Why is society encouraging little girls that "brats" and "b****es" are GOOD things??


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
The little dolls in all the stores called "BRATZ." When I was younger, a "brat" was about the most offensive thing my parents could call me. It made me feel HORRIBLE.

Then I go into Spencer's a few months ago and see pillows, little tight shirts, accessories, chairs, blankets- all pastel pink, with the word "B****" printed on it in cutesy-black-writing.

And the shirts that boast "It's all about ME."

What are we teaching kids today?? Parents, what do you think of this trend?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Shakezula said:
What are we teaching kids today?? Parents, what do you think of this trend?
What has happened to you??? Didn't you used to be some screaming liberal nutball???

"It's all about me" doesn't disturb me. "B****" is juvenile but I can get past it even though I don't care for profanity on clothing. The ones I don't like are the "Pimp" shirts. I saw one chickie the other day wearing a "Pimp Me" t-shirt - she might have been 13. What the hell is her mother thinking???

In general, I don't like anything that degrades women and turns them into sex objects :hollowsoul:. And I think it's a pisspoor message to send to our young girls.


24/7 Single Dad
vraiblonde said:
In general, I don't like anything that degrades women and turns them into sex objects :hollowsoul:. And I think it's a pisspoor message to send to our young girls.
There is a model car series called Homies. They're lowered cars with large chrome wheels and come with little pimp and hooker action figures. Not a real good message to be sending to young boys either.


Those dolls are the strangest looking things. I got a few for my neice for Christmas and clothes too, but they have giant fricken heads that are too big for doll's body. :twitch: Strange

Ricky Racer

Boyz under the hood
aps45819 said:
There is a model car series called Homies. They're lowered cars with large chrome wheels and come with little pimp and hooker action figures. Not a real good message to be sending to young boys either.
Now this just isn't right....This is the aftermath from letting the pimp gangster women degrading crap rap play on the radio and be sold .

Any kind of descent human being knew that Rap was corrupting yesterdays youth, yet no one did anything...No one makes a stand anymore. :twitch:

Now look what we got homie da pimp and hooker dolls. Is this how GI Joe got replaced by Mac Daddy Pimp and Barbie got replaced by LaTeasya Tramp.

What we need to do is bring back some good old fashioned
Tar and Feathering to the type of Jack a$$ politicians that thought outlawing Rap would be unconstitutional and infringing on the freedom of speech.

Gov Brown of California spoke the truth. Quoted that the American government is so far corrupt that I as president he would not be able change anything. Short of a American revolution where the people regain control of there government, I don't see where anything else would not work.
This was his answer when asked if he was elected as president how would he change government policies after he said I can't.
It seems we don't want the truth :confused:
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Football addict
Ricky Racer said:
Now this just isn't right....This is the aftermath from letting the pimp gangster women degrading crap rap play on the radio and be sold .

Any kind of descent human being knew that Rap was corrupting yesterdays youth, yet no one did anything...No one makes a stand anymore. :twitch:

Now look what we got homie da pimp and hooker dolls. Is this how GI Joe get replaced by Mac Daddy Pimp and Barbie got replaced by LaTeasya Tramp.

What we need to do is bring back some good old fashioned
Tar and Feathering to the type of Jack a$$ politicians that thought outlawing Rap would be unconstitutional and infringing on the freedom of speech.

Gov Brown of California spoke the truth. Quoted that the American government is so far corrupt that anything short of a American revaluation where the people regain control of there government would not work.
This was his answer when asked if he was elected as president how would he change government policies after he said I can't.
It seems we don't want the truth :confused:
Wrongo! I too don't prefer rap music. You can't spell 'rap' without 'crap'. However, It is not rap music as a genre it is gangster rap and the like. Big difference.

