Will Our Pets & Animals Be In Heaven?


one day the dark will end
First of all, this is just a discussion; so you don’t have to defend anything. I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you; I’m simply pointing out what our bible tells us about salvation and that animals don’t seem to be included.

Second, the OP didn’t NOT ask for any particular input. I provided mine based on what you posted. Just as you have your take on this, I have mine. As Christians, don’t we still have to recognize certain facts of our faith? I was just throwing my thoughts at you to consider.

Lastly, if other cultures/beliefs run contrary to our faith we MUST reject them. It may make us feel better believing dogs go to heaven, but if it isn’t true, then what have you really accomplished? To me it’s just like infant baptism. Some folks believe infant baptism is necessary in order to ensure the child is saved. There is nothing biblical about this at all. It’s my opinion that this just makes the parents feel better about making sure their child (in the event of death) goes to heaven.

Salvation (going to heaven) is a conscious choice we have to make on our own. No one can do this for us. Can animals make this decision? Perhaps they are without sin and don't require a savior as we do. Salvation is something provided to humans. Does this mean animals wont go to heaven (or some form of heaven)? I have no idea; but the bible doesn’t speak to this. Throughout history animals have been USED for a bunch of different purposes to suit man’s needs. That even includes companionship. I believe that’s why they were put here. Beyond that, it’s a complete guess as to whether they are saved or not.

What you are saying, then, is that you do not believe an infant/child goes to heaven when they die?
Then were do they go if not to heaven?


I definately think they go to Heaven. I most certainly would hope God is the loving God and our Father and He would let us reunite with our pets. :smile: I lost my cat of almost 15 years Sampson, Saturday. I'd know he is some place comfortable waiting for me. :smile: He's in God's hands now. :smile:


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Well-Known Member
I definately think they go to Heaven. I most certainly would hope God is the loving God and our Father and He would let us reunite with our pets. :smile: I lost my cat of almost 15 years Sampson, Saturday. I'd know he is some place comfortable waiting for me. :smile: He's in God's hands now. :smile:

Awww. so sorry for your loss. I know how bad it hurts and it does give some comfort to think they will be there waiting for us. I know my girl will be, she was a better person as a dog than I was as a person.


Awww. so sorry for your loss. I know how bad it hurts and it does give some comfort to think they will be there waiting for us. I know my girl will be, she was a better person as a dog than I was as a person.

After I posted I gave it more thought. I think it depends on how important your pet was to you... like those that you consider a part of the "family". Like my goldfish, no probably not... but my cats that I treated as family, yes. The guy that chains his dog out to a tree 24/7, maybe not. I think God knows who is special to who on the animal scale and how much their hearts were invested in their animals.:buddies:


What you are saying, then, is that you do not believe an infant/child goes to heaven when they die?
Then were do they go if not to heaven?

I’m not sure how you came to this conclusion. One thing I have stated over and over in this forum is that WE (other people) cannot and do not determine anyone’s salvation. We read over and over how certain people – because of their religious practices – aren’t saved or going to heaven. No matter what we THINK about others and their practices we do not determine their salvation.

I should have been clearer on infant salvation. For people that can’t make a conscious decision about being saved, only God makes that decision. Baptizing a child does not ensure their salvation. In fact, it’s those that believe infant baptism is necessary believe that if they aren’t baptized they aren’t saved. I don’t believe that at all. It’s up to God and only God.


one day the dark will end
I’m not sure how you came to this conclusion. One thing I have stated over and over in this forum is that WE (other people) cannot and do not determine anyone’s salvation. We read over and over how certain people – because of their religious practices – aren’t saved or going to heaven. No matter what we THINK about others and their practices we do not determine their salvation.

I should have been clearer on infant salvation. For people that can’t make a conscious decision about being saved, only God makes that decision. Baptizing a child does not ensure their salvation. In fact, it’s those that believe infant baptism is necessary believe that if they aren’t baptized they aren’t saved. I don’t believe that at all. It’s up to God and only God.

So animals can go to heaven, as it is up to God, and only God.
And there is no reason for baptism at all, esp infants and children.

I am not sure who your "WE , (the other people)" is, perhaps you can enlighten me to your group, sect, denomination (etc) where such beliefs are shared.
And what would those religious practices be that prevent people from being saved and going to heaven... "We read over and over how certain people – because of their religious practices – aren’t saved or going to heaven. "
Isn't that up to God?
How can you read about such people not being saved when you yourself admit that no matter what your group of "we" think about others and their practices "we" do not determine their salvation.

So what is the point of baptism?
A waste of water or a disposing of a Sacrament?
(I was baptized as an infant, as was everyone else in my church family.
Sad to think that you tell me my belief is wrong and my church is wrong).

To sum all this up, you believe that only God can determine who is to be saved and let into heaven. That being so, animals have the ability to go to heaven, as it is up to God, and only God.

I believe my pets souls will go to heaven, as they are creatures, created by God, and they have not sinned!


one day the dark will end
After I posted I gave it more thought. I think it depends on how important your pet was to you... like those that you consider a part of the "family". Like my goldfish, no probably not... but my cats that I treated as family, yes. The guy that chains his dog out to a tree 24/7, maybe not. I think God knows who is special to who on the animal scale and how much their hearts were invested in their animals.:buddies:

Great thought!!! I think you are right about this!!
I think it is about love. The love we feel is a gift from God, and what we hold special and loved is special and loved by God in return.

