Why solicit Religion?


New Member
Originally posted by Frank
I'm only bothered if they try to pass judgment on me and tell me I'm hell-bound. Otherwise, they're no worse than kids selling Girl Scout cookies or someone stumping for a political candidate. I don't know why people get so upset about religion. If they went door to door telling you about Zen Buddhism or Taoism, I think a lot of people would stop and listen out of curiosity. If they were Jews proselytizing, I think some might be curious, or even if they were Muslims, I think people might ask questions. Why is it that if it's Christian, do people get all upset over it? Geez, most people don't even go to church at all - why is it such a big deal if someone advertises about it?
I would think, that it is because christianity is the only religion that condemns you eternally for not believing in it IMHO:cheers:


New Member
Originally posted by PFgal
I don't like to be solicited, especially at home, about buying any product, service, or religious speeches (this includes telemarketers). But...one thing to consider is that several religions have to go door to door or get out in the community and preach the word - so it's not really their personal doing, other than they believe in their religion just like anyone else does. Part of the belief is to make others aware, and they have to do that. So...I normally just tell them thank you but I'm Catholic and happy with that. What does bother me is that they had their foot in the door and wouldn't leave after you requested them to. That's the disrespectful part. I mean, I can handle a booklet, small speech, etc... - but once I say no, I mean it.

If they had their foot in the door that is a terrible thing, and I agree with you. A person's faith should be respected, and, I understand it is a part of christian doctrine to evangelize, fortunately I have never had a problem with someone like this knocking at my door, If I have the time I welcome them in and listen to what they have to say and exchange questions. Last summer two Mormons came by, it was a very hot day. I welcomed them into my home and offered them cold sodas. I don't think they had been treated very well all day and they were very thirsty, even though I did not share their religious beliefs it felt sort of good doing something nice for someone, even though I didn't have to..... now yesterday, a nicely dressed young man in a suit came by offering a deal on PaPa John's Pizza, a lot of free coupons for $26.00, If I wasn't so jaded, I 'd have taken the offer.:cheers:


New Member
Originally posted by PoliticalAnlyst
Christians are formally charged with the task of spreading the Gospels to all who will listen. Unfortunately, some people believe this means that they are responsible for going the distance and converting people when in fact they are not. As such, they may tend to be overzealous in their words and actions. Unfortunately, they do not realize that no one is going to sway another person to their way of thinking by denegrating them (well, maybe a few people here in the forums think that way). But, all people are in different phases of their spiritual growth and this is something that they must learn for themselves.

I tend to respect their faith and their courage as expressed by their ability to go to a complete stranger's door and talk to them about God and Jesus. I would not have the courage to do this. Keep in mind that, regardless of their delivery, their intentions are good. As such, you might want to cut them some slack. One day, everyone will have to account for their lives. So, you might want to lean on the kind side of life as opposed to the cruel and harsh. And if you don't believe in eternal life, maybe you believe in Karma-what goes around comes around. If you don't believe in either, look me up after we're both physically dead. We'll discuss it in more detail then :)

I like the way you think:cheers:


New Member
Re: I've never done door to door...

Originally posted by Hessian
I believe our church invites guests to fill out a welcome card and if they check the box"I would like to hear more..." then somebody will call and schedule a visit. Most of the time a kindly pastoral letter says "Thanks for visiting..."
There ar some in my church who are major tract pushers but they do not wish to offend so they back off if faced with an abrupt NO.

My neighbor is devoted JW but he is so screwed up from Vietnam, Drugs, or Racism that he's almost incoherent when trying to push his quirky version of the Bible.

My POINT: Times have seriously changed....I feel sorry for those churches that have to send out the pairs weekly or even the ones that promote the annual "REVIVAL" tent meetings which likely should have faded away in the 1940's.

I would much rather see churches reaching out with socials, sponsoring community events, picnics, and filling in where people slip through the cracks (IE "Christmas Angel" gifts for families of prisoners,...help for families of service personel based overseas...help for teen pregnancy crisis centers.--that is where faith converts into action.)
I tutored in a Max sec. prison for four years....not the Bible either...just GED prep-it was worth it.

I've never understood the term "Revival" as it applies to christinaity, to me, IMO, if something as important as this is grasped their should never be a need to "revive" it, if there is, there was never a point in following it in the first place?:cheers:


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by jeneisen
I guess I just don't understand why they feel they have to invade our homes. We work all day, come home and don't want to be bothered. I enjoy my peace and quiet. I have the call block on my phone for telemarketers, my number is unlisted, and I think that I shouldn't have to wonder if my door bell rings if I am going to be hassled. I will admit, I am not a deeply religious person, but I do have my beliefs, and no matter what any pamphlet or anyone says they cannot change that. So why try? Thats like trying to get a pro life person to have an abortion. Its just not going to happen. I believe there are some things you keep private in life. Finances, religion, and some politics. If I choose to exercise any of those I will do so at my convience.