Ricky Racer

Boyz under the hood
BuddyLee said:
Wrongo! I too don't prefer rap music. You can't spell 'rap' without 'crap'. However, It is not rap music as a genre it is gangster rap and the like. Big difference.
Did anyone say YOU G rap Rap crap..
Its all women degrading


The hamster litter reject
I guess I won't be expressing my love for the Beastie Boys on this forum anytime soon :lol: I think it is interesting how in '86 they talked about women as sex objects and now, in 2005, they talk about respecting women. Maturity or just trying to get more female fans? :confused:


Routinely Derailed
Y'all are talking about the decay of values in our society - you're seeing the results of satanic influences on our culture. It's very sad indeed and should be more than a little bit scary.


Salt Life
Railroad said:
Y'all are talking about the decay of values in our society - you're seeing the results of satanic influences on our culture. It's very sad indeed and should be more than a little bit scary.
It's a friggin' doll. :duh:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Often, I want to post a reply, but find to do so - to share my opinion - would be lengthy and invite rebuttal. I don't care to do either. So, in effort to provide input to this thread, I'll try to make it short and just say that it is just how I feel.

I feel that these t-shirts are just another example of taking things too far and exploiting what was meant to separate our country from others in the name of freedom. Freedom of expression. Without limits came expression without morality. Without morality comes decline as a representation of expression and degredation and so forth. Although this freedom of expression does not advocate, per se, the lyrics, the writings, the graphics and so on -- it is allowing, in some form, an increased tolerance for the behavior it represents. Psychologically, whether you want to admit it or not, the more you are exposed to something, the more it becomes accepted behavior, thus creating a monster out of this freedom while we were "sleeping".

Unfortunately, it is within human nature to be greedy. To out do, stretch things to the limits and test the boundaries of every law put in place that was put there to protect us seems to be what is all around us anymore... By pushing those said limits, it appeals to the rebellious youths, puts $$ in the pockets of the industries that make products and labels and such that produce and support all things that push those limits... Then when it comes to having to make a statement in a judicial setting, who is going to complain? The lawyers aren't... The parents are mortified - the same parents who let their children walk around in the clothing yet now want to blame the clothing on, for example, a sexual assault on their daughter...

Rambling, yes. Broke my intentions of keeping it short.. yes..

What do I think of these t-shirts? (Freudian slip - I typed T-sh!ts at first). I think that you ought to think about what you're saying when you let a child/teen etc. walk out of the house with a statement across their chest.

Should it be that way? No. But should a child have B!tch on her chest? Absolutely not. JMHO.


24/7 Single Dad
Ricky Racer said:
What we need to do is bring back some good old fashioned Tar and Feathering to the type of Jack a$$ politicians that thought outlawing Rap would be unconstitutional and infringing on the freedom of speech.
What I thought was weird about the Homies cars was that I saw them in Wal-Mart. The same folks that won't sell explicit language CDs.


Insert Lame Innuendo Here
You guys are kidding, right? Outlawing a whole genre of music? Satanic influences?

Nothing has "happened" to me, I guess some of my opinions are viewed as "libby" (a term I love so much) by most people on here, but I have independant thoughts and don't agree with something just because "my party" says so. :)

Anyway some rappers may sound like they're promoting drugs, careless sex, whatever. Not all of them are. I did a paper (and a lot of research) on it in college, when all this "gangsta rap" was becoming popular (about 10 years ago) and people were making such a fuss over it. Some of the rappers are trying to say it's NOT a good thing, so others will listen and not have to go through that. Some do seem to be glorifying it, but not all of them are.
example: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jayz/meettheparents.html

You get "bad" influence in any music genre. Take even country music. How many country songs are about getting drunk?... Getting into fights?... Having affairs? Casual sex?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Shakezula said:
Take even country music. How many country songs are about getting drunk?... Getting into fights?... Having affairs? Casual sex?
"Third rate romance, low-rent rendevous..."

It's not rap music that's the problem - I like a rap/hip-hoppy style. It's some of the lyrics that these dirtbags write to accompany the music that's the problem.

It always amazes me that you can turn on BET and listen to some "leader of the black community" talking about how whites have a negative stereotype of blacks and how racist and bad it is, then the next thing up is some rap video protraying black men as ghetto scumbags and black women as sleazy whores.

I just don't get it.


BET ain't the problem! It's Womens lib! What a boat load of crap that was!