Often, I want to post a reply, but find to do so - to share my opinion - would be lengthy and invite rebuttal. I don't care to do either. So, in effort to provide input to this thread, I'll try to make it short and just say that it is just how I feel.
I feel that these t-shirts are just another example of taking things too far and exploiting what was meant to separate our country from others in the name of freedom. Freedom of expression. Without limits came expression without morality. Without morality comes decline as a representation of expression and degredation and so forth. Although this freedom of expression does not advocate, per se, the lyrics, the writings, the graphics and so on -- it is allowing, in some form, an increased tolerance for the behavior it represents. Psychologically, whether you want to admit it or not, the more you are exposed to something, the more it becomes accepted behavior, thus creating a monster out of this freedom while we were "sleeping".
Unfortunately, it is within human nature to be greedy. To out do, stretch things to the limits and test the boundaries of every law put in place that was put there to protect us seems to be what is all around us anymore... By pushing those said limits, it appeals to the rebellious youths, puts $$ in the pockets of the industries that make products and labels and such that produce and support all things that push those limits... Then when it comes to having to make a statement in a judicial setting, who is going to complain? The lawyers aren't... The parents are mortified - the same parents who let their children walk around in the clothing yet now want to blame the clothing on, for example, a sexual assault on their daughter...
Rambling, yes. Broke my intentions of keeping it short.. yes..
What do I think of these t-shirts? (Freudian slip - I typed T-sh!ts at first). I think that you ought to think about what you're saying when you let a child/teen etc. walk out of the house with a statement across their chest.
Should it be that way? No. But should a child have B!tch on her chest? Absolutely not. JMHO.