We can talk about The Crusades. :shrug:
I think the word "Crusade" was banned after 9/11. I believe the proper term is now "The War of Western Aggression."
We can talk about The Crusades. :shrug:
Umm, yeah, ok. Like I said, salvation by grace. *Your interpretation* is on your side; I could easily say the bible is on my side as well, but it's really *my interpretation* of it. Until you get this through your head you're going to come across a lot of opposition. Stop being proud. I'm guessing you know what the bible says about pride, right?
As far as my interpretation goes, Paul is here speaking specifically of the Jews in Romans, and that puts things into a different light now doesn't it.
Btw, I never said work was faith. I said they go hand-in-hand because of grace.
Of particular concern to Paul were those to whom this letter was written—those in Rome who were “loved by God and called to be saints” (Romans 1:7).
I can't believe it took you this long to post something from Houdmann the Hereric's website!
Paul was addressing Christians and referring to Jews. The verses before that clarify. It's not a hard concept to understand, or at least I didn't think so.
Are you flat out rejecting salvation by grace? Or, are you just trying to convince me and other Catholics that we believe something we don't?
As far as I know not one Catholic has left their faith by people like you attacking it; however I am aware of a couple people who have inquired about Catholicism after reading our explanations of it. So, what can I say? Keep up the good work and thank you for allowing us this opportunity to present our faith more fully. Cheers!![]()
Then maybe they will meet the real Jesus.
Then maybe they will meet the real Jesus.