Yes we would. Because you libs have wanted to impeach Trump from the day he announced his candidacy. In fact, if Trump had said "I feel responsible for what happened", you liberals would be using that as even more ammo against him: "you see, he admits to ordering his Trumpster soldiers to commit insurrection. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!"
But, the fact of the matter is, I showed you in his own speech that he called for a PEACEFUL march to the capitol, and that means nothing to you. You people and your foaming hatred for anything-Trump cannot be reasoned with. You're like a cackle of hyenas that can't control themselves in front of an animal carcass.
You seem pretty unhinged.
Calling numerous times for for his followers to "stop the steal". But then after saying " I'll go with you" in a tiny voice saying "peaceful" does not absolve him of blame. His entire presidency he blamed everyone but himself for everything. He made democrats and the media and many members of his own party the enemy in your eyes because he knew that was the only way to keep you in line. If you listened to past presidents, the media, government officials, scientists, doctors you would quickly see Trump was and is a charlatan. He turned you against everyone and everything and in many cases family and friends.
And now a lot of these supporters are waking up realizing they have lost everything for a man who thinks they "are low class" and wants nothing to do with them and used them for his own purposes.
That's like a parent beating a child for months and months and then saying but you know i love you right and this is for your own good?
Just like you can be held responsible for what ensues after you scream "fire"in a crowded theater where there is no fire Trump is a grown man and was well aware that he was lying to his followers for months and should be held accountable for that.