Why Evangelicals Are Voting for Trump


Active Member
The hatred you have for President Trump is clear. You believe what the left is feeding you, very sad for you. You really need to put hate aside and open your eyes. What you should be being clobbered with is what really matters at this time

Capitalism or Socialism

Which do you choose?

False choice.

Neither one is peddling capitalism or socialism.


PREMO Member
Not one single fact presented. Not one single logical argument. Not one single salient point. All you did was come in here and present one of the most arrogant, self-righteous, hubris-laden and asinine diatribes that I have ever come across. Complete self-serving verbal masturbation complete with a condescending orgasm right onto your own knuckles. Your contempt and hatred of literally every single person who disagrees with you, politically, is on display, and your self-awareness is so mind bogglingly infinitesimal that you are probably one of those people who says "Love Trumps Hate" without a shred of irony in your voice and accuse those who disagree with you of being close-minded - all while you simultaneously demonstrate hatred that most of these people, whom you abhor so deeply, would be shocked at the sight of it.



Well-Known Member
The hatred you have for President Trump is clear. You believe what the left is feeding you, very sad for you. You really need to put hate aside and open your eyes. What you should be being clobbered with is what really matters at this time

Capitalism or Socialism

Which do you choose?

I choose Theocracy......

Oh... please... this is a religion forum.... politics in this forum is useless..... politicians may not have to answer to humans but they will have to fess up to God..... and He already has the truth.... and they will have to defend their own record.

I don't hate the man.... Although he's been the center of attention for the past few years.... he's not been under the radar at all... he's a pig... like Saul ... a pretty boy [vain to prove it].... from a rich family who wanted to be king.... but only proved that a human can't tell God what to do. I've hated the way he treated his tenants..... his employees.... and his family.... he's made a rich spoiled brat look good since the 60's. He's a pig.... and he reminds me of a leader gone crazy.... like that no good king Saul..... what bugs me most about this whole scenario is... that would make Pence like David.... soothing Trump's crazy brain........

I think we should live like Christians........ then society would be a theocracy.



Raisin cane
I am reminded that God, throughout the Bible, used imperfect people to accomplish His plan.
God does not look for perfect people, He looks for perfect people for the job He needs done.

~ Noah was a drunk
~ Abraham was too old
~ Jacob was a liar
~ Moses had a stuttering problem
~ Samson was a womanizer
~ Rahab was a prostitute
~ David was an adulterer and a murderer
~ Jonah ran from God
~ Job went bankrupt
~ Peter denied Christ
~ The disciples fell asleep while praying
~ Paul was too religious
~ Lazarus was dead!


Well-Known Member
I wrote something like this earlier but didn't pull the trigger, I try to avoid posting in anger (sometimes successful, sometimes not so much). I couldn't believe someone that labels themselves as "SeekerofTruth" apparently relied on anonymous sources and 'feels' rather than people that were actually there and put their name out there, including Bolton. Huge credibility fail, not someone I will put on ignore but I won't waste my time reading her posts anymore.

The man says stuff in public and denies it all the time.... and since we're in the religion forum.... talking politics..... here's a morality lesson... leaders should not be saying disparaging things about the people and then lying about it later.... not only because it is a lie.... but because then it opens them up for being lied about. If it is reported that the man said it.... and he has been known to say it about others [McCain comes to mind]...... then because of his actions.... we believe it.

I want my leader to at least act like a good man.... even if he may be a lying thieving politician..... I still need to use the character of the man to decide the truth of the statements about him.... and from what came out of his mouth [check out Proverbs 13.]



PREMO Member
.... and he has been known to say it about others [McCain comes to mind] ...

McCain attacked Trump, Trump responded so what ..... McCain was loser - remember he LOST To Obama

..... we believe it.

No we don't ....... yeah Trump is immoral, a braggart and boasts and is prideful, and a phalander

I don't assume any story especially this inflammatory is the GODS honest Truth ......


