Wow, too much muck and mire to wade through individually. I will say this:
1) Catholics are saved through grace by the merits of Jesus Christ. Through that grace comes both faith and works. Frankly, if I were to say I'm saved simply because I believe, then I'm placing my salvation on myself, and that in and of itself is a "work" is it not? People might want to think about that.
2) Non-Catholics may very well be saved, we typically don't usurp the judgment of God. It's pretty obvious who goes around saying who is and isn't saved on this forum, and it isn't the Catholics.
3) Catholic "concepts" are biblical, none of this ludicrous 100 years bulljive that b23 wants to spit out just because he interprets scripture passages differently and makes himself his own authority (as does Chuckie and every other evangelical etc). Catholicism started in Matthew 16:18. I've said it before and will apparently have to repeat myself -- if it were not for the Catholic Church spreading the word of God, then you wouldn't even have a bible.
Thank you, that is all...for now...but be assured I can back up what I say, and I have a lot more to say if necessary.