Why women hate me for being beautiful


Lawful neutral
Samantha Brick on the downsides to looking pretty: 'Why women hate me for being beautiful' | Mail Online

On a recent flight to New York, I was delighted when a stewardess came over and gave me a bottle of champagne.

‘This is from the captain — he wants to welcome you on board and hopes you have a great flight today,’ she explained.
You’re probably thinking ‘what a lovely surprise’. But while it was lovely, it wasn’t a surprise. At least, not for me.

Throughout my adult life, I’ve regularly had bottles of bubbly or wine sent to my restaurant table by men I don’t know. Once, a well-dressed chap bought my train ticket when I was standing behind him in the queue, while there was another occasion when a charming gentleman paid my fare as I stepped out of a cab in Paris.
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Well-Known Member
Samantha Brick on the downsides to looking pretty: 'Why women hate me for being beautiful' | Mail Online

On a recent flight to New York, I was delighted when a stewardess came over and gave me a bottle of champagne.

‘This is from the captain — he wants to welcome you on board and hopes you have a great flight today,’ she explained.
You’re probably thinking ‘what a lovely surprise’. But while it was lovely, it wasn’t a surprise. At least, not for me.

Throughout my adult life, I’ve regularly had bottles of bubbly or wine sent to my restaurant table by men I don’t know. Once, a well-dressed chap bought my train ticket when I was standing behind him in the queue, while there was another occasion when a charming gentleman paid my fare as I stepped out of a cab in Paris.

Another time, as I was walking through London’s Portobello Road market, I was tapped on the shoulder and presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers. Even bar tenders frequently shoo my credit card away when I try to settle my bill.

And whenever I’ve asked what I’ve done to deserve such treatment, the donors of these gifts have always said the same thing: my pleasing appearance and pretty smile made their day.

While I’m no Elle Macpherson, I’m tall, slim, blonde and, so I’m often told, a good-looking woman. I know how lucky I am. But there are downsides to being pretty — the main one being that other women hate me for no other reason than my lovely looks.

If you’re a woman reading this, I’d hazard that you’ve already formed your own opinion about me — and it won’t be very flattering. For while many doors have been opened (literally) as a result of my looks, just as many have been metaphorically slammed in my face — and usually by my own sex.

I’m not smug and I’m no flirt, yet over the years I’ve been dropped by countless friends who felt threatened if I was merely in the presence of their other halves. If their partners dared to actually talk to me, a sudden chill would descend on the room.

She's cute, but not as much "all that" as SHE thinks she is. JMO


Surely you jest ...
If she thinks so, guess its so. *shrugs* Personally I don't see wheres she is all that. I've seen prettier at WalMart right here in SM. Without make-up and enhancements.

I myself could howl at the moon, but I do have a great interior. :whistle: So don't love me just because I'm not competition. That's just not right... just not right I say.



I feel her pain. It sucks being so damn attractive. It is the first thing people latch onto and they don't realize my awesome mind.


Well-Known Member
If she thinks so, guess its so. *shrugs* Personally I don't see wheres she is all that. I've seen prettier at WalMart right here in SM. Without make-up and enhancements.

I myself could howl at the moon, but I do have a great interior. :whistle: So don't love me just because I'm not competition. That's just not right... just not right I say.


There are the rare few who are a "total package"; looks, brains, personality etc.; but let's face it; people are first judged based on appearance; which is why I put "looks" first.
You could be 5 feet tall and 250 lbs. but be the "nicest" "sweetest" person in the world, but for the most part, outer appearance will dictate how you would be looked at/treated. Sad, ain't it?


Well-Known Member
I think she's delusional. I demand proof of any of these alleged occurrences. I smell male bovine excrement.

And I'll bet that her name isn't really Samantha, it's Shirley. As in "Shirley you can't be serious."


Well-Known Member
I think she's delusional. I demand proof of any of these alleged occurrences. I smell male bovine excrement.

And I'll bet that her name isn't really Samantha, it's Shirley. As in "Shirley you can't be serious."

I'm guessin' a LOT of people are saying something similar.
This :drama: might just be looking for her 15 minutes.


There are the rare few who are a "total package"; looks, brains, personality etc.; but let's face it; people are first judged based on appearance; which is why I put "looks" first.
You could be 5 feet tall and 250 lbs. but be the "nicest" "sweetest" person in the world, but for the most part, outer appearance will dictate how you would be looked at/treated. Sad, ain't it?

No, not really. If you don't take care of yourself it says a lot about the type of person you are. I'm not saying you have to be super hot, but a clean, neat, well taken care of apperance makes up for a lot.

In other news, I was shocked how god awful that girl was.....If I would have seen her picture without the article I probably wouldn't have thought twice of it, just an average looking person. But reading the article that goes along with it, just makes her that much worse.


Well-Known Member
No, not really. If you don't take care of yourself it says a lot about the type of person you are. I'm not saying you have to be super hot, but a clean, neat, well taken care of apperance makes up for a lot.

In other news, I was shocked how god awful that girl was.....If I would have seen her picture without the article I probably wouldn't have thought twice of it, just an average looking person. But reading the article that goes along with it, just makes her that much worse.



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I am tired of denying it and acting like the longing stares, overt flirting and brazen propositions don't happen because of my extreme attractiveness.
Are you telling me that you don't look like Muttley?


Surely you jest ...
There are the rare few who are a "total package"; looks, brains, personality etc.; but let's face it; people are first judged based on appearance; which is why I put "looks" first.You could be 5 feet tall and 250 lbs. but be the "nicest" "sweetest" person in the world, but for the most part, outer appearance will dictate how you would be looked at/treated. Sad, ain't it?

Very sad indeed. Just another form of prejudice in this world. I can't put looks, color, or any esthetics before who a person is inside. If I had a list though I don't think looks would be first. That's just me though. What God gave us we must learn to accept and have more time to work on an inner core.

I guess that's why there are so many Beautiful houses with nobody home. :)



I'll take a plain Jane over Miss I'm so beautiful any day of the week. Used to be married to that. Nice to look at, but that's where it ends.