Why Greek Matters


Thought pirate
A well written cogent writing that goes beyond the normal petra translation argument.

Yes it was! Thank you for the link. I think it is important to understand literal translations across languages. Working with Mandarin, I have learned there are no literal word for word translations most times, due to the architecture of those languages. What becomes important is the messages conveyed.


Neither does it include any "branded" faith. Pretty sure it covers the articles and doctrines of the Christian faiths. Or you just hate Catholics. either way...

He lists the number of books in the bible as 66 and his statement on salvation excludes Catholicism for starters.


That's your response?

Sometimes the best arguments are the least looked at arguments. Instead of wasting my time arguing, I can take the train off its track by pointing out some simple flaws.


Well-Known Member
so he's wrong in both counts...like you

Not. 66 Books. Peter is not the foundation of any church. Mary is not sinless or a virgin, and Jesus has at least 5 siblings from Joseph and Mary, purgatory does not, or has never existed. No one can possibly work their way into heaven, out of hell, or have anyone else work or pray them into such conditions.

Just a few of the basic theological disagreements that will forever separate believers and catholics.

We've been there and done that, onel.


Bead mumbler
Not. 66 Books. Peter is not the foundation of any church. Mary is not sinless or a virgin, and Jesus has at least 5 siblings from Joseph and Mary, purgatory does not, or has never existed. No one can possibly work their way into heaven, out of hell, or have anyone else work or pray them into such conditions. Just a few of the basic theological disagreements that will forever separate believers and catholics. We've been there and done that, onel.

Promoting falsehood is bearing false witness and is a lie. Calling you out publicly right now as a liar. Let's start here:

Show me in writing from a Catholic source, that the Catholic Church teaches one can work their way out of hell. No other comment from you, just the source please. Then we will address the other error including you ridiculously labeling Catholics as non-believers.


Promoting falsehood is bearing false witness and is a lie. Calling you out publicly right now as a liar. Let's start here:

Show me in writing from a Catholic source, that the Catholic Church teaches one can work their way out of hell. No other comment from you, just the source please. Then we will address the other error including you ridiculously labeling Catholics as non-believers.

Where did Durante degli Alighieri get his concept for hell?


Hey Chucky, do you want to put your money where your mouth is like b23? Show me.

Hell Is Getting A Makeover From Catholics; Jesuits Call It a Painful State But Not a Sulfurous Place

The statements about hell this summer brought dissent from evangelical Protestants, who have a long tradition of biblical literalism.

In August the Rev. R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky., wrote a response distributed by Religion News Service. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus said sinners are cast into a fiery hell, Mr. Mohler noted. ''Evidently, hell is a punishment imposed by God, and the dire warnings in Scripture to respond to Christ in faith -- while there is time -- make sense only if hell is a very real place of very real torment,'' he wrote.


Has hell frozen over?

Church teaching has shifted away from damnation and now focuses on salvation. Is that a good thing? To a young girl attending Catholic school in the 1940s, eternal damnation was no abstract concept. “The nuns really terrified us,” says Pat Conroy, who grew up in Maryland. The list of potential transgressions—from eating meat on Fridays to missing Mass on Sundays—was long. “It seemed like almost anything was enough to send you to hell. I became so scrupulous and worried about everything I did.”


Your church teaching has shifted. My teaching doesn't shift like that because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and the Bible doesn't change.
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Yet another great example of why we Druids learned 3000 years ago to never write anything down. And for the most part never did. :coffee:


Bead mumbler
Hell Is Getting A Makeover From Catholics; Jesuits Call It a Painful State But Not a Sulfurous Place http://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/18/arts/hell-getting-makeover-catholics-jesuits-call-it-painful-state-but-not-sulfurous.html Has hell frozen over? http://www.uscatholic.org/church/2011/09/has-hell-frozen-over Your church teaching has shifted. My teaching doesn't shift like that because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and the Bible doesn't change.

I said a Catholic site as in the Catechism and you post NYT's crap. Hack.


I said a Catholic site as in the Catechism and you post NYT's crap. Hack.

My faith is not an Etch a Sketch. I know that the Emergent Church and some politicians use an Etch a Sketch but I don't.