socialism (a word most of you people don't even seem to understand). That's just another red herring tactic used to keep you shaking and afraid.
A nice touch of irony to bring it to the conclusion. The irony, of course, being that you are pointing out a logical fallacy to wrap up an insane rant that may, quite possibly be the most densely packed compilation of logical fallacies that I have ever witnessed on this forum.
YOU and those like you are the problem.
Brilliant climax.
That was quite impressive.
Not one single fact presented. Not one single logical argument. Not one single salient point. All you did was come in here and present one of the most arrogant, self-righteous, hubris-laden and asinine diatribes that I have ever come across. Complete self-serving verbal masturbation complete with a condescending orgasm right onto your own knuckles. Your contempt and hatred of literally every single person who disagrees with you, politically, is on display, and your self-awareness is so mind bogglingly infinitesimal that you are probably one of those people who says "Love Trumps Hate" without a shred of irony in your voice and accuse those who disagree with you of being close-minded - all while you simultaneously demonstrate hatred that most of these people, whom you abhor so deeply, would be shocked at the sight of it.
So, congratulations for crafting the most disingenuous piece of **** that I have seen in a very long time. That couldn't have been easy. If there were a Pulitzer Prize for the category of sanctimonious bullshit, you would win, hands-down. Since they don't, I can only offer you this meager acknowledgement.
You earned it, my friend.