Well-Known Member
From article

"Happily, one evangelical who did speak for the Trumpers happened to be Dr. Wayne Grudem, the most prolific and best-selling evangelical theologian alive and an expert on the intersection of Christianity, ethics, and politics for four decades running. Grudem recently published a list of 30 actions Trump has taken and policies he pursues that are good for America and compelling reasons for Christians to reelect him in November. Jesus 2020 evangelicals believe those actions and policies represent their values far better than do critical race theory and the divisive, race-baiting, identity politics running rampant in too many evangelical institutions the Never Trump elites lead.

Grudem also recently published a heartfelt letter received from an evangelical Never Trump friend who posed this question: “What would Trump have to do to make you stop supporting him?” Jesus 2020 evangelicals have a different, more urgent question for their Never Trump accusers: “What does the Democrat Party have to do to trigger your vocal Christian opposition?”
Abortion is not enough? Booing God at their convention is not enough? Support for admittance of biological males into girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms is not enough? Support for Marxist Black Lives Matter is not enough? Attacks on traditional marriage are not enough? Failure to support police protection of our cities from looters and rioters is not enough? Economic polies that increase dehumanizing dependence and poverty rates are not enough? Attacks on Christian businesses, the Little Sisters of the Poor, and religious liberty generally are not enough? Filling the heads of our children with critical race theory and race-baiting identity politics is not enough?

If these actions and policies are not enough to evoke reflexive recoil from the Democrat party by the evangelical elites, why not? Could it because, unlike the Deplorables, the No. 1 priority of the elites is not captured by the name on the freshly produced Jesus 2020 signs? Could it be that the non-negotiable goal of the Never Trump elites is to dissociate publicly from racism and to accomplish the necessary virtue-signaling that entails? If so, as Shelby Steele has demonstrated, that maneuver can only be achieved on the terms set by the Left and the Democrat Party because African Americans vote virtually as a bloc for the Dems. To the Never Trump elites who charge evangelical Trump voters with putting politics before the gospel, the Jesus 2020 evangelicals respond with words Jesus himself anticipated: “physician, heal thyself.”
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
that succinctly describes Transporter / Gunsmoke and Sapidus many resurrections

Somehow I think that just repeatedly saying "he sucks" is "proof" for them.

To my mind, this is like saying Tom Brady sucks. Ok, you don't like him. I get that. Lots of people do.
But - TELL ME why he sucks, because honestly, six Super Bowl rings and nine appearances would say otherwise.


Well-Known Member
From article

"Happily, one evangelical who did speak for the Trumpers happened to be Dr. Wayne Grudem, the most prolific and best-selling evangelical theologian alive and an expert on the intersection of Christianity, ethics, and politics for four decades running. Grudem recently published a list of 30 actions Trump has taken and policies he pursues that are good for America and compelling reasons for Christians to reelect him in November. Jesus 2020 evangelicals believe those actions and policies represent their values far better than do critical race theory and the divisive, race-baiting, identity politics running rampant in too many evangelical institutions the Never Trump elites lead.

Grudem also recently published a heartfelt letter received from an evangelical Never Trump friend who posed this question: “What would Trump have to do to make you stop supporting him?” Jesus 2020 evangelicals have a different, more urgent question for their Never Trump accusers: “What does the Democrat Party have to do to trigger your vocal Christian opposition?”
Abortion is not enough? Booing God at their convention is not enough? Support for admittance of biological males into girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms is not enough? Support for Marxist Black Lives Matter is not enough? Attacks on traditional marriage are not enough? Failure to support police protection of our cities from looters and rioters is not enough? Economic polies that increase dehumanizing dependence and poverty rates are not enough? Attacks on Christian businesses, the Little Sisters of the Poor, and religious liberty generally are not enough? Filling the heads of our children with critical race theory and race-baiting identity politics is not enough?

