I do honor the Office... My dad taught me to honor God, Family, and Country... and if someone was going to do the President harm... I would intervene in any way I could.... but I don't like the lies.
I was an avid listener to WAVA.... for years.... and you all know I've been reading the Bible..... I just cannot understand how Christians are getting such a twisted story..... it's either
he's a pig or he's sent by a god..... it can't be both.
I don't like abortions.... to me it's like those people who fired up that statue of their god until it was white hot and they laid a baby on it and sang to cover the screams of the baby being seared to death on a hot idol. I make no bones about hating what people do to babies...
I don't like murder either.... if you stop women from having safe abortions.... they will have the abortion anyway.... it's murder if you deny a woman healthcare. Should that woman I know.... who is the mother of a preacher... who had an abortion be jailed for what she did? She's a good little Christian woman.... she raised a preacher.... she had an abortion.... she respects trump.... she says he was doing his duty when he ordered the border guards to spray pepper spray at the babies so the parents would stop coming here.
I am ProLife..... I don't want women to do away with babies.... there is always someone who would be a great parent to that unwanted child...... I don't want the women to die either..... AND.... should I add.... I don't want someone to off me just because I'm old and half blind and in the way..... now that I'm almost 70.
If we were all just kind to one another.... we wouldn't need this conversation..... but we are mean to each other... only see our viewpoint... and we might even think we are trying to "save" one another from some secret truth. A friend of mine says she had to go through therapy after finding out that her religion was fake.... she was in that church all her life... and then she learned it wasn't really what she thought it was.... she had a nervous breakdown.....
If we were just kind to one another.... we would be following the second commandment that Jesus talked about.... and that has got to be better than what we have been going through in 2020.....
Conversation requires two opinions.... and mine is probably wrong in your eyes.... but it's mine... and I have been trying to figure it out... I'm reading the instruction manual.... and so far.... yep...
he's a pig... I respect the office.... but he's a pig... just like King Saul was.....IMHO
I'll pray before I vote.... I'm already in prayer about it... and if the majority votes for him... I'll grit my teeth through another four years... if that's what God has planned.....