Why women hate me for being beautiful


Well-Known Member
OMG! I feel her pain and know exactly what she's going thru. I was at a restaurant the other day and went to leave, this very handsome man chased after me and when he finally caught up to me......he handed me the bill.

I was in line waiting at the STS stop and was approached by a gentleman. He said I had the lovliest eyes he had ever seen, then he wanted to borrow $ 2.00 for busfare.

And not too brag.........but I've been contacted by a Nigerian Prince who wants to give me millions of dollars. Dont hate me cause I'm beautiful.


Well-Known Member
OMG! I feel her pain and know exactly what she's going thru. I was at a restaurant the other day and went to leave, this very handsome man chased after me and when he finally caught up to me......he handed me the bill.

I was in line waiting at the STS stop and was approached by a gentleman. He said I had the lovliest eyes he had ever seen, then he wanted to borrow $ 2.00 for busfare.

And not too brag.........but I've been contacted by a Nigerian Prince who wants to give me millions of dollars. Dont hate me cause I'm beautiful.

Have a few screwdrivers with your Froot Loops this morning, did ya?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
She's full of crap. She's not cute enough to have guys notice her like that and shower her with gifts.


Dream Stealer
I'm thinking that perhaps other women "hate" her because she is completely conceited and delusional:killingme not because of her "beauty"..but of course, I know several women like this, and people leaving negative comments on her article/pic will certainly only serve to feed her delusion..she will keep telling herself everyone is a "hater" and her beauty is intimidating.

true story..my stepsister is morbidly obese, and furthermore looks like my stepdad 100 lbs heavier and in a halter top :twitch: but to talk to her or see her myspace..you would think she is a vs secret model. I have become convinced over the years it isn't even just false bravado to cover low self esteem..she totally believes it. so, more power to her..I went through a long time being overly self conscious when I was a teen..and frankly I was hot. I could have used a little of her extreme confidence :killingme so it's totally likely this women truely believes she is an uber hottie, and perhaps mistakes normal kindness for overt sexual attention, and embellished a little for an article.

I, personally, have no problem accepting a free drink while I am out, but anything more than that would make me uncomfortable and unable to accept.


no longer CalvertNewbie
She's full of crap. She's not cute enough to have guys notice her like that and shower her with gifts.

That's for sure! And ya know what's really unattractive? People who are off their much needed psych meds - this chick is clearly delusional! :crazy:

nobody really

I need a nap
I feel her pain. It sucks being so damn attractive. It is the first thing people latch onto and they don't realize my awesome mind.

Yeah, having lunch with you is a pain. All the attention you get. Then there was that one chick.....:killingme

I'm just surprised the reporter felt compelled to even write the article. She isn't much to look at.


Dream Stealer
I'm thinking that perhaps other women "hate" her because she is completely conceited and delusional:killingme not because of her "beauty"..but of course, I know several women like this, and people leaving negative comments on her article/pic will certainly only serve to feed her delusion..she will keep telling herself everyone is a "hater" and her beauty is intimidating.

true story..my stepsister is morbidly obese, and furthermore looks like my stepdad 100 lbs heavier and in a halter top :twitch: but to talk to her or see her myspace..you would think she is a vs secret model. I have become convinced over the years it isn't even just false bravado to cover low self esteem..she totally believes it. so, more power to her..I went through a long time being overly self conscious when I was a teen..and frankly I was hot. I could have used a little of her extreme confidence :killingme so it's totally likely this women truely believes she is an uber hottie, and perhaps mistakes normal kindness for overt sexual attention, and embellished a little for an article.

I, personally, have no problem accepting a free drink while I am out, but anything more than that would make me uncomfortable and unable to accept.

what'd I tell ya? :killingme


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking that perhaps other women "hate" her because she is completely conceited and delusional:killingme not because of her "beauty"..but of course, I know several women like this, and people leaving negative comments on her article/pic will certainly only serve to feed her delusion..she will keep telling herself everyone is a "hater" and her beauty is intimidating.

true story..my stepsister is morbidly obese, and furthermore looks like my stepdad 100 lbs heavier and in a halter top :twitch: but to talk to her or see her myspace..you would think she is a vs secret model. I have become convinced over the years it isn't even just false bravado to cover low self esteem..she totally believes it. so, more power to her..I went through a long time being overly self conscious when I was a teen..and frankly I was hot. I could have used a little of her extreme confidence :killingme so it's totally likely this women truely believes she is an uber hottie, and perhaps mistakes normal kindness for overt sexual attention, and embellished a little for an article.

I, personally, have no problem accepting a free drink while I am out, but anything more than that would make me uncomfortable and unable to accept.

OMG, what's your stepsister's name, because I think I know her! :killingme


I saw this story on a bunch of different tv shows last night, nothing positive, I'm sure today she is still stinging from the high horse she fell off of. I think the message got across that she's not all that, especially when she heard it from some men.