Why I will not accept Joe Biden as president


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The media has gone on too long believing we're a bunch of mind-numb dolts, too stupid to know what we have heard or seen. We got to see all of the voting problems going on, and the media is trying to tell us that that's not what we actually saw. I'm telling you, folks are getting fed up.

GENERALLY - that's fine with me but for one reason.

When I was in middle school, I was terrible at sports. I couldn't dribble, and I couldn't catch a football - well, often. I was taller than everyone in class, and I got the wrong end of most fights, which were daily. Overwhelming consensus - SamSpade is a weakling.

So one day we were playing baseball in the park at the end of the road for gym class. Two guys on, two outs - and I'm up to bat. The other team blew me kisses and insulted me - and the pitcher tossed me a ball very lightly and from about ten feet closer to the plate.

And I erased that ball. As I rounded second I could see the caps flying off the outfielders running after the ball as they chased it into the woods, and the guys on my team were still screaming "holy SH!T" as I came home. One of the more satisfying moments of my life.

They GROSSLY underestimated me. They assumed because I had no will to fight or couldn't do a layup that I was a weakling. In reality, there was probably only one person in that class physically stronger than me. I just sucked at sports, skill-wise.

I did the same thing the next time at bat.

They forgot all about it the next day, and it was back to 'normal'.


As long as the left continually underestimates the right, we will beat them. Not always, but often enough. When you're in a battle of wits and your opponent thinks you're stupid - you have an advantage that he gave you.

I did say - "generally". The accusation of knuckle dragging Neanderthal is a bit tiresome. I'm USED to it, but it doesn't mean I like it. The constant drone of condescension does have the effect of wearing down the right - a bit. It's when they profoundly piss us off that we put it back in gear.

They're about to do this for the next two years.


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PREMO Member
sources you approve of? Or reliable sources? I am sure a reliable source wouldn’t be “hank” approved.

Generally the reason I try to find official documents rather than news sources. The NYT and Post have a long record of retractions - and ones they should have posted for outright distortions - so while they might be widely accredited, they are hugely biased on all things Trump, and to a lesser extent, all things Republican. So if they print an article about a controversial issue in politics - I also read alternate versions. I can be certain of their bias just as sure as the sun rises.

Interesting page - if you ever want to challenge a paper's bias --

Newspaper presidential endorsements, 1980 to present (noahveltman.com)

You'll notice two interesting but utterly unsurprising observations - papers like the NYT, Post, Inquirer, Detroit Free Press, LA Times, Boston Globe - among others - have NEVER endorsed a Republican for President (since 1980, but if there were a "all of history" chart, I'd bet it is the same).

The other is the "no endorsement" column. THIS time around - an enormous number of papers chose not to publicly endorse anyone. I can only guess that while they didn't endorse Trump - they weren't in for Biden either.

This is far and away the most mysterious observation about this election. While people were "with HER" last election, Hillary galvanized attention by being a woman, she didn't get a lot of enthusiasm for MESSAGE. She had none. She was a woman - a known entity - and she wasn't Trump.

Biden had MUCH LESS. He's boring as hell. Nobody shows up to see him. He had no message except doing it better the right way. His anti-COVID ideas were straight out of the Trump playbook. NO ONE could say "this is why I am voting for Biden" without including Trump. Which is why the incredible increase in votes strains credulity. Aside from the fact that you generally can't win with a "against" vote - it usually needs to be accompanied by an incentive to show up in the first place - Biden improved over Hillary's tally by 16 million votes or a 25% increase - a feat rarely ever duplicated. He also won in the fewest number of counties in history. It's weird.


Active Member
You either have to believe thousands of people conspired to change the voting results or accept the fact that Trump lost. I'm a conservative, Trump has never been one. The whole premise that the election results were fixed is hysterical but after all, this is a Southern Maryland forum.


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You either have to believe thousands of people conspired to change the voting results or accept the fact that Trump lost. I'm a conservative, Trump has never been one. The whole premise that the election results were fixed is hysterical but after all, this is a Southern Maryland forum.

Consider 2016 - you have to believe that Trump won fair and square - or that somehow a bunch of Russian hackers were able to thwart the election without actually changing any actual votes. A feat that Obama himself said was too difficult for a foreign government and that no accusation in the investigation that followed ever proposed.

And yet four YEARS later you have the likes of Hillary and others saying he was an illegitimate President - that he arrived there illegally.

So Trump cheated in 2016 - and after four years of unrelenting Trump hate - there was NO CHEATING AT ALL and everyone should just shut up and accept the outcome?

Can you SEE the difference - and why those on the right have every reason to think there WAS cheating?


Well-Known Member
I'm a conservative, Trump has never been one. The whole premise that the election results were fixed is hysterical but after all, this is a Southern Maryland forum.

:lol: Conservative?? Shirley you jest..you have the same attitude as most democrats, why didn't you just refer to 'deplorables' instead of the roundabout 'after all, this is a Southern Maryland forum. '


You got me. I don't watch much news. I watch traffic and weather together on the 8s. That's about all I need in my day-to-day.

I do, on the other hand, read the court findings read the court findings which have been the result of these efforts, including the ones which have been dismissed with prejudice. That means basically laughed out of court.

My mind is always open to something that I'm missing. Would be very interested in a transfer of knowledge.

Well, you do read news sources, because you have posted news articles. I happen to think you're full of crap! You've offered your "opinion" in several threads that don't involve the courts. Where do you get your information about any subject where you've offered your input?


Board Mommy
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I believe the problem is that the same people who investigated Benghazi and saw nothing wrong with the state department sending weapons to Isis, and the same people who investigated Hillary's email server and found nothing wrong with it, and are now holding Hunter Biden's Computer which is scheduled to disappear on Jan. 20th are the same people who refuse to look for the fraud in this election.

That's right folks, the fix is in and without the Republicans showing some courage it will stay in.


Well-Known Member
fraud or not, it's over, you people need to move on...neither Trump or Biden gives two shitz about any of us.

You may be right and neither of these people really care about us. but I believe that Trump cares about our country and Biden cares more about getting richer and getting power for the Democrats. You see Trump knows that Capitalism is the system that work for him and the country, and Biden believes he can get richer by taking bribes and promoting Socialism. Socialism is great for people in the right position and it sucks for everyone else.


Active Member
You may be right and neither of these people really care about us. but I believe that Trump cares about our country and Biden cares more about getting richer and getting power for the Democrats. You see Trump knows that Capitalism is the system that work for him and the country, and Biden believes he can get richer by taking bribes and promoting Socialism. Socialism is great for people in the right position and it sucks for everyone else.
how many other instances of bribery taking has Biden taken part in since 1973? Any examples or now that he's approaching 80 this is something new? Quite frankly, nobody cares if a small percentage of people don't accept Biden as President. Millions said they didn't accept Trump as President....meant nothing.
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Well-Known Member
how many other instances of bribery taking has Biden taken part in since 1973? Any examples or now that he's approaching 80 this is something new? Quite frankly, nobody cares if a small percentage of people don't accept Biden as President. Millions said they didn't accept Trump as President....meant nothing.

I think it is much more than a small percentage, Biden won by cheating and scraping, and getting the idiot vote, he certainly did not win with a large majority.
He will be President for a little until the California Concubine takes over. We will see what the Millions that voted for Trump will do when the Freedoms and Constitutional rights start going away, and their taxes become a much greater burden.