1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.


So animals can go to heaven, as it is up to God, and only God.
And there is no reason for baptism at all, esp infants and children.

I am not sure who your "WE , (the other people)" is, perhaps you can enlighten me to your group, sect, denomination (etc) where such beliefs are shared.
And what would those religious practices be that prevent people from being saved and going to heaven... "We read over and over how certain people – because of their religious practices – aren’t saved or going to heaven. "
Isn't that up to God?
How can you read about such people not being saved when you yourself admit that no matter what your group of "we" think about others and their practices "we" do not determine their salvation.

So what is the point of baptism?
A waste of water or a disposing of a Sacrament?
(I was baptized as an infant, as was everyone else in my church family.
Sad to think that you tell me my belief is wrong and my church is wrong).

To sum all this up, you believe that only God can determine who is to be saved and let into heaven. That being so, animals have the ability to go to heaven, as it is up to God, and only God.

I believe my pets souls will go to heaven, as they are creatures, created by God, and they have not sinned!

Are you trying to spin everything I post in order to just argue with me? First you come to some wild conclusion that I said infants don’t go to heaven at all (never said it). Now you’re concluding that I said there is no reason for baptism (never said that either).

First of all, baptism is NOT necessary to be saved. However, Jesus commands us to do it because we must do all that is right in the eyes of God. But nowhere in the bible does it say you must be baptized in order to be saved. If I accept Christ as my Lord and Savior and die moments later before being baptized, certainly you have to believe I am going to heaven. So baptizing an infant does not ensure their salvation. Suppose an infant is baptized – assuming that baptism saves the person – and they grow up later to never accept Christ as their Lord and Savior; are they saved and will they go to heaven? I mean, under the belief that the act of baptizing will ensure they go to heaven they should be saved at any and every point of their lives, right? No! We – each individual – must make the decision to accept Christ.

There is a thing called the ‘age of accountability’ – the age in which someone actually becomes responsible for their decision to be saved (in God’s eyes). I think it’s safe to say that an infant cannot be held accountable for making the decision to accept Christ. So, at what age does someone become accountable? What about someone that is severely mentally handicapped? Can they ever be held accountable?

As individuals, we determine our own salvation, once we reach the age of accountability. We cannot and do not determine the salvation of others, even infants or those that can’t that decision for themselves. As I said, if we baptize an infant and they person grows up to be able to make that decision to for themselves, and never makes that decisions, what happen to that baptism? Is it erased? Or are they always saved because the parents made that decision for them when they were infants?

We have to conclude that children are, to a certain degree, innocent of being responsible from making the decisions and their salvation is in the hands of God.

As for animals, I don’t believe God offered them salvation in the same way He offered us salvation. Perhaps it’s because animal aren’t capable of sin and don’t need to be saved. God doesn’t talk about this. I don’t believe and I don’t NOT believe one way or the other whether animals go to heaven. If you believe it, I am NOT telling you it’s wrong to believe this. I’m just saying God doesn’t really address this with us, and I don’t know one way or the other. I do know God tells us that everything put on this earth was put here for our use.

As selfish as it may sound, I am more concerned with getting my life in order and my own salvation than to worry about whether animals go to heaven. I'll leave that stuff up to God.


Surely you jest ...
After I posted I gave it more thought. I think it depends on how important your pet was to you... like those that you consider a part of the "family". Like my goldfish, no probably not... but my cats that I treated as family, yes. The guy that chains his dog out to a tree 24/7, maybe not. I think God knows who is special to who on the animal scale and how much their hearts were invested in their animals.:buddies:

IMHO I don't think God would pick and choose, if any are there I'm sure they all are. So with that said... I'm pretty darn sure they all are. :)



The Pope says yes.

In a recent address at the Vatican, Pope Francis issued a statement that is sure to comfort those of faith who have lost a beloved pet. He stated that all animals go to heaven.

"The Holy Scriptures teach us that the realization of this wonderful plan covers all that is around us, and that came out of the thought and the heart of God," Francis was quoted as saying by the Italian News site Rsapubblica. "Heaven is open to all creatures, and there [they] will be vested with the joy and love of God, without limits."

Read more at http://www.dogheirs.com/elleng/post...-heaven-says-pope-francis#ktXyRepCa7bdW0hu.99


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pope be like, "Okay...sure...your dog can go to Heaven. Goldfish, no. Hamster, no. Cat, uh, hellz no. But dog can go."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Okay, changed muh mind - hamster and goldfish can go. Cat...okay, fine, cat can go. Still thinking about pet alligator."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Fine, alligator can go. But if you have a pet Bull Shark it cannot go, and that's my final answer."


New Member
Every dog and cat I have known was a better being than most humans I have encountered either online or in person. I agree with Will Rogers, if they are not invited to heaven tell me where they are and I will go there instead.


New Member
Odd, given that heaven is a spiritual realm and animals do not have souls nor are made in the image of God that I know of. However, when everything is consummated and all of creation experiences redemption and the new heaven and new earth are formed... it does say that the lion will lay down with the lamb.