Why Men Love #####es...


Im On 1.
Even Men have read this book!!!!

So I picked it up over the weekend at Borders just to see what all the hoopla is about. Its basically a book for women who are too nice and always get walked all over. (yeah thats me) I was once strong and held my own, very cocky and conceded but throughout my years each relationship has stripped me of that self worth I once had.

Im not even on chapter 3 yet and this book has helped me tremendously.

It delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands up for herself (a #####).

The reviews on Amazon give even a better perspective on how good this book is.

So here is a question: Are men drawn into stronger women or do they usually avoid them?



New Member
Qurious said:
Even Men have read this book!!!!

So I picked it up over the weekend at Borders just to see what all the hoopla is about. Its basically a book for women who are too nice and always get walked all over. (yeah thats me) I was once strong and held my own, very cocky and conceded but throughout my years each relationship has stripped me of that self worth I once had.

Im not even on chapter 3 yet and this book has helped me tremendously.

It delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands up for herself (a #####).

The reviews on Amazon give even a better perspective on how good this book is.

So here is a question: Are men drawn into stronger women or do they usually avoid them?


I prefer women of strong character. If you're looking for a lifetime partner, you would want someboby you can depend on in time emotional roller-coaster(yes men have those too).


I do not need someone who is constantly bytching about something.

I do like a gal who knows what she wants, when she wants it, and will discuss matters instead of argue.


Im On 1.
PJumper said:
I prefer women of strong character. If you're looking for a lifetime partner, you would want someboby you can depend on in time emotional roller-coaster(yes men have those too).

I was strong at one point in time. I mean I thought no woman can match up to what I was giving my man. It wasn't enough. It was like my intelligence, and the fact I made more money, had my own car, paying the bills and rent why he was living at home with mommie was an insult to him.

So they did what they did to bring me down. I wonder...how many men actually "say" they prefer a woman of strong character but when she arrives, does everything in his power to make her weak and dependant on him.


Qurious said:
why? do they insult your must have "male ego"

I know you're a MPD and all, but :killingme :killingme

I avoid b!tches because I don't want to put up with their crap, let the desperate guy take it on.


PREMO Member
Qurious said:
I was strong at one point in time. I mean I thought no woman can match up to what I was giving my man. It wasn't enough. It was like my intelligence, and the fact I made more money, had my own car, paying the bills and rent why he was living at home with mommie was an insult to him.

So they did what they did to bring me down. I wonder...how many men actually "say" they prefer a woman of strong character but when she arrives, does everything in his power to make her weak and dependant on him.
Are you having a hard time letting go?


Im On 1.
rack'm said:
I know you're a MPD and all, but :killingme :killingme

I avoid b!tches because I don't want to put up with their crap, let the desperate guy take it on.

im no MPD. but beleive what you will. :coffee:

The term b!tches in this book is used into reference with STRONG women, not the Rosanne stereotype.

And why do you feel the man must be desperate to take on a strong woman?


Qurious said:
It delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands up for herself (a #####).

Assuming that "#####" is the b-word. I have to say that Strong Woman does NOT equal #####.

I like strong women. I'm attracted to them, and I enjoy spending time with them. I married one.

On the other hand, I don't like spending time with, talking to, dealing with or otherwise associating with #####es.


aka Mrs. Giant
Qurious said:
I was strong at one point in time. I mean I thought no woman can match up to what I was giving my man. It wasn't enough. It was like my intelligence, and the fact I made more money, had my own car, paying the bills and rent why he was living at home with mommie was an insult to him.

So they did what they did to bring me down. I wonder...how many men actually "say" they prefer a woman of strong character but when she arrives, does everything in his power to make her weak and dependant on him.
:lmao: How old are you? Just curious. Real men don't need to tell a real woman what to do and how to act (and vice versus). And a real woman won't put up with no bs from her partner. There ain't no need to be a biyatch to accomplish your goals in life either. You can be confident and secure with yourself without having to resort to a biyatch attitude with others.


Qurious said:
im no MPD. but beleive what you will. :coffee:

The term b!tches in this book is used into reference with STRONG women, not the Rosanne stereotype.

And why do you feel the man must be desperate to take on a strong woman?

I was referring to the b!tchy woman, not a strong woman.

I love strong women myself, that way they can keep up. :boxing:

Since I'm REALLY set on the woman working too, the stronger she is, the more $$$$ she can bring into the household.


Stubborn and opinionated
baswm said:
I do like a gal who knows what she wants, when she wants it, and will discuss matters instead of argue.
I like em that way too! Too bad they change their minds about what they want so damn much.:lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am...

So here is a question: Are men drawn into stronger women or do they usually avoid them?

...and furthermore, I think everyone, of any of the various sexes, is drawn to strength to some degree.

My past issue has been women who turned out to be not as strong as I'd thought and my current issue is taking for granted the strength in the one I have.

I go overboard and hurt her, expecting strong to be bullet proof when she shouldn't have to expect to be strong at all let alone on guard and I often forget the strength she admired in me and get lazy which I think is two sides of the same coin.