Wildcard Weekend, Round 1 of Playoffs


PT dropped out of the playoff picture. He said he has been to busy to even watch football. So I put BuddyLee in.

BUDDYLEE empty your PM box.. :smack:


Well-Known Member
gumbo said:
PT dropped out of the playoff picture. He said he has been to busy to even watch football. So I put BuddyLee in.

BUDDYLEE empty your PM box.. :smack:



Football addict
gumbo said:
PT dropped out of the playoff picture. He said he has been to busy to even watch football. So I put BuddyLee in.

BUDDYLEE empty your PM box.. :smack:
Yessum masta'.


Well-Known Member
Trent Green couldn't hit a bull in the a$$ with a bass fiddle!!!! Where in God's name is Damon Huard. For Crissakes, even Len Dawson's gotta be at the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lem Putt
donbarzini said:
Trent Green couldn't hit a bull in the a$$ with a bass fiddle!!!! Where in God's name is Damon Huard. For Crissakes, even Len Dawson's gotta be at the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There was a completion for you! :lmao: :killingme

I love it!


New Member
Note: I haven't read all of the previous posts.

Herm Edwards just coached the worst game by a playoff coach I have ever seen. Clueless from the start. Obviously, they did not watch any tape from the Steelers playoff game last year.

Last year...everyone anticipated the Steelers trying to shove it down the throats of the Colts. (Keep in mind, the Colts actually had a decent run D last year). What did the Steelers do? Knowing that Indy was worried about the rush, they came out passing like madmen. Using the pass to set up the run.

So...,KC...with LJ...come in...and what do they do?

They come out running..into the defense geared up to stop it. And then they fold. Give it up.

LJ: 13 carries...all game. 13!?!?!

They deserved to lose. Idiots.

Indy can enjoy this one victory. They're toast (again) next week.


Kerad said:
Note: I haven't read all of the previous posts.

Herm Edwards just coached the worst game by a playoff coach I have ever seen. Clueless from the start. Obviously, they did not watch any tape from the Steelers playoff game last year.

Last year...everyone anticipated the Steelers trying to shove it down the throats of the Colts. (Keep in mind, the Colts actually had a decent run D last year). What did the Steelers do? Knowing that Indy was worried about the rush, they came out passing like madmen. Using the pass to set up the run.

So...,KC...with LJ...come in...and what do they do?

They come out running..into the defense geared up to stop it. And then they fold. Give it up.

LJ: 13 carries...all game. 13!?!?!

They deserved to lose. Idiots.

Indy can enjoy this one victory. They're toast (again) next week.

Yup !!!! Toast !!!!!!


Lem Putt
Isn't the idea of having a hottie on the sideline supposed to be that she is actually a hottie? Why is Andrea Kremer out there?


Actually they probably should put a guard on him so Parsells doesn't kill him. :lol:
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Lem Putt
Pete said:
Now that was a freaky game. I wonder if Romo will have a suicide watch on him?
No kidding. I think he didn't take his helmet off because he was hiding his tears.

The sad part is that Romo got them to the playoffs, but he also got them out of the playoffs.


The Cow-Gals get to go home for the year ! :cool:

They are only good for one thing ! to beat the schkinz !

aye, captain kirk, the "red" deflector shields are now vunerable to attacks......


Lem Putt
Pete said:
Actually they probably should put a gueard on him so Parsells doesn't kill him. :lol:
I blame Parcells for having his starter as his holder. Didn't Romo become the starter around week 8? Isn't that enough time to train a different holder?


MMDad said:
No kidding. I think he didn't take his helmet off because he was hiding his tears.

The sad part is that Romo got them to the playoffs, but he also got them out of the playoffs.
Even after he effed up the hold if he would have held the ball when he was tackled on the 1/2 yard line it would have been 1st and 10 Dallas. Dallas tries to punch it in a couple times and kicks a FG and wins. When he fumbled ONTOP of flubbing the hold he became a double goat.

Gramatica is the guy Parscells should kick. If he had blocked #27 for a nano second longer Romo scores a TD.

My heart is broken for Romo and the Cowboys.........NOT!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
BuddyLee said:
You hit your 8 pointer but just lost your 2 pointer.
And Larry lost his 8 pointer and got his six pointer, correct? So I'm ahead, I think. And I have to beat Larry and go against Firebrand if I do?