Why Women Want Nice Guys Now


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'll admit to this when I read or watch "The Outsiders"! :drool:

How about Sons of Anarchy? All the girls are crazy about Jax and I'm like, if that punk started sniffing around my daughter they'd never find his body.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Not me. If my girlfriends don't like him and I can't take him home to meet my folks, he's a catch and release.

(shrug) What can I say? Most women I've known, including almost all of those in my extended family - if they're smitten over some guy, their friends and family can all go pound sand.

Until it's over, the friends and family roll their eyes and wonder when the NEXT bad boy shows up.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
I just saw this :oops: You still have my heart ;)

I Love You Heart GIF