Originally posted by Tonio
Good point, Frank. I think you answered your own question with your first sentence. My perception is that most of the door-to-door Christians do pull the "you're going to hell because you don't believe what we believe" crap. It gets people upset because it comes across as "Ha ha, we're going to heaven and you're not!"
Not always (BTW - SamSpade is just "Frank at work"). I had some folks come to my door, and all they wanted to was invite me, let me know it was *there*. Of course, they did also want to get to know me, yada-yada. It turns out I was thinking about joining a church. I took their card, and a year later, I went. One time. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't what I was looking for either.
I know all about this - this was my daily routine for close to ten years. Yeah, the friendship angle may be just a come-on to wangle your way into their life, but the fact is, I thought I was helping people. When people said 'no', we took it at that. *Sometimes* we'd press if our gut instinct told us 'no' meant 'not right now'.
YES, we thought we were saving souls. But if you really grasp the point of Christianity, it's not a judgment on your character. Your average person buys into a works mentality that says "you're going to hell because you're WICKED" when that's not true. Goodness or badness hasn't a thing to do with salvation. If it did, we'd ALL be screwed. It has to do with how good Jesus is, because we all start our lives headed to hell to begin with. That's why it's "salvation".
It doesn't help anyone's case to say "yeah, I'm a Christian, I'm saved, please get the hell off my property, a**hole!" because truth be told, you couldn't possibly be Christian any more than you are Santa Claus. Christians don't treat their brethren that way.
So if you're NOT a Christian, I can understand why they're annoying. But consider this - if you ARE a Christian - and THEY are - isn't the Christian thing to do is to welcome them into your home? They're fellow believers. And if you think YOU are - and they aren't - isn't it STILL the Christian thing to do, to welcome them in?
I do the one thing I can do, and wish done to me, should I be in their shoes, because I *was* in their shoes. Thank them politely, and wish them well, and say no thank you. If they press further, they don't have your best interests in mind.