If these actions and policies are not enough to evoke reflexive recoil from the Democrat party by the evangelical elites, why not? Could it because, unlike the Deplorables, the No. 1 priority of the elites is not captured by the name on the freshly produced Jesus 2020 signs? Could it be that the non-negotiable goal of the Never Trump elites is to dissociate publicly from racism and to accomplish the necessary virtue-signaling that entails? If so, as Shelby Steele has demonstrated, that maneuver can only be achieved on the terms set by the Left and the Democrat Party because African Americans vote virtually as a bloc for the Dems. To the Never Trump elites who charge evangelical Trump voters with putting politics before the gospel, the Jesus 2020 evangelicals respond with words Jesus himself anticipated: “physician, heal thyself.”

I prefer the "pig".

When the day comes that your religious freedoms are taken away, and if you are still breathing and not strung up somewhere being beaten for your beliefs, remember that "pig" you dispised so much.

Look... the pig is buying your votes..... he's telling you what you want to hear just like the fake prophets did when God was about to let the Babylonians drag the descendants of Jacob [Israel] out of Jerusalem by a ring in their nose....

If you can't see what that pig is doing..... then maybe you should check the hardness of your heart.... and maybe you should look into the background of the preachers you are following.... because Jesus warned us that there would be a lot of fakes in the end times.... and yep... fires, floods, and pandemics do seem to point to horrific if not end times events..... all natural... all God... all the time.... no panic... just fact....

So.... this is a religion forum.... and I am praying for you.... I can say that.... I'm in a religion forum.... I am praying that those who think it's ok to spray tobasco in a baby's eyes is ok to follow..... and still claim to be a Christian.... I am praying for you...

Not a Democrat or a Republican.... I'm a Theocrat...


Look... the pig is buying your votes..... he's telling you what you want to hear just like the fake prophets did when God was about to let the Babylonians drag the descendants of Jacob [Israel] out of Jerusalem by a ring in their nose....

You realize that you just described literally every single politician in the United States, and quite possibly, the world. Right?

Not a Democrat or a Republican.... I'm a Theocrat...

While I'm a Christian and I try to follow Jesus' words as well as I can, there's a name for Theocracy.

It's called Sharia Law and I can't say that I'm on board with that.

Unless and until God Himself assumes control of the Government, I do not and will not trust men to dictate my religion, morals and/or values.
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Well-Known Member
I know this is a religion forum.... but since the politics of the day are in order today.... I am posting this.... I have a loved one who works on the COVID floor at a hospital in Southern Maryland.... she is a wonderful woman.... and she is tired...... please pray for the end of the pandemic....



PREMO Member
If you can't see what that pig is doing.....

and you think Biden is a better choice


Abortion is not enough? Booing God at their convention is not enough? Support for admittance of biological males into girls’ locker rooms and bathrooms is not enough? Support for Marxist Black Lives Matter is not enough? Attacks on traditional marriage are not enough? Failure to support police protection of our cities from looters and rioters is not enough? Economic polies that increase dehumanizing dependence and poverty rates are not enough? Attacks on Christian businesses, the Little Sisters of the Poor, and religious liberty generally are not enough? Filling the heads of our children with critical race theory and race-baiting identity politics is not enough?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Look... the pig is buying your votes..... he's telling you what you want to hear just like the fake prophets did when God was about to let the Babylonians drag the descendants of Jacob [Israel] out of Jerusalem by a ring in their nose....

If you can't see what that pig is doing..... then maybe you should check the hardness of your heart.... and maybe you should look into the background of the preachers you are following.... because Jesus warned us that there would be a lot of fakes in the end times.... and yep... fires, floods, and pandemics do seem to point to horrific if not end times events..... all natural... all God... all the time.... no panic... just fact....

So.... this is a religion forum.... and I am praying for you.... I can say that.... I'm in a religion forum.... I am praying that those who think it's ok to spray tobasco in a baby's eyes is ok to follow..... and still claim to be a Christian.... I am praying for you...