I understand what you are saying, and sometimes get frustrated too. Granted I don't know what church came to visit, but you have to sympathize with the people that do this. My church actually has men 19 years old, and women 21 leave home for two years, and this is all they do. They are not allowed to work, watch TV, read newspapers etc... When missionaries come to the door, I tell them I'm not interested, but if they would like to rest for a minute or two they are welcome to visit. GRANTED some of them take this the wrong way, and feel I can be converted if they stop by every week, at which point I can no longer be Mr Nice guy, but mostly they understand that is a friendly christian gesture on my part, even if nothing more then a glass of ice water while standing in the door. They are always getting doors slammed in their faces, yelled at.. a SMALL gesture would be remebered for a LONG time.


I bowl overhand
.. or like my dad does. When the Mormon Missionaries come by he asks them in for a cold beer.


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by darkriver4362
Lol are they not allowed to drink?

Depending on how "hard-core" Mormon they are.. No they can't drink.. alcohol, coffee or tea.. some take it farther and won't drink ANY hot drink... or any Caffeinated beverage.. only Sprite Seven-up and SOME root-beers.. milk.. etc... SOME even go so far as not eating ANYTHING with Chocolate in it.. no candies.. not chocolate birthday cakes.. etc.. (chocolate has caffein in it)

They can't smoke or partake of ANY tobacco products..


Well-Known Member
but mostly they understand that is a friendly christian gesture on my part, even if nothing more then a glass of ice water while standing in the door.
When people say "that's the Christian thing to do" Are they saying Christians do more good things than others? Christians are better people than those of other beliefs?


I bowl overhand
Originally posted by willie

When people say "that's the Christian thing to do" Are they saying Christians do more good things than others? Christians are better people than those of other beliefs?

Well, if I were Muslim or Jewish or Buddhist I'm sure I would say that's the jewish, buddhist or Muslim thing to do.. but I'm not.. so anything I do would be the christian thing to do.. Or the Bob thing to do...


Well-Known Member
I've never heard that type of statement used by anyone but Christians. I only mention it as it sounds a bit arrogant to me.


Originally posted by willie
I've never heard that type of statement used by anyone but Christians. I only mention it as it sounds a bit arrogant to me.

I agree. I think the phase of choice should be 'that it is the human thing to do', as anything else would be inhumane. As US citizens, assuming we don't have our heads in the sand, we should all be familiar enough with a variety of cultures and religions to know that Christianity has no corner on the market for good deeds and best behavior.


Originally posted by willie
When people say "that's the Christian thing to do" Are they saying Christians do more good things than others? Christians are better people than those of other beliefs?

No no no.

Typically this is something that is said to christian children by their parents or other christian authority figure. It is not said in the spirit of "Look how good WE are, and look how BAD everyone else is".

It is rather said in the spirit of "Don't do that, because we are Christians and we strive not to behave like that, cuz Jesus would disapprove."

Not arrogance.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Toxick
No no no.

Typically this is something that is said to christian children by their parents or other christian authority figure. It is not said in the spirit of "Look how good WE are, and look how BAD everyone else is".

It is rather said in the spirit of "Don't do that, because we are Christians and we strive not to behave like that, cuz Jesus would disapprove."

Not arrogance.
What is typical is interviews with people on TV or newspaper after a good or bad incident (fire rescue or murder) and so often they say it was or wasn't a Christian thing to do. Keeping it to lectures to your children is fine but in public, it is arrogance.


New Member
Anybody know if it's true that if you have an American Flag posted outside your house it will ward off the Jehova's Witnesses? I've heard that, and I know they won't say the pledge, etc. so I just wondered if anyone has ever been accosted by them despite having a flag in the yard or on the house.

If so, this will be my next home improvement project b/c I had my first visit about a week ago. It must be the season . . .


Originally posted by Desdemona
Anybody know if it's true that if you have an American Flag posted outside your house it will ward off the Jehova's Witnesses? I've heard that, and I know they won't say the pledge, etc. so I just wondered if anyone has ever been accosted by them despite having a flag in the yard or on the house.

If so, this will be my next home improvement project b/c I had my first visit about a week ago. It must be the season . . .

Let me know if it works please:crazy: