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"I'm totally prepared to believe the Bible is wrong if you can show" me life developing and transforming into the several billion different ways that it did through mere happenstance.
That is fair. If man is able to create life from non-living matter, then you are prepared to believe the Bible is false.
Let me make it easier. Many people here have asked for proof of God. Prove God does NOT exist. Disprove my theory. Without your disproof, it's no less acceptable than your theory.
Two things - one, I stated no theory, and you have attempted to place me on a "side" in a debate I have not taken sides on. You might guess, but you'd probably be wrong.
Secondly - scientifically and logically, it is impossible to prove the NON-existence of something. Scientists don't do that - they're merely skeptical about things that are not proven. You can do this in mathematics (i.e. prove there is no highest prime number) but that's about it. And the case I used only works because it contains the seed of its own disproof. First cause is similar and actual works to disprove God, because no matter how far back you go, you're facing infinity. It'l like that lady who insists the earth is sitting on the back of a giant turtle. When asked "pray tell, what is the turtle standing on?" and she snaps "don't be so smart young man, it's turtles all the way down".
You can DISPROVE the non-existence of something by citing ONE case of existence. You can DISPROVE a theory by showing one case where it fails. You cannot PROVE something doesn't exist, because you cannot be everywhere, everytime. Nor can you find a way to do that. I can't prove there's no Bigfoot or Roswell aliens, but I can PROVE it if I can produce ONE.
As I said - I don't believe faith and science are antagonists by necessity. I don't live my life believing in the love of my wife and children by proving it in experimentation. I have "faith" in those, although I have anecdotal evidence to support it. Much of my life is conducted by faith, because I don't want to have to live each day that way.
I consider proofs that God doesn't exist to be about as rational as ones that Santa Claus does not exist. Proving the non-existence of something is not science.