Not a Democrat or a Republican.... I'm a Theocrat...
That's not very Christian of you.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So.... this is a religion forum.... and I am praying for you.... I can say that.... I'm in a religion forum.... I am praying that those who think it's ok to spray tobasco in a baby's eyes is ok to follow..... and still claim to be a Christian....

I am sorry. Really. But it sounds like you are simply trying to justify your - there's no way to be polite - hatred. And it doesn't belong in the life of a Christian. Christians were urged to "honor the Emperor" (I Peter 2:17) even though he was (probably Nero) in no way DESERVING of their honor and respect. To respect them and PRAY for them (I Tim 2:1-2). That GOD PUT THEM IN POWER - and has the power to remove them - and you should honor what God has done even if you don't like them and they are not godly men (Romans 13:1-2).

You should not - hate. Period. Your post is rife with calling the President a pig. Even at face value a Christian is called - at MINIMUM - to pray for their leaders.

IF you believe in theocracy - you should respect what God has implemented because nothing exists on Earth wihtout his say so.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry. Really. But it sounds like you are simply trying to justify your - there's no way to be polite - hatred. And it doesn't belong in the life of a Christian. Christians were urged to "honor the Emperor" (I Peter 2:17) even though he was (probably Nero) in no way DESERVING of their honor and respect. To respect them and PRAY for them (I Tim 2:1-2). That GOD PUT THEM IN POWER - and has the power to remove them - and you should honor what God has done even if you don't like them and they are not godly men (Romans 13:1-2).

You should not - hate. Period. Your post is rife with calling the President a pig. Even at face value a Christian is called - at MINIMUM - to pray for their leaders.

IF you believe in theocracy - you should respect what God has implemented because nothing exists on Earth wihtout his say so.

I do honor the Office... My dad taught me to honor God, Family, and Country... and if someone was going to do the President harm... I would intervene in any way I could.... but I don't like the lies.

I was an avid listener to WAVA.... for years.... and you all know I've been reading the Bible..... I just cannot understand how Christians are getting such a twisted story..... it's either he's a pig or he's sent by a god..... it can't be both.

I don't like abortions.... to me it's like those people who fired up that statue of their god until it was white hot and they laid a baby on it and sang to cover the screams of the baby being seared to death on a hot idol. I make no bones about hating what people do to babies...

I don't like murder either.... if you stop women from having safe abortions.... they will have the abortion anyway.... it's murder if you deny a woman healthcare. Should that woman I know.... who is the mother of a preacher... who had an abortion be jailed for what she did? She's a good little Christian woman.... she raised a preacher.... she had an abortion.... she respects trump.... she says he was doing his duty when he ordered the border guards to spray pepper spray at the babies so the parents would stop coming here.

I am ProLife..... I don't want women to do away with babies.... there is always someone who would be a great parent to that unwanted child...... I don't want the women to die either..... AND.... should I add.... I don't want someone to off me just because I'm old and half blind and in the way..... now that I'm almost 70.

If we were all just kind to one another.... we wouldn't need this conversation..... but we are mean to each other... only see our viewpoint... and we might even think we are trying to "save" one another from some secret truth. A friend of mine says she had to go through therapy after finding out that her religion was fake.... she was in that church all her life... and then she learned it wasn't really what she thought it was.... she had a nervous breakdown.....

If we were just kind to one another.... we would be following the second commandment that Jesus talked about.... and that has got to be better than what we have been going through in 2020.....

Conversation requires two opinions.... and mine is probably wrong in your eyes.... but it's mine... and I have been trying to figure it out... I'm reading the instruction manual.... and so far.... yep... he's a pig... I respect the office.... but he's a pig... just like King Saul was.....IMHO

I'll pray before I vote.... I'm already in prayer about it... and if the majority votes for him... I'll grit my teeth through another four years... if that's what God has planned.....
