I'm Rick James #####!
By what standard? Crime is up significantly, especially violent crimes. Middle Eastern women are routinely abused by our standards. Asian women and children are still grossly abused routinely. What do you base your statement that people are treated better on?An ABC news poll conducted in 2002. Granted, the numbers may have changed slightly, and certainly this poll of a few thousand was a smaller cross section than the census. I don't see a huge difference conceptually between upper 70s and lower 80s when we're talking 300,000,000 people. Let's split the difference and say "around 80%".Including the census, I agree. There are many idiots out there that say things different than the truth for no real reason.
By ANY standard. You think crime is HIGHER now than it was a couple hundred years ago?! Shoot, even in this country there was no real organized police force (and thereore little deterrent for criminals) until the 1800's if I recall correctly.
Do you think middle eastern women had a BETTER life 50 years go? 150 years ago? How about American women? Were they better off 50 years ago? 100? Hell they couldn't even VOTE in this country until 1920!
Yes horrible things still happen all around the world. But as a whole people ARE better off now than at any other time in history. And conditions are steadily improving. With each generation individuals have more right's, more prosperity, higher standard of living, more education, etc.
And the world IS more secular now than at any other time in history.
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