Why Obama is not liked

Why you do not like President Obama?

  • He is 1/2 white

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • He is 1/2 black

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • His father is not a US citizen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • His mother is a US citizen

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • He was born in Hawaii

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He was not born in Hawaii

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters


mama to two
Why you do not like Obama.

I couldn't vote because the choice that he is an arrogant, inexperienced, narcissitic, liar wasn't an option. I have posted before on this forum that I was optimistic when Obama was elected (didn't vote for him) because of his black/white heritage (which would help with racial divide), and all that hope and change stuff. Oh well. :frown: :patriot:


In My Opinion
The real reason is not there.
I dont care if he is black white or what (although he is not even 1/2 black, more like 1/16, but he works the black for all its worth)
anyway I have a problem with him most likely not being a U.S citizen and that making him an illegal president.
I have a problem with him trying to turn the U.S into a weak third world country. I have a problem with him trying to Robin Hood the working class in favor of the lazy shiftless leaches that he tends to associate with.

Neither he or his wife have any respect for this country, those that protect it, or those that built it.

F- them both. If he and his whole damn family, including his illegal relatives that are in the country were to pass tomorrow, I would not only rejoice, I would by beers for everyone in the first bar I could find.

Really is no way for me to express exactly how much I dislike him. But thats a start.


Having Fun!
It might have been helpful to have added a "fill in the blank" option. Then we could all have filled in our own...

ignorant (true sense of the word)

...and that's just off the top of my head. Let me think about it a bit more and I'm sure that I can come up with a few more (just as soon as I'm done adding all of the ones that keep jumping into my head while I'm typing this).


A proud Conservative!
Neither he or his wife have any respect for this country, those that protect it, or those that built it.

Right you are! After he gets re-elected (yes, he will because his ObamaSheep will vote for him regardless of what he says or does) - I can't wait to see what else he gives our enemies (i.e., him telling the Russia to see him after he is re-elected...) to weaken the USA - such a shame...


24/7 Single Dad
None of the above.

You must be a progressive since race is an issue with you.
Most folks here more concerned with the content of a man's character than the content of pigmentation in his skin


Well-Known Member
What is amazing....

is that his murky origins, hidden transcripts, empty appointments, Community organizing radical behaviors, associations, and pathetic senate record was available in August 2008....anybody who really cared to....could find all this accumulated garbage years ago. And only a few (myself included) seemed to care that America was choosing a dimwit, Anti Capitalist, dope-smoking Chicago punk.

Well...I can't say it enough: I told ya so.....many times.
Rush nailed it: I was right along side the mantra: "I want him to fail"...and thus hopefully save the country.
*He wanted that debt much higher...
*He wanted to demoralize the military...
*He wanted to cripple our fossil fuel resources...
*He wanted to reward international cronys and dump buckets of cash into the third world...
*He wanted to welcome Acorn into the Whitehouse
*He wanted to breed hatred to those who "don't pay their fair share"
*He wanted to openly support the anarchists & radicals of Occupy Wallstreet
*He wanted to take over our Healthcare system
*He wanted to get the blind loyalty of millions of illegal aliens and get voting rights restored to felons.
*He wanted to infringe on the 1st & 2nd Amendment.
*He wanted to see Islam grow here in America, while Christianity get muzzled.

He tried and had partial success on some of these things: We will have to work very hard to undue the damage this punk has done.
I told ya so...Aug 2008.


Why you do not like Obama.

I deleted my earlier thread, but I think you posted in it something about me spreading the hate. Was that you or am I mistaken? Really wish I hadn't deleted it now, just didn't want anyone else to get butt hurt over it.


New Member
I deleted my earlier thread, but I think you posted in it something about me spreading the hate. Was that you or am I mistaken? Really wish I hadn't deleted it now, just didn't want anyone else to get butt hurt over it.

It was an image of the sickle and hammer over an American flag.
I found that offensive.
We are still America and not a communist country.
(The USSR is no longer due to Ronny.)

So it got me thinking why do forum members hate Obama?

Next poll will be why you love Romney.


mama to two
is that his murky origins, hidden transcripts, empty appointments, Community organizing radical behaviors, associations, and pathetic senate record was available in August 2008....anybody who really cared to....could find all this accumulated garbage years ago. And only a few (myself included) seemed to care that America was choosing a dimwit, Anti Capitalist, dope-smoking Chicago punk.

Well...I can't say it enough: I told ya so.....many times.
Rush nailed it: I was right along side the mantra: "I want him to fail"...and thus hopefully save the country.
*He wanted that debt much higher...
*He wanted to demoralize the military...
*He wanted to cripple our fossil fuel resources...
*He wanted to reward international cronys and dump buckets of cash into the third world...
*He wanted to welcome Acorn into the Whitehouse
*He wanted to breed hatred to those who "don't pay their fair share"
*He wanted to openly support the anarchists & radicals of Occupy Wallstreet
*He wanted to take over our Healthcare system
*He wanted to get the blind loyalty of millions of illegal aliens and get voting rights restored to felons.
*He wanted to infringe on the 1st & 2nd Amendment.
*He wanted to see Islam grow here in America, while Christianity get muzzled.

He tried and had partial success on some of these things: We will have to work very hard to undue the damage this punk has done.
I told ya so...Aug 2008.

To read your post in black and white (no pun intended) is a sobering reminder of what is really going on with Obama'a presidency; all the fragmented thoughts put back together. The puzzle pieces fit. Some think this is made up crap, but it is the truth. I am trying not to be scared, but, I pray to God that Obama is not re-elected. :patriot:


It was an image of the sickle and hammer over an American flag.
I found that offensive.
We are still America and not a communist country.
(The USSR is no longer due to Ronny.)

So it got me thinking why do forum members hate Obama?

Next poll will be why you love Romney.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
is that his murky origins, hidden transcripts, empty appointments, Community organizing radical behaviors, associations, and pathetic senate record was available in August 2008....anybody who really cared to....could find all this accumulated garbage years ago. And only a few (myself included) seemed to care that America was choosing a dimwit, Anti Capitalist, dope-smoking Chicago punk.

Well...I can't say it enough: I told ya so.....many times.
I was one of those ringing the Obama warning bell. Still have some of my research on Obama links saved on my web browser from back then.


A proud Conservative!
is that his murky origins, hidden transcripts, empty appointments, Community organizing radical behaviors, associations, and pathetic senate record was available in August 2008....anybody who really cared to....could find all this accumulated garbage years ago. And only a few (myself included) seemed to care that America was choosing a dimwit, Anti Capitalist, dope-smoking Chicago pun...

Sorry Hessian but a ton of American Citizen's still rely on what MSNBC, ABC, NBC, and the other ObamaMedia for their daily news. Needless to say - those very same news outlets refused to print what was already documented about Obama. At one time - those very same news outlets would print the truth - now they only print news that slants in their political beliefs... Unfortunately, all the normal media outlets are Liberal's and refuse to print anything that reflects negatively about Obama. Therefore, a majority of our Citizen's haven't a clue what the ObamaGang really stands for...and votes accordingly. Such a shame...


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
It was an image of the sickle and hammer over an American flag.
I found that offensive.
We are still America and not a communist country.
(The USSR is no longer due to Ronny.)

So it got me thinking why do forum members hate Obama?

Next poll will be why you love Romney.
The should be a much easier poll to write.
1 He's not Obama


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's interesting that you posted those particular responses to your poll. Is that what you think, that people only dislike Obama because of his race or nationality?


aka Mrs. Giant
It's interesting that you posted those particular responses to your poll. Is that what you think, that people only dislike Obama because of his race or nationality?


I don't care for his policies. I don't have any personal beliefs that seem to concur with any of his.

I was optimistic, to a small degree, when he was elected. I admit, he actually worried me, because of the fervor that people had for this unknown man with an unknown record. However, hey he can't be any worse than any other guy, right? Wrong. So wrong. I think he seriously went sideways with his world tour. Degrading America to our "enemies" and insulting our "allies", meanwhile he wasn't at home doing anything he'd promised.

Let's see - he promised to close Gitmo. He promised to bring home all our troops in the middle east. He promised a transparent government. Ummm...yea.

And instead of really rolling up his sleeves and working on what was becoming a HUGE problem, ie the economy, he went on another world tour. Then when he came home, he went golfing. And whenever anything drastic happens, he's found on the golf course. He never has working vacations, like other Presidents. He actually goes on vacation. Or he sends his wife on some serious money costing to the taxpayers vacation. Then when our country is getting desperate - oh look let's get involved again in the middle east and get rid of cuckoo Quadaffi. Really? Finally - he decides he's going to work on the economy, by ramming his health care plan through - or we are all going to die - to a huge detriment to the economy. Even Clinton knew that it wasn't a wise idea.

So now, we are drowning in debt. Our president gets us deeper in debt. He disrespects our country and our troops. He disrespects the average working person. He promised open and transperant government, but he hides records. He plays us all for fools and his way of uniting America is to serve up dissention and anger - between races, between the sexes, and between the working classes.

His administration has been one of anger and deceit. He has been worthless as a representative of our country and worthless as a leader. A leader unites us all, not divides.

None of that is about color and none of that is about where he was born and none of that is about anything you listed.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
None of the above.

You must be a progressive since race is an issue with you.
Most folks here more concerned with the content of a man's character than the content of pigmentation in his skin

Having lived the past 16 1/3 years in Illinois, I can assure there is no content to this character.