Why Men Love #####es...


Asperger's Poster Child
Qurious said:
It delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman who stands up for herself (a #####).
I think it's ridiculous to call a strong, confident woman a #####. I think that word should be reserved for anyone, man or woman, who is demanding and impossible to please. How did the word come to be associated with strength in women?


aka Mrs. Giant
Wickedwrench said:
Yes it is! But it sure makes relationships tougher.:lol:
:lmao: Haven't you learned that a woman is always right except when she is wrong and in that case remember that a woman is always right?!?! Memorize that one and your relationships will be much happier. :eek:)


aka Mrs. Giant
Tonio said:
I think it's ridiculous to call a strong, confident woman a #####. I think that word should be reserved for anyone, man or woman, who is demanding and impossible to please. How did the word come to be associated with strength in women?
I no longer think I love Tonio - I know I love Tonio :love:


Stubborn and opinionated
migtig said:
:lmao: Haven't you learned that a woman is always right except when she is wrong and in that case remember that a woman is always right?!?! Memorize that one and your relationships will be much happier. :eek:)
Nah. When they get too tough to keep happy it's time to hang a foot in their ass and find another one.:shrug:


Im On 1.
Larry Gude said:
...and furthermore, I think everyone, of any of the various sexes, is drawn to strength to some degree.

My past issue has been women who turned out to be not as strong as I'd thought and my current issue is taking for granted the strength in the one I have.

I go overboard and hurt her, expecting strong to be bullet proof when she shouldn't have to expect to be strong at all let alone on guard and I often forget the strength she admired in me and get lazy which I think is two sides of the same coin.

Interesting.... this is exactly what Im talking about.


aka Mrs. Giant
Wickedwrench said:
Nah. When they get too tough to keep happy it's time to hang a foot in their ass and find another one.:shrug:

:really: Come to migtig - I'll train ya up right and proper :love:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
My past issue has been women who turned out to be not as strong as I'd thought and my current issue is taking for granted the strength in the one I have.

I go overboard and hurt her, expecting strong to be bullet proof when she shouldn't have to expect to be strong at all let alone on guard and I often forget the strength she admired in me and get lazy which I think is two sides of the same coin.
Quoted in case I need to refer to it at some point. :lol:

Tonio, the term "#####" referring to a strong woman was invented by weak insecure men. Larry tells me all the time that he thinks ALL men love a strong woman, but this is not the case. Weak men are attracted to a strong woman because she has something he wants. What he fails to realize is that personality traits are not transferable nor do you absorb them by osmosis.

Plus there's a sort of "conquering" thing that guys have toward strong women. Much like women might marry "up" for position and prestige, not realizing that being married to a guy with money doesn't make YOU high-class - it just makes you a trailer whore with better clothes.

So after the man realizes that his strong woman will not submit to him, he gets angry and starts calling her "#####".


Im On 1.
vraiblonde said:
Quoted in case I need to refer to it at some point. :lol:

Tonio, the term "#####" referring to a strong woman was invented by weak insecure men. Larry tells me all the time that he thinks ALL men love a strong woman, but this is not the case. Weak men are attracted to a strong woman because she has something he wants. What he fails to realize is that personality traits are not transferable nor do you absorb them by osmosis.

Plus there's a sort of "conquering" thing that guys have toward strong women. Much like women might marry "up" for position and prestige, not realizing that being married to a guy with money doesn't make YOU high-class - it just makes you a trailer whore with better clothes.

So after the man realizes that his strong woman will not submit to him, he gets angry and starts calling her "#####".


that last statement is so true!!!!


New Member
I guess I am a b*tch then. Its not as easy as people think! We have to do it all because thats what we are expected to do as strong women aka b*tches.

Who would want some whiney, wimpy woman who could not fend for herself or do anything for that matter? Why would someone want a woman who just whines that they cant do anything and just steps back to let the man do it all. My husband does not call me a B*tch, he will say "you are being a B*tch" then I will say "If I was not a B*tch we would not have what we have" That is true too! If it was not for me fighting for what is right, true and fair, we would have nothing because lets face it, you men tend to back down or just accept what you are told, we women, we fight for what we want with everything that we have. Atleast we strong women do!


PREMO Member
sinwagon said:
"If I was not a B*tch we would not have what we have" That is true too! If it was not for me fighting for what is right, true and fair, we would have nothing because lets face it, you men tend to back down or just accept what you are told, we women, we fight for what we want with everything that we have. Atleast we strong women do!
So what do you have that you wouldn't have if you were not a b****?


New Member
DoWhat said:
So what do you have that you wouldn't have if you were not a b****?

Well we would have been cheated left and right if I had been passive and let things slide. We would not have won a few money saving battles that we have won. We would not have custody of my stepson (which we have had for the past 9 years) had I not hung in there and never gave up and pushed every button under the son. My husband openly admits this too, that if it were not for me and my fighting and digging up dirt from every angle, who knows where that kid would be. Now he is a senior in highschool and no matter how old he gets.....he will always be my baby!


New Member
RoseRed said:
What kind of buttons are under him?

HAHAHA! I just saw that and was like oops! Anyway, you get the picture :razz:

At this time in his life, I don't want to know who or what lies under him....I like being deaf, dumb and blind and believing that its nothing! :angel:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
"I mean I thought no woman can match up to what I was giving my man. It wasn't enough. It was like my intelligence, and the fact I made more money, had my own car, paying the bills and rent why he was living at home with mommie was an insult to him. "

You do sound kind of biatchy to me. "I thought no woman could match up to what I was giving my man, etc. etc." Why would you date a man that lives at home with his mommy? I think maybe you want to have the one-up on guys?? Date men who actually are equal to your place in life.....JMO.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
Why would you date a man that lives at home with his mommy?
That's an excellent question. She may not be a #####, but she has low standards. And he took advantage of that and now resents it. See my previous post about how this